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Socoder -> Off Topic -> May 2007 - "Other Skills" month

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Mon, 30 Apr 2007, 16:59
So, you're all good at Coding, but what else can you do?
This month it's Other Skills month, where we'll be taking a look at your other talents.

If you're a musician, take some time to build up a few showcase pieces that we can all listen to. Maybe create a set of files, ready to be used in games.

If you're an artist, draw us some great artwork. Maybe base it on a game, or do a few random sketches. Perhaps even draw up a little comic strip or two.

Writers, get writing your articles, poems, short stories, or even use the month to start that novel you always wanted to do.

Maybe you're a more hands-on creative person? Get out your camera and start making some neat stuff.

Whatever it is that you like to do, use the month to get something interesting done, and let us all know how it goes.

(And if you can't find a space on the site for anything to fit into, let me know!)

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 30 Apr 2007, 17:19
I fly R/C planes, does that count as a skill ?.

|edit| I build them too. |edit|
Mon, 30 Apr 2007, 17:28
Flash cartoons here I come! Expect some claymation to.

Stuff... Yeah...
Mon, 30 Apr 2007, 17:33
Of course it does, steve!
We've seen the pics, now get some vids up, or something

And, looking forward to the claymation!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 30 Apr 2007, 17:38
I write music and study / work on robotics with most of my free time that's not spent on coding.
Mon, 30 Apr 2007, 18:04
power mousey

sorry to be the Scrooge here.

but nahhhhhhh!!!

only show to a few friends and a few others.

Just Socoder shy.

perhaps...one day Anubis will meet you at the gate.

power mousey
Mon, 30 Apr 2007, 19:02
First you bug us to sit down on our lazy asses and finish coding, then you ask us to get up and go do something else! C'mon...

I like to write, I like to draw, I like to film, I play trumpet and piano, I'll think of something!

My Twitter
Mon, 30 Apr 2007, 21:48
I talk on IRC. Is that a skill?

Funny thing is, I've pre-empted this post by deciding about a week ago to start posting on my blog three times a week. So by the end of may, I hopefully should be a lot better writer than I was at the start of the month! I might also have a blog with enough content to bother reading.
Tue, 01 May 2007, 06:35
Yayyak: What IRC channels/servers do you frequent?
I can't say I've ever seen you on there... granted, I rarely stray outside of #blitzcoder.

Tue, 01 May 2007, 07:27
I play the guitar, but I don't have a good microphone. I'll definitely have to get one and record something
Tue, 01 May 2007, 14:50
I'm a climbing frame/punch bag/trampoline etc for my 19 month old daughter - do they count as skills?

One life - live it
Tue, 01 May 2007, 15:02
You have a 19 month old daughter?
Tue, 01 May 2007, 15:11
I can make paper Cranes.
Tue, 01 May 2007, 15:44
@jay - yep she's a bundle of joy

@ diablosdevil - paper cranes, thats cool. can you make any others? I got my wife an origami desk calendar for xmas, she's learned to make a few things.

One life - live it
Tue, 01 May 2007, 18:32
@Nolan: irc://irc.fuseirc.net/#main mostly. I am a member of blitzed.org, but I don't enjoy the company of a few people there. I'm also sometimes on freenode, in ##c, but not very often.
Wed, 02 May 2007, 10:16
I play the piano (currently learning 'Dr Who'), and I also once tried growing mushrooms in my room (although I did infest my room with a swarm of fungi gnats in the process...). I'm also OK with electronics.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Wed, 02 May 2007, 11:33
I think I may try out origami... any recomended sites?

He... I have been thinking to starting a bit of coding perhaps...haven't done any in a while... bit busier nowadays with a more active social life!
Wed, 02 May 2007, 15:04
I'm a fairly good artist with both drawing and pixel art. Here's some pixel art I just cooked up. I especially love to do isometric pixel art.

There are 10 kinds of people in this world -

( Insert 16 remarks about to what extent people know hex here )
Wed, 02 May 2007, 15:09
As I now understand exactly how to make an origami crane, I can't remember if this is the brilliant site which explains it perfectly, or the terrible site I looked it which should never be used.

I couldn't see the other site I used, Google has lost it. But it is pretty easy. If I had a camera, I'd make an article on it.
Wed, 02 May 2007, 15:36
Hey Blitz3dMan, that's actually pretty neat... an Escher waterfall?

Wed, 02 May 2007, 15:43
Yea, I based it off something I saw, I just didn't know the name or the piece of who made it.

There are 10 kinds of people in this world -

( Insert 16 remarks about to what extent people know hex here )
Wed, 02 May 2007, 15:44
i fix stuff. i am the resident fixer for my family.

i am also a music freak, gamer and general nerd. i can also eat food like a blackhole eats matter. and then i am good at framing, wiring, etc. i also build and fix up PCs.

and i am the argument ender for my friends, i usually tell them to shut up and sort out the ordeal and tell them to deal with it. sometimes i have to give up a drink since whenever brother and sister fights happen it is usually about one of them hording the drinks. but it is worth it to have some peace and quiet to play my games

i like green haired girls...
Wed, 02 May 2007, 19:00
thats pretty cool blitz3dman!
Wed, 02 May 2007, 20:44
Blitz3dMan: this? im-possible.info/images/art/pixel/pixelfreak-escher.gif

Thu, 03 May 2007, 03:51
Well, I've been working on writing more. I've started writing a tutorial series on how to write an operating system (not for beginners ). Should keep me busy for a while.

Thu, 03 May 2007, 04:41
Oh yeah! I'm a mason in training. I've got a very lovely sidewalk I've been working on. Maybe it'll be finished by the end of the month.

My Twitter
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