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Socoder -> In-Development -> AGameAWeek : Year 7 : Part One

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Wed, 07 Jan 2015, 13:11
After what has been a, quite frankly, ludicrous amount of time between coding games, I'm back to business..
I stopped coding at the end of November, and although I've been working on enhancements, tweaks and other bits and pieces, I've not actually coded any games.
That's a long time, especially for me!

Today, I started off, as I usually do, with a random control scheme and no real gameplay objective in mind.

Here's how it looks, so far.

No idea if this'll turn out to be fun to play, but I will at least try my best to make it vaguely decent.

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Wed, 07 Jan 2015, 13:47
Cool lightning effect! How has the new framework been coming along?

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 07 Jan 2015, 14:31
New framework is "mostly" ready.
I've implemented quite a lot of the online scoreboard stuff, but there's LOADS left to do. I've temporarily disabled a lot of it, without it causing issues, so over the next few weeks I should be able to finish it off.
Once done, it should be a simple case of going back and copy/pasting a few lines of code between the older versions.. .but at least if I can't be arsed, they'll not be broken!!

So, some things seem a bit odd, like how the slidey thing doesn't do much other than show credits, but that's done for future features..
It's all up to a working standard, and ..
.. Well.. Honestly.. Nothing is really noticable to the player!!

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Thu, 08 Jan 2015, 02:36
I need to get back into it too - like you Jay, I haven't done anything since my Advent Calendar which was released at the very end of November.

I've got lots of projects in mind though
Tue, 20 Jan 2015, 16:13
Let's start with this..

Well, ok, let's start with the game I released last week, but honestly that was a bit shit, and small and simple, especially for a "First game back".
It was after seeing a "minigame" that could easily have made it into Alpha Collexion, that I figured it was probably time to rethink things, and try to make this year a little bit bigger than my usual output.
As such, I've opted to call Year 7 my "Gap Year", in that there'll be significant gaps between each release.
They won't be weekly. They'll be "However quickly I can get them done, with Gaps inbetween"..
That is to say, I'm not going to set GREAT ideas aside, simply because I can't fit them into a single week.
Instead, I'm going to attempt all the BIGGER ideas that I've been having lately, and try to cram them into whatever timescale they fit into.

I've set myself a few limits.
After week one, the game should at least be playable. If it isn't, throw it out and start something else.
After week two, the game should be bulky, and pretty much ready.
By week three, I'll try to release whatever I've got, and then based mostly on feedback, I might hang around for Week Four, or I may just move on to the next project.

But either way, the games I release this year should be significantly "bigger" than the stuff I did last year.

Which brings us back to this..

A simple maze generator, made within the past hour or so.

Over the next few days, I'll be bulking it up, adding tilemaps, and seeing if I can come up with anything remotely like the image in my head.
Wish me luck!!

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Tue, 20 Jan 2015, 16:39
Best of luck with this Jay, Looking forward to what seems to be a game a month

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 21 Jan 2015, 03:46

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Map generator's working nicely.
Next up, adding walls, objects, enemies and other standards.

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Thu, 22 Jan 2015, 05:52
Today started off with Wall-Doodling.

I *think* it looks alright, although last night I had a completely different wall style, and this morning it looked crap, so god knows what I'll think of this, later on today!

At this point, I'm thinking either a top-down Pipeline-esque maze runner, or a side-on Cybernoid-esque shooter.

Still unsure!

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Thu, 22 Jan 2015, 06:58
Aww yeah, loving those pixelly pipes! Reminds me of an old game I freaking loved called Rumble In The Void

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 22 Jan 2015, 08:20

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Thu, 22 Jan 2015, 09:18
Woot! Pew pew times?
Thu, 22 Jan 2015, 10:07
For some reason, this reminds me of the CPC game, The Covenant. I think it's the movement of the "spasechip" and the maze idea.

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^^ That review is awful, but I loved the game BITD.
Fri, 23 Jan 2015, 15:25

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Gotta Collect 'em All!

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Sat, 24 Jan 2015, 15:58

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Added some shootable barrels, today, and hid the disks away.
Other objects will similarly be hidden in the barrels, such as weapons, powerups and the odd baddie or two.

Dozens of extra stuff to fiddle about with, yet, but the game's kinda starting to take shape.

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Sun, 25 Jan 2015, 07:45
Possible Title : Futrino

Thoughts, comments, alternatives welcome...

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Sun, 25 Jan 2015, 14:40
It's coming along there, glad to see the barrels have health on them and aren't just one-hit only.

Perhaps it might add some strategy to the game link the ammo up to a replenishing amount of charge? So you can't just blast all the time. I always love charged up shots in game on a personal note, they can add an extra layer to any shooter game.


Why did i type that.. I dunno, just felt like it

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 25 Jan 2015, 16:58
Been a long while since I looked at my code and went "Dear god, have I coded THAT much!?"

If I attempted to remake this, it'd be utter chaos!
Lots of on-the-fly stuff being thrown in.

Hey, isn't that the butterfly from the last game!?

.. Yup!

Oh, yeah, I'm going to add collectable weapons. You'd pick 'em up in groups of about 8 shots (balancing will define it) and they'll do extra damage, and look pretty and stuff!
eg, Mine, Grenade, super-blaster, things like that..

They'll replace each other, so you only carry one at a time, and you shoot 'em with Button B.

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Mon, 26 Jan 2015, 02:16
Warning : Grenade Within!

> Reveal 🔎

Grenade and Mine are both in, and I'm working on more.
I could also do with a GUI that doesn't block out areas of the screen, so that's going to be the next challenge.

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Mon, 26 Jan 2015, 05:36
Maybe try placing the GUI relative to the players position?

I think an old site with something I started out 2 years ago has an example, apologies if it's not a great one, it was back when I was getting to grips with unity.


Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 26 Jan 2015, 05:40
I'm cramming everything into the corners of the screen. Seems to snuggle quite well, there.

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Mon, 26 Jan 2015, 08:04

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Mon, 26 Jan 2015, 18:04

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Level Two, looking not entirely dissimilar to Level One, but with audio and scores and stuff!

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Mon, 26 Jan 2015, 20:36
Looking good JayenKai

I got inspired by your latest work and programmed a couple of things based on it.

I also now registered at Socoder.

Good move to make bigger things.
Tue, 27 Jan 2015, 03:35
Welcome to SoCoder!
Tue, 27 Jan 2015, 07:20
'ello Pakz
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