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Socoder -> In-Development -> AGameAWeek Progress Report

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Wed, 14 May 2014, 08:35
Bloody menus!!!
Spent about an hour making the menu do a little scroll, so it fits better in widescreen resolutions, then got the "Start" button working.
Next, started doing multiple-round stuff, at which point I realised I needed a seperate stat tracker for keeping track of scores and wins and coins and things.
*sigh* so much work!!!

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Wed, 14 May 2014, 13:14
all the games that you have made.....was code in Play My Code that you been doing?
Wed, 14 May 2014, 14:10
This is a list of games I've made in PlayMyCode.
My current games are being created using Monkey-X

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Wed, 14 May 2014, 14:25
You have lots of games idea or making games and how do you managed that in short space of time?

Did you do brain storming like a pieces of paper and pen write your game idea down on what going look like or did you code em in(at the same time thinking on what you can do on the screen!)?

Wed, 14 May 2014, 14:31
No planning, just code! Most of the time, I have no idea what the end result might be. I just keep tweaking things until something appears.

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Wed, 14 May 2014, 16:57

Well Done
Sat, 17 May 2014, 11:49
Spent all day working on the "Menu/Game/Score/Game/Score" gubbins. I think I've got it all working properly now, but I'll have to stress test it to ensure everything's working as expected.


Now to finally get onto making a shop!!

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Sat, 17 May 2014, 15:57

View on YouTube
Things are getting a little more Kaboom'y, now, with added Sounds thanks to BFXR!

AI's almost stable, but still slightly dodgy in areas. Need to keep tweaking it.
Round counting is in, although it doesn't currently reset like it's supposed to. (eg, if someone wins, then you start afresh, everyone's scores are still there!)

.. But that's all down to the fact that I've got 2 arrays for the players. One for "Per Round", and one for the whole game.. (so each player resets at the start of a round, but carries through their score.)
I've simply forgotten to reset the "carry-across" array at the start of a new game.


Next up (he says, about a week after initially saying it) I really, really oughta get started on that Shop menu thingy..

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Sun, 18 May 2014, 06:06
If you have access to an OUYA, and have a whole bunch of controllers working for it (or just want to try out the game, as it currently is!) I'd love some feedback on the current version, and whether or not it plays nicely with different controllers and things.

You can Grab the .apk here, and have a play.
Whilst on the Battle Menu, hit O/A on another controller to add it to the mix, or U to remove it.

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Mon, 19 May 2014, 14:58

Aaaah, functionality over design!!

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Tue, 20 May 2014, 04:57

A marginally nicer titlescreen.

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Wed, 21 May 2014, 09:48

Alt Theme #1 sucks... But it'll do!!

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Wed, 21 May 2014, 11:02


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Wed, 21 May 2014, 18:16
The complete set.

6 themes. Each one no more than 5 sprites.. Solid Block, Destructable Brick, and 3 additional half-destroyed brick sprites. .. So, really just 2 sprites, and a bunch of random dithering!!
Floor is a separate solid-color filled rectangle.

Simple, but effective.

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Thu, 22 May 2014, 11:04
When's JNK Bombers being released?, Gimme-Gimme-Gimme!
Thu, 22 May 2014, 11:07
I was planning on Tuesday 27th.
But it might be later on tonight!! I need to triple check my Windows Controller code, first, and see if the OUYA edition passes review.

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Thu, 22 May 2014, 13:27
Sun, 25 May 2014, 01:52
In order that I keep up my monthly OneGameAMonth stats, I've had to quickly cobble together another "Platdude in" game, within the past couple of days.
Today, I uploaded "Platdude in a Tube.. on a Rocket.. Going very Fast.." to OUYA Review.

It's a very obvious little minigame, and it's nowhere near up to the usual "Platdude in" standards, but .. bugger it.. it's not bad for a couple of days work!

Game's due out by Tuesday, and I'm off for a lie down!!

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Mon, 26 May 2014, 10:43

View on YouTube

Things I love about this video.
1. He REALLY enjoys it
2. He knows the names of practically all the characters. The only ones he doesn't know are those who haven't yet appeared on OUYA!
3. Right at the end, he does a quick flick through all the characters, and even manages to sing the jingle for Sheepy!! Bloody 'ell, I knew people were enjoying Sheep Goes Right, but to have actually remembered the jingle!!!? Yikes!!!

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Tue, 27 May 2014, 15:48
Pretty sure I know where this game's headed, but I'm allowing it to take any random direction it wants to go in!

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Wed, 28 May 2014, 17:37

Unnamed space warrior man's great big gun just got colourful!

(May be named Ace Paceman, for the sake of familiarity, but his spacesuit's significantly different!!)

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Thu, 29 May 2014, 07:15
I like the looks of it, mixing it up a little bit is always good

Lava Monkey
Thu, 29 May 2014, 08:21
Ace Paceman strikes again?
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