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Socoder -> Health Matters -> PIP Crap

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Fri, 12 Feb 2016, 06:04
Jobcentre Plus is fucking useless.
Fri, 12 Feb 2016, 08:24
What the fuckety fuck???

Sat, 13 Feb 2016, 09:13
We managed to pad out enough of mum's very minimal details, to fill an A4 sheet of paper, today!
Mum left school early 'cos she was pregnant, so has no actual qualifications. Add to that the fact that near enough every firm she's worked for since has either closed down, or all the staff have changed, (bad luck!!?) and it makes for a lacklustre number of available references!!

Years of writing newsletters has taught me how to pad shit out, so we just about managed to fill the piece of paper up!
Also, font size!!!

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Tue, 16 Feb 2016, 04:22
Got back the first of what will inevitably be many reassessments.
Pretty much identical response of "you can walk 50 meters, you're fine, go get a job you lazy bum."

Things like "you can wash yourself, you're fine" and "you can cook a snack, you're fine" and ... Pretty much all the same things as before.

So, a fight it is, then...

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Tue, 16 Feb 2016, 05:37
Tribunal requirements
1. Fill the form in.
2. Send the form off.
3. Wait about 6 months, probably.
4. Goto Tribunal.. .. .. And bring sickbowl!!!

Of the four things, number four is looking to be the scariest. Me and travel don't go well together!

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Tue, 16 Feb 2016, 06:20
You need to go for a proper face to face interview, then puke over the interviewers shoes after walking 50 metres.
Tue, 16 Feb 2016, 06:33
That'll be the tribunal.. Hope they've got a raincoat!!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 16 Feb 2016, 07:11
When my time comes they're gonna really hate me when I come out with my daily routine that has no pattern whatsoever, and the Tourette's fueled paranoid sarcastic debates that go with it.

Last time I was in front of an assessor, many years back, it was some bigoted Italian woman I had to deal with. She had a problem with me being accompanied by adult social services worker, although it did state in the letter that I could take anyone I damn-well please along with me. The fucking wind-bag even tried to have him removed from the room because she wanted to give me as much shit as she could. The social worker won the argument when he told her straight that he is there to make sure I'm not bullied by them which would have resulted in me probably smashing up the place. It did come to blows at one point and I was removed from the room to 'calm down'.

I won that assessment but fucknoze how this one will turn out when it comes around.

Bottom line is don't try to behave just to please those cunts, be yourself. If it results in raging rows, throwing stuff and smashing up the room or throwing punches; if they are warned to not wind you up beforehand then it's their own fucking fault if they do.
Mental illness is no joke and those bastards should accept that before deciding to file criminal chages against someone when they can not help it.
Wed, 17 Feb 2016, 05:51

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Wed, 17 Feb 2016, 06:32
I would include that you had a brain tumour and were hospitalised for X months.

Include an OT (Occupation Therapy) assessment - ask your local hospital for one (especially an AMPS assessment). These are nationally recognised and evidence of your true capabilities, with ratings. Even a fully healthy and independent person won't get 100%!!!

Really play up how difficult it is, to walk just a few metres, let alone 50. Use technical terms for your diagnosis and effects. Include lists of all medications you are currently on, have taken or may take in future - include doseage. Use a worst case scenario of a day - don't say sometimes you have good days etc. because at some point you may not - your situation may become worse and then you'll have to go through the process again. Don't lie, but really drum home how hard it is for you to do "normal" things like get up, to get food, drinks etc. Let them know that certain smells and movements make you nauseaus and cause you great physical discomfort. If you've put on weight, say so. If you've lost weight say so. Let them know that you can't even get to the local barbers regularly etc. Really sell how difficult it is and definitely get a proper independent assessment of your capabilities. The more you tell them (without waffle) the more likely you are to win your case.

Good luck.
Wed, 17 Feb 2016, 06:52
Damn.. Kinda wish I hadn't already stampted, sealded and posted the thing. Aye, all that stuff might've helped, too.

No matter, I'll make a compilation of this stuff for when my tribunal hearing it.
This isn't the end.. It's only the beginning..


''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 17 Feb 2016, 07:43
Yep - Start your evidence gathering NOW!!
Thu, 18 Feb 2016, 10:51
I'm just going to chip in with a little something... But basically, yes, you are appealing, and yes, you should win that appeal... But, what happens if you dont?

Now, you dont want to be sitting there and the hammer falls against you and thinking "Ohhhh fuck"! I know I wouldnt...

If you lose the appeal whats the chances they'll be dragging your arse in to sign forms, do "how to write a CV workshop" shit... Pretty high I reckon, and if you dont go? What happens then?

If it was me in your shoes, and I know I'm not, but, if it was me, while I was gearing up for this appeal thing, I would also be gearing up on a possible life if it fell through.

Now, lets look at the facts, and what you've got...

1) You cannot leave the house for very long, walking is a nightmare, your not going very far!
2) When you do get out, you need to me chaperoned.
3) Standing for a long time is a no-no
4) You cannot drive

Basically, what you can do, and we all know this, because your a bloody machine at it... But you can sit, and make games in a week... You have an online thing for that called "A Game A Week", which, is a brand.

You've got 2200 followers on Twitter.

To me, that's a basis for something, for earning potential.

What would I do with that...

How about a "A Game A Week" Patreon campaign, how about saying "Fuck it", and doing youtube videos of your work and narrating on the thoughts behind the games... Garner some support there. You could do milestones like gradeaundera does, streaming, chatting to players, all that guff!

If it were me, and it looked like I was up for a bit of a battle with the state with the possibility of losing it, I wouldnt let it linger, I personally couldnt live with that "Mmmmmmmmmmm", maybe all that hardwork you've put into programming for all these years has been basically for this moment?

Use it, you do have something in A Game A Week... If it doesnt work out it doesnt work out.


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 18 Feb 2016, 11:21
In general, I'm not as much "At Risk" as it seems. Even without my PIP, I still have enough ESA coming in to keep me afloat for a good while, so as you can probably tell I'm not really panicking about the situation!!
I might be in a few months time, if it doesn't get resolved, but that gives me a good number of months to organise whatever happens next.

Perhaps the fact that I'm not completely freaking out about it, might end up kicking me in the arse. I tend to work better when deadlines are looming!
But for now, I'm coasting, and coasting is alright!


"How about a "A Game A Week" Patreon campaign,"
Someone suggested doing a Patreon to me about Xmas time.
I said "That's not really for me", as I don't like the idea of taking money for something I've been doing completely free for so long.. So he tried to "subscribe via PayPal", but he inevitably couldn't do it.

I figured people must WANT to donate, so .. What the heck, I'll open up a Patreon.
And I did..
Right at the start of this year, I made one of my goals to get a Patreon going for those who want to "Help out" the world of AGameAWeek.

And it was literally about 2 days before I got my PIP Refusal letter...
Me being me, I then didn't want to be the person who goes "Hey, I lost my PIP.. Pay me via Patreon!!" because that would be a really fucking twatty thing to do, and I couldn't do that...

I've left it in the situation it was in when I got the letter.
The Patreon link is sat on my AGameAWeek blog, and I haven't done anything else with it.

Depending on the outcome of the tribunal I will either be able to comfortably make a bigger deal of it, in a "Thank fuck I got my PIP back.. Meanwhile, gimme more money!!" jokey way, or I'll be going "Oh fuck, I'm fucked, fuck, fuckity, gimme money!!!"

Either way, expect the Patreon thing to be more pronounced once the final PIP decision is reached.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 18 Feb 2016, 11:53
You'll find that anything you have coming in, be it from Patreon or wherever else, will affect the amount of ESA and other benefits you might be getting. So unless going the Patreon route is going to bring in more money than you're currently getting now from ALL sources, I wouldn't bother.

And before anybody tells you to just brush it under the carpet, the penalties for doing that are any/all of:

* Recovery of all benefits you weren't entitled to
* A maximum fine of £5,000 in addition to the above
* Up to ten years in prison

If any of that happens, losing PIP would be the least of your problems.
Thu, 18 Feb 2016, 12:04
Yup, balancing the books and keeping everything running will be the main thing to aim for. God knows I'm a stickler for doing things "right".
I might not be professional in my methods, but I usually make sure I'm on the right side of the law when doing it!

The PIP MUST be fought for, because otherwise they say "Well, you could've managed without it", and that's when everything gets trickier.
Truth be told, it's all a great big juggling act, and once you're on the crap side of it, that's pretty much where you're going to stay.


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Tue, 23 Feb 2016, 11:59
If this is true...

Tue, 23 Feb 2016, 13:30
Happy Birthday
Wed, 24 Feb 2016, 02:30
If any country leader had any shred of decency, they would remove the governments ability to give themselves pay rises and bonuses. They could probably pay off our national debt with the money saved.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 24 Feb 2016, 04:03
I dunno why the government can't stop all this "second homes for MPs" bullshit, and have them stay in a purpose-built MP's hostel. Might cost a few £million to acquire/build, but they'd save £billions in the long-run.

And don't even get me started on "expenses". If you can't survive and pay your own transport costs on a £160,000/year salary without creaming off some more in the guise of expenses, then you've got your priorities wrong somewhere.
Wed, 24 Feb 2016, 04:47
I would normally say that one way to send out a message to those cunts woulnd be to stop paying taxes, but they already eliminated that risk when they invented the PAYE tax system. So I guess we're stuck with the bastards!
Wed, 24 Feb 2016, 04:51
And if I could get a job for £160,000 a year with a free second home for talking complete bollocks I would jump at the chance, problem is I can't talk bollocks as well as those bunch of cunts can!
Wed, 24 Feb 2016, 06:14
I also had a letter come through a couple of days ago that insists my DLA will end soon and I will then need to switch over to PIP. I also got a letter today telling me my incapacity is about to end and to phone up to arrange an a ESA assessment. They also inform me I will be receiving a form soon; I have a local organisation that the fill that out for me though, my head just goes spazzy whenever I see stuff like that.
Wed, 24 Feb 2016, 06:32
I don't mind filling them in, but my handwriting sucks!!
Mum usually writes what I dictate.

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Wed, 24 Feb 2016, 06:55
Yeah you'll have to be careful there. If they find out you can fill forms in by yourself - even if it looks like a chimp wrote it - they'll have you working at the fecking job centre.
Wed, 24 Feb 2016, 06:58
just waiting for my DSS letter and how long it going take? 4 to 8 weeks!?
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