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Socoder -> Site & Server -> AGameAWeek - 2017 Rewrite

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Fri, 01 Sep 2017, 08:21
Currently contemplating a new home for AGameAWeek.. strip away the 4 or 5 different script, inc WordPress, and replace it with a new single AGameAWeek engine..

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Fri, 01 Sep 2017, 08:21
Day One

Spent this morning playing "Database Wrangler"
So far I've managed to get the Wordpress Database and the start of the Game Archive Database to merge together.

Struggled to figure out how Wordpress stores its "Category" things in the database.

Posts are in the post database
Post titles are in the post database
Post authors are in the post database
Post edits are in the post database
Post timestamps are in the post database
Post comment counts are in the post database.

Post Categories are in the Relationships/Taxonomy database, because.. Of course they are!!!

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Fri, 01 Sep 2017, 13:33
Day One - Part Two!

Managed to wrangle both the Blog and GameArchive databases into one single database.
Currently the database is temporary, and is a mix of both the Blog and Game Archive's stuff. I've created a BlitzMax program to take the necessary downloaded .sql exported files and smush them together, with all manner of neatening up and fixing of urls and all of that.
It's quite a complicated program, and that's before I add Music and Platdude Pixelart into the mix!

Visibly on the page, things are "vaguely" working, but it's going to be a long hard slog until everything's working as it should.
Trying to keep all the URL's working is probably going to be the hardest challenge, especially with the chaotic way that WordPress creates about half-a-dozen URLs for every sodding page..

You can see the current test page here
There's currently no interactivity at all, other than what's directly on the screen. eg, url parameters do nothing. It's just a test.
But, for a days work, I'm pretty happy that I've managed to get both Blog and Game Archive more or less merged together into a single script/database.

Tomorrow I'll probably tackle some admin stuff.

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Sat, 02 Sep 2017, 09:53
More database fiddling, and the first bit of SQL Search results, today.
If you head to the preview page, now, you'll find the last (can't remember how many) posts.
Note that one of them is in a red-bordered box. That's a game, not a blog!

(Trust me, that's much more impressive than it looks!)

I need to come up with a nice theme, I think!!

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Sun, 03 Sep 2017, 06:58
|!!ARGH| Screw you, then! |ARGH!!|
*switches to a table*

Not 100% sure what I'm going to do for Mobile Display, but only the Blog ever had a mobile specific layout, so.. I might just ignore that and plough ahead!
Preview Site is now looking a bit more site-like, and includes a (hopefully) more readable font, alongside a none-existent sidebar, and a couple of other little improvements.
It's coming along..
Bit by bit,,

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Sun, 03 Sep 2017, 09:42
Integrated Pixelart and Poetry Corner post types into the Preview Site
In future I'll be able to leave these out of the Daily Blogs and it'll all still show up on the frontpage.

The admin page for this is going to be insane!!!

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Sun, 03 Sep 2017, 16:40

The admin page for this is going to be insane!!!

How do you find the time... Nor, honestly, I know you dont get out much, but jesus, how do you do it... Is there a white dwarf under Little Lever that slows down time there?

Can I honestly ask Jay... What drives you... And can I have some?


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 04 Sep 2017, 02:14
You'd be amazed at how far "sheer boredom" can drive a person :/

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Mon, 04 Sep 2017, 12:22
First step in the long long line of Admin stuff I have to add.
Today, I added logging in, logging out, and then Publish/Unpublish buttons to pages.
Essentially, I spent the day figuring out the best way to let me log in without making any kind of an actual log in page. A cryptic URL that requests a secondary passcode, then stores a login cookie. Hopefully that's secure enough. It's not exactly a standard way to do it.

Adding the first of the database-tweaking functions means I'm near enough ready to (maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow!?) start adding uploads and New Blogs and whatnot.
It's certainly expanded in overall complexity over the past 24 hours!!

I also need to decide how best to do the Music playing.. I might resort to (*shock*) a POPUP Window, to handle music playback, so that the user can leave an album of ALChoons running, whilst browsing the rest of the site.

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Mon, 04 Sep 2017, 14:19

Tonight I added the first, most basic, of edit functionality.
Click the edit button, change the title, main content and tags, and then save.
The changes are saved, as you'd expect!

Everything runs nice and smoothly, and is remarkably easy.
Tomorrow I'll tackle the more complicated stuff, like different uploads for the Game Archive, and things like that.

Compare and contrast Original vs Edited
.. Although that'll probably only be like that for the next day or so, until I reset the database back again!

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Tue, 05 Sep 2017, 09:34
Today's work has been in the "New Post" department.
Over on the Preview Page, everything from the top to "Lonely Lunch" pixelart has been added On-Site, as opposed to via a database refresh.

All is working well, and as expected, but I've not yet tackled any uploading.
Tonight/Tomorrow will be about uploads.

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Tue, 05 Sep 2017, 17:15
Getting marginally close to adding uploads.
Spent most of tonight figuring out how to store all the uploads, and ensure they have unique filenames.
Gone for "Title of Blog - Date - Asset Number", and am hopeful that that'll do all I need it to.
Tomorrow I'll make a start on actually getting the uploads to work, as well as categorising the different types (eg, when uploading to the Game Archive section, give filenames extra info, like Windows/Mac/APK/etc)

A long day!!

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Wed, 06 Sep 2017, 14:37
First of the basic Search functionality has now been added to Preview Page

Top right box is now a Search box, and will be used to filter pretty much everything on the site. .. *reminds self* ... WITHOUT BEING INSANELY CHAOTIC!!

You can currently select a post type, and enter a search request into the box.
... Woohoo!!
More to come. .. But Jay is hungry, now, and must feed!!

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Fri, 08 Sep 2017, 08:31
Top menu now added, as well as a nice bunch of search options.
Preview Page
I've tried my best to limit the chaos, but realistically, I've so much bloody contents, it's hard to keep things within the realms of normality!

Next challenge is to get the games to list properly, since they're currently just a very basic "Here is a screenshot" layout, without any downloads available.

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Sat, 09 Sep 2017, 08:33
Totally jumping from thing to thing, and avoiding having to do the Game Display stuff!!!
In the past 24 hours, I've got the Music display working nicely.
eg : SonicALly

Click a track name (or the play button) to have it pop up in a second tab, which handles the music playing so you can continue to browse. Music will play from track selected, all the way to the end of the ALBum!

Also made the header's text switch depending on what sort of thing you're viewing, and also managed to get pagination working, too!!
Blimey.. Busy day!

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Mon, 11 Sep 2017, 07:40
Getting close!
Got the uploader working, today.
I need to add a lot of the uploaded files to the game pages, but otherwise it's working as expected.



Next will be trying to get WordPress's "all the many URLs" stuff to work with the new script.

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Mon, 11 Sep 2017, 14:56
I think I've accounted for the majority of WordPress URL types. Site's not quite behaving properly, due to the fact that it's not "index.php", but over at Jayenkai.com you can feed it Wordpress style URLs and it'll cope seemingly well enough.

Jiggity Jig

Most stuff works, but occasionally the old WordPress site will pop up! Silly WordPress
But, yeah, that's more or less working, and once I move the site permanently to index.php and *KILL KILL STAB MURDER KILL* WordPress, it'll help a lot of the issues.

Further things to do.
Calendars and mass downloads need adding to Pixelart pages.
Misc downloads need adding to Game pages.

And then I think everything's ready to be made live/proper.

Once live, I then need to reintegrate the Disqus commenting, but that shouldn't be ... "too" hard.. I think. Maybe!!

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Tue, 12 Sep 2017, 16:17
Added 2 buttons to the new site.
A Twitter button, and a Like button. Visible here, at the bottom of the blog post.
Having the two side by side makes it "feel" like the Like button is a Facebook button.
It isn't a Facebook button.
I don't know how to not make it look like a Facebook button!!!


Anyhoo, today's improvements include a complete reorganisation of files to put them into more folders, as well as upgrading the upload stuff to account for that.
I also added in viewcounts for all the pages, and evened out the old viewcounts from the Game Archive.. Basically a big old "Viewcount / Time it's been online" sort of thing. I know that, as time goes on, those will once again start to become "old=more", but .. fuck it, nothing I can do about that!!!

It'd be nice if SQL had some sort of "Order by 'Number of Views'/'Amount of Time it's been online' " function, but I can't see that being part of SQL, nor being particularly fast!!!

Tomorrow I need to look into adding the Pixelart Calendar Generator back in. I do like that, it's quite handy

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Wed, 13 Sep 2017, 07:08
The big switch-on has occurred.

AGameAWeek is no longer riddled by the horrors of WordPress.

Pretty sure some things will fuck up, but at least I've made the change now. Just a few tweaks and things will be great!!!!

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Wed, 13 Sep 2017, 08:44
Damnit.. had to plug lappy in.
Will get around to comments later, then!
Been at it for about 7 hours! That'll do for now..

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Thu, 14 Sep 2017, 05:59
The number of views seem to work correctly. When I hit like, the page refreshes and adds 1 to like but in the blogs index the number of likes becomes 0 again.
Thu, 14 Sep 2017, 07:11
Hmm.. That's worrying.. It's working for me!!!

I'll have a look in a jiffy. Currently scanning through the Disqus databases to see if I can merge them into a new database.
Complicated stuff!

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Thu, 14 Sep 2017, 08:40
OK, the likes should be working again, now.
The break was, it only bothered to update if it also didn't have to update the page's views. (Page's views are disabled when I'm looking at the pages, so I don't end up bumping page-views when editing posts)

Comments have again been rejigged, and are now also part of the main script. Literally everything is being thrown into this one giant script!!
I've spent all morning trying to figure out the exact format of the Disqus comments' export .xml.
I had to fathom what they were commenting on, and in what order. Not easy!

I *think* I've managed it..

Game example page
Blog example page

That took some bloody doing, I can tell you!!

The next challenge will be posting new comments, and that's a task for another time.
I need a rest, and the lappy needs a charge!

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Thu, 14 Sep 2017, 09:54
The likes button is working now. Comments are rendered immediately which is good. So you plan to implement comments in you script and not depend on third party service?
Thu, 14 Sep 2017, 09:58
Yeah, I figured it'd be easier if the comments were part of the same database.
I've had previous complaints about the comments needing JavaScript, so hopefully everyone will be happy that I've done it..

... but I need to code it, and all it's admin stuff, first!!

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Thu, 14 Sep 2017, 10:05
It is a good decision. Much faster page loads this way and more control in the long run.
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