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Socoder -> Off Topic -> HoboBen's Return

Mon, 02 May 2016, 22:14
soooo I'm out of call centre work and back into gamedev Look at his wee little legs!

blog | work | code | more code
Mon, 02 May 2016, 22:14
What happened to the call centre? Nothing bad, I hope?

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 03 May 2016, 05:31
I used to work in a call centre for British Gas. The most unrewarding, soul-destroying job I've ever had. They train you to be a robot, and if you dare to NOT be a robot, the supervisors come along and bollock you. I dared to speak to a woman about bad things in her personal life - seem to recall her husband had died quite recently. Was on to her for about 45 minutes - more than half of that was dealing with whatever it was she'd rung up for - didn't matter cos it was summer and there wasn't a call queue.

Got off the phone, next day - BOSH - formal warning! VE HAF TO TURN ZE CALLZ AROUND WIZHIN SIX MINUTES AND YOU ARE NOT MEETING ZE TARGETZ! *glove face-slap*

I say fuck call targets! Be human and folk will remember you. Be a scripted robot and you're just another brainless cunt they've spoken to who didn't give a crap.

When you're driving to work every morning, hoping the fucking place has burned to the ground during the night, and contemplating binning your car up a tree when you see that it hasn't, you really need a career change.

I stuck it for 18 months. And yes I deserve a fucking medal. 30 other people started the same day as me, and when I quit, I was the last to go.
Tue, 03 May 2016, 05:39
Tue, 03 May 2016, 07:03
Welcome back to the world of coding Ben
Tue, 03 May 2016, 08:44
Can't imagine how dull and lifeless that must be.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 07 May 2016, 09:07
How goes the career change, HoboBen?
Anything decent lined up?

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 08 May 2016, 02:21
Just the odd job so far! Helping neighbours with computer trouble etc. But been able to program every day on fun stuff which is awesome

blog | work | code | more code
Sun, 08 May 2016, 02:26
Sun, 08 May 2016, 16:56
I still suck at graphics, but I've started learning how to use tools like Inkscape! This took me three days and has room for improvement but I'm proud of it anyway!

blog | work | code | more code
Sun, 08 May 2016, 21:38
Oooooh, luvly!
Mon, 09 May 2016, 04:00
Hey, it looks pretty cool from over here!