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Socoder -> Basic Basement -> GamePascal

Sun, 01 Dec 2013, 11:02


Object Pascal (Delphi level 7 syntax)
Powered by SDL2
High-level game engine on top of SDL
Cross-platform (Win32, Win64, Macos and Linux)
Bytecode & Native code generation
Light-weight customizable IDE (GamePascal Develop)
Syntax Highlighting
Code Completion
Code Templates
Source Level Debugging
Plus much more…

Thanks for your consideration.

Look like Pascal Programming Language
Sun, 01 Dec 2013, 15:26
Where is the language so that I can see the syntax that is used.

Sun, 01 Dec 2013, 15:30
It looks like its a brand new site. Well laid out
Tue, 03 Dec 2013, 20:49
Still in alpha, so risk of becoming vaporware. Not sure why anyone would pay for yet another Pascal when mature & stable FreePascal is already out there, with SDL binding. Now also supports Android.
Thu, 05 Dec 2013, 09:36
Yes GamePascal is still in alpha and will be for a bit until I am confident that it's stable to move to beta then to a stable release. Unless there are no unforeseen circumstances it will get developed. This is my goal.

That is a very good question. My response would be this: The nice thing about development in this day and time is that we have so many great choices. We can choose what ever works for us and fits our development style and preferences. If FreePascal + libs works for you then that is great, but what if it does not? Then it is great to have other choices. People dare to create something new and different because there needs maybe different. This brings about innovation which allows us developers to have the wealth of choices that we have today.

I desire GamePascal to be among these choices and you can help make it so. We value everyone's opinion and contrasting points of view. Your feedback will help make it a better product. Again, which is my goal.

Someone posted on one of the sites where GP is mentioned that "Real programmers do not use Pascal" and there was a reply to that saying "Real programmers use whatever tools they need to get the job done." So true, so true.

GamePascal is based on the Object Pascal language with a syntax level to that of Delphi 7.

To everyone else:
Thanks for your comments and your continued support. We look forward to your feedback.


Jarrod Davis
Owner/Technical Director @ Jarmar Games
Thu, 05 Dec 2013, 10:04
"Real programmers use whatever tools they need to get the job done."
Indeed. The end result should be all people care about, and every different language means there's a few more people who will feel comfortable learning to code!

Welcome aboard, Piradyne!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 05 Dec 2013, 15:00
Thanks. Glad to be part of the community.

Jarrod Davis
Owner/Technical Director @ Jarmar Games
Thu, 05 Dec 2013, 20:47
NICE! Thanks very much.

I plan to have three API layers... raw SDL2 at the lowest level, then a middle layer on top of this to abstract away SDL into a simple and elegant API to make it very easy to get started. Next there will be a high level OOP framework (actors, entities, FSM etc) that will allow you to build your projects in an OOP way. The developer is free to use any level desired (or in combination). It will be all about giving you choice.

Just finished integrating product activation that ties in with the web store I've added to the site. I'm going to start testing this soon. If anyone wish to help with this, just register at the site and I will contact you when I'm ready to test. Paypal will be in sandbox mode which will allow you to go through the full order process without actually charging your CC. You will then be able to activate/deactivate your license. More info soon about this.

Again thanks guys I appreciate your comments and continued support.

Jarrod Davis
Owner/Technical Director @ Jarmar Games
Mon, 09 Dec 2013, 23:23
This is a short video showcasing the integrated context sensitive HTML help. It turned out the be a little more bothersome to get working than I anticipated. Now I just have to finish working on the documentation.

Jarrod Davis
Owner/Technical Director @ Jarmar Games
Sat, 21 Dec 2013, 06:01
1. GamePascal AstroBlaster Demo
2. GamePascal IDE - Update #5 Video
3. New build soon.

Jarrod Davis
Owner/Technical Director @ Jarmar Games
Sun, 29 Dec 2013, 11:01
This is how I made the integrated help system in GamePascal.

Jarrod Davis
Owner/Technical Director @ Jarmar Games
Fri, 03 Jan 2014, 23:14
Opps... did not get the post notice. Thanks bro. How are you doing?

I posted a bit of into about JetEngine, which is the advanced 2d game engine that will be part of GamePascal. So now you get SDL2 and at a higher level, JetEngine (procedural & oop). Some cool features include the ability to load your resources from a password protected zip file, even stream your music from zip. PolyPoint collision detection, can render via hardware large images (breaks them up into textures and stitches them together on run). Lots, lots more.

Jarrod Davis
Owner/Technical Director @ Jarmar Games
Sat, 04 Jan 2014, 06:18
Sounds great #

It's getting better with every update.
Sat, 04 Jan 2014, 11:58

May be interested in my post on frame-based timing in JetEngine.

Jarrod Davis
Owner/Technical Director @ Jarmar Games
Mon, 06 Jan 2014, 17:59
We've released version 1.0.4.Alpha.

Jarrod Davis
Owner/Technical Director @ Jarmar Games