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Socoder -> Wednesday Workshop -> #085 - The Three Colour Challenge

Tue, 30 Jan 2007, 16:51
Wednesday Workshop #085 : The Three Colour Challenge
Time until Deadline

Week : 31 January 2007
The Reason : StealthSPC's suggestion.

The Challenge : This week, you can use no more than 3 colours per frame. Other than that, you're free to make any kind of game you'd like.

Extra Info
Should be easy enough!

Weekly Rules/How to Enter
You have until Tuesday Night/Wednesday Morning 00:00 BST to submit your levels. ^ See Deadline Link! ^

Wed.Workshop is at SoCoder.co.nr. If you can read this, you're probably already there!

Stick your entry underneath this post, leaving a link to your exe or the source of your game, or whatever. (I'll get round to allowing uploads sometime, honest!)

If you can't figure it out, or have a really rubbish server, send it to Jayenkai@Gmail.com and I'll stick it straight onto the SoCoder (Official Wed.Workshop) site.

Entries will be collected during the week, and entered into next week's voting. (If there are any entries..)
All entries will be entered into voting which will take place if there's more than one entry..

Please try to keep all entries within small file sizes. 2Mb is the average maximum for files.
Additional Rules are available at the SoCoder (Official Wed.Workshop) site, under the list of previous workshops.

Last Week's Games
Lots of entries! Yeay!

HoboBen and Magicman got us to dodge boxes, Svrman made us run whilst Green and... Well, I kinda went overboard..

Which game wins, You decide!!
Comment on the entries, and don't forget to leave votes.
The game with the highest rating at the end of the week is declared the winner.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 06:01
Are we counting black as a colour?
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 06:10
yes, of course!

3 colours, no more..

(and I don't mean, several thousand shade of red, blue and green, either!)

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 06:20
Black is the absence of colours... but fair point. This means that we have to waste a whole precious third of our palette on the background, but I suppose that'd be part of the challenge of it.

blog | work | code | more code
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 06:21
What if we only use three colours, but I drew them with a different alpha value? Does that count as only three colours?
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 06:25
If the colour shows up differently onscreen, then yes, otherwise no.

|edit| No.. Wait... I wrote that wrong.. If yes different, then no use, is no different then yes use.. ! or something.. Bah! |edit|

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 10:43
"hoboben" Are we counting black as a colour?

"Jay" yes, of course!

Well I guess my entries disqualified then though technically black isn't a colour, its a lack of it

Anyway I made a puzzle game. As you will see if i removed one of the colours then the game wouldent be much fun.

Can you beat the Hiscore?
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 10:58
The problem with this game is that it very quickly gets to a stage where you run out of moves (usually by the time you've scored about 20). This very quickly becomes irritating.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 11:01
You sure? Thats never happened to me yet.... I guess I'll test it a bit more.
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 11:12
Well I played the game though three times and never did I once come close to running out of possible moves. Also i am not sure what you mean by having scored about 20. Do you mean after 20 moves?

The squares can be as big as you like not just 2*2. And they can have any colour squares inside them, only the corners have to be the same colour.Does that solve your problem? The highest score you can get is when the corners of the grid are the same colour, then you get all tiles in one move.

I figured the hiscore was a bit high though so i set it down to 2000.
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 11:28
very nice but I have some problems. First I don't like the fact you cannot do squares made of squares larger then 2x2 (like a 3x2 square). Second I should be able to receive a multiplier on long lines. If I managed to get rid of 8 blocks, I should receive a multiplier giving me way more points then simply 2 sets of 4 blocks. Otherwise where is the incentive?
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 11:33
Yeah you can get 3*2. You can make rectangles, my bad I used the word square when I meant rectangle.

You can get blocks of more than 2*2. You can get the entire grid in one move if the corners are all the same colour. I guess I will have to rewrite the instructions.

Only the corners need to be the same colour. Tiles inside the rect can be any colour.
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 11:36
Ah yes, I didn't realise that. I see now. That has fixed it. Thanks.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 11:39
Okay I updated the rules on the title screen hopefully there wont be any more confusion

@diablosdevil: the bigger the rectangle the more points you get. EG: 2*2=4 points, 4*3=12 points, 10*8=80 points, etc
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 12:38
Okay I recoded it for 3 colours including black. It uses symbols instead of colours, and is quite a bit harder, though not as nice.

Fri, 02 Feb 2007, 04:09
Wow. I should've read the instructions first, because I was confused for a while

But, I liked this game. I'm not normally into puzzles, but maybe this could be redone with cute graphics?

Imaginative title too!

blog | work | code | more code
Fri, 02 Feb 2007, 06:34
Thanks, I like this game too the title isn't really all that original though, because the games just a simplified version of this flash game Znax.

I might add bonuses and stuff to my game just to give it a little something different.
Tue, 06 Feb 2007, 15:29
heres mine, its not much, but i like the player snake thing...

Stuff... Yeah...
Tue, 06 Feb 2007, 15:49
Nice to see another entry. The snake was cool, looked more like a giant sperm to me. The feel of the contols was nice and the game was fun play
Tue, 06 Feb 2007, 15:58
heh, thanks. i like yours to! about the sperm thing, i thought that to, at least i didnt make it white!

Stuff... Yeah...
Tue, 06 Feb 2007, 16:53
Workshop over!

Two entries, both rather fun.
Last week's vote results were as follows..

Dotty : 87.5%
Super Roadster : 87.5%
Avoid the Crap : 75%
Bucketfull of Numbers : 68.7%
Rolly Polly Bally : 62.5%
Drop a Bomb : 50%
Red Light, Green Light : 33.3%
Captcha tha Flaaag : 16.6%

The joint winners are Super Roadster (Jayenkai) and Dotty (HoboBen). Well done to all who entered.

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