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Socoder -> Off Topic -> GfK's Dashcam

Mon, 29 Jan 2018, 14:41
Finally bought a Nextbase Duo dashcam. Older 720p model rather than 1080p, but half the price, so.....
Mon, 29 Jan 2018, 14:41
Guarantee, naff all interesting will happen, now

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Mon, 29 Jan 2018, 14:48
I hope so! Nearly battered some fucker last week.

Missus has made me promise to stop getting out to have a word with the fuck-knuckles of this earth, so I'll just record them and shame them on Youtube instead.
Mon, 29 Jan 2018, 16:00
That Dashcam could prevent a jail-term...

Really wish I had got a dual now, although they were a tad too expensive when I got my NextBase.

You can pretty much guarantee that you'll capture at least a couple of fucktards each day on it, but hopefully it will never be anything significant, or involve you directly.
Mon, 29 Jan 2018, 16:12
I can hours watching these videos:

Mon, 29 Jan 2018, 16:14
That Dashcam could prevent a jail-term...
Yeah, that's what she said. And she's right. And consequently, so are you.

I've been done before for taking the law into my own hands when we had drug dealing scum living next door and I literally went out of control batshit mental. A night (or longer) in a jail cell is not something I'm eager to repeat. Not to mention having to face the missus when I got out. :/

Thing is, they guy last week was litereally 3-4ft off my back bumper at 30mph, approaching a school. Haven't had anybody tailgate me that close in 24 years of driving. I'd got my missus and kid in the car. There were other parents and kids walking around, and as I indicate to turn right, he decides he's going for the overtake, which is right where I snapped and stopped him dead. What he did was fucking dangerous and stupid on every level.

If I'd had a dashcam installed at the time it wouldn't just go on youtube, it'd have gone to the police as well.

I'll try to be good in future.

@steve this is one of my all time favourite road rage fails. If you don't watch the entire video, then at least skip to 3:15 and watch the next 20 seconds. Love how his glasses fly up in the air.


View on YouTube
Tue, 30 Jan 2018, 00:46
Wow! Both (the cyclist and driver) are idiots though, but that is pretty funny!
Tue, 30 Jan 2018, 00:50
Yea its six and two threes but the chase, forward roll and glasses dismount had me howling.
Tue, 30 Jan 2018, 00:53
10/10 for the forward roll with an excellent recovery at the end.

I'm thinking of getting one as well... I move out of the way for motor bikers when I can, when I left school, a mate got himself a road bike, he went for a ride up the lakes with a few others, and never came back home... So I'm naturally a bit more watchful for them... Anyway, I'm always looking out for them in my mirror when in slow traffic since they weave in and out to get through... Just last week I picked up our young'un from Gilesgate and headed onto the A1 Northbound heading up to work... It was about here just before Chester-le-street:-


I was in the right hand lane, and I spied a bike coming up behind me in my left mirror, there was a wagon to my left, not much room so I was just about to move over a little to the right to give him room when... Voooommmmmmm, another biker sped past me on my fucking right, I nearly shit myself, they were nigh-on on the grass there!

God knows where he came from, but they scared the shit out of me mind, because I never would expect anyone to come hurdling down there on the road.

I cannot remember what the highway code says about motorcyclists and their use of the road, you always see signs saying "Think Bike" and all that, sometimes though, they've got to "Think Car" as well, and should just sit in the lanes like everyone else when in slow traffic!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Tue, 30 Jan 2018, 01:04

View on YouTube

Still the best one ever I think!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Tue, 30 Jan 2018, 01:26
Lol @ Ronnie Pickering! Seen him (and a few spoofs) before.
Tue, 30 Jan 2018, 04:48

Cyclists (especially) and motorcyclists really do take the fucking piss - whether on the roads or the pathways. They appear to forget all sense of safety and care when they mount anything with two wheels. Lights? Nah. Clearly visible clothing? Nah. Protective headgear? Nah. Moving at high speed without due care? Yeah! Scaring the shit out of innocent motorists and pedestrians? Definitely. Fucktards.
Tue, 30 Jan 2018, 05:27
I had one years back in Sheffield. I was pulling out of a side road onto a main (turning left). To the right there's a pedestrian crossing on a red light, so I set off. All of a sudden this fucker on a push iron is right alongside screaming abuse at me. I'd seen him coming down the hill but... you know... red light?

He took no notice and blazed straight through it, then bollocked ME because he doesn't think red traffic lights apply to him. Chinny reckon....

Another time I had about five of 'em riding in a bunch on a narrow road - was stuck behind them for ages and would they move to single file? Would they fuck! Soon as there was nothing coming the other way I thought to myself "aha... I'm in a diesel!" - dropped it into first and redlined it. Big fuck-off cloud of black smoke with five knobhead cyclists in it. >
Tue, 30 Jan 2018, 05:36
LOL. Well deserved!
Tue, 30 Jan 2018, 06:25
I've had many run ins with some right gonky cyclists, fucking trainspotting cheese sandwich eating twats!. I often give them a cheech of Diesel de plume whenever they piss me off.

Worst one was this though. I was waiting at traffic lights, woman with kids and one kid in a pushchair was crossing. Cyclist fails to stop, knocks them all flying and then has the cheek to grab her and shake the shit out of her. I get out the car and tell him to lay off and he then comes flying over to me and threatened to punch me in the face, and I was gonna give him one ten times as hard. He soon shit his pants when another few people got out their cars, I reckon at least seven kinds of shit must have filled his knickers at that moment.

The other type of cunts are those fucking Deliveroo riders. Those twats come straight out of exits and straight across main roads without even looking, I've come so close to colliding with those wankers. Problem is they always pin it on the motorist in the event of an accident because Brighton and Hove Shitty Council is right up cyclists chad holes.

Another particular cunt of a cyclist was when I was driving thought Kingston in London, busy area and busy time of day and a Deliveroo cunt was texting while going through a really fucking big junction. My mate Baz told him to get off his phone and then the cunt threatend to smash up my car. I would have liked to seen him try though, I would have stamped on the twat's face.
Tue, 30 Jan 2018, 06:48
Thank fuck I don’t drive.

.... or I’d be as grumpy as the rest of you

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Tue, 30 Jan 2018, 06:51
You're not missing much Jay, all of the Green supporting lefty cunts tooks all the fun out of it. Down here it costs more to park than it does to drive a car, so fuck trying to park and explore this so-called city.
Tue, 30 Jan 2018, 14:15
Hah, I ride 6-7 miles to work and home a day - keeps me fit.. and I eat cheese sandwiches for my lunch and vote labour.

Cycling sets me up for a day at work. Haven't got the mega quads yet, but I can do 9 miles in 30 minutes when I smash it
Tue, 30 Jan 2018, 16:57
^ Lefty!
Tue, 30 Jan 2018, 17:00
You're not one of those cyclists that go around giving motorists shit just for being motorists though, are you?
Tue, 30 Jan 2018, 23:06
I hate driving... It mostly consists of sitting in traffic, going nowhere for ages!

I honestly would rather take a route 15 minutes longer, then just nudge along a ram packed road, where possible.


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 01 Feb 2018, 09:48
For anyone who didn't catch the whole, sorry pantomime on Twitter...

Dashcam arrived this morning, with a Nextbase hardwire kit. Missus was out this morning so I thought, smashing, I'll whack that in while she's out. Won't take long!

So I ran the wire from the RVM along the front of the headlining, pulled the door seal off and ran it down the edge of the A-pillar, then down the side of the dashboard, under the steering wheel, and into the rear wiper circuit on the fuse box. Found a bolt I could earth it to, and tied up all the loose cables - sorted. Took me about an hour of figuring out to get this far.

Stuck the dashcam to the window, plugged the wire in..... bleh, stupid USB-back-to-front wire! Turned it the other way, still won't go in. Turned it back again.... nope!

Looked at the 12V outlet power cable I'd already tested the cam with, it is very slightly different to the connector on the hardwire kit. BOLLOCKS! They've sent the wrong one! :/

So started pulling out all the wiring from the fuse box, out from under the headlining and the door seals, put all the trim panels back I'd had to remove to get to the fuse box under the steering wheel, and went in the house, ready to bollock Maplins.

Picked up the leaflet for the hardwire kit, small print said "Works with all Nextbase dashcams except Nextbase Duo". I have a fucking Nextbase Duo! It went on to say an adapter was available separately, or "may be included with your dashcam". Had another check in the dashcam box and it's got one of those fancy cardboardy inserts with the dashcam on top, the leaflets, 12V DC charger etc on the right under a cardboard flappy bit.... but wait... what's this? Under the left side where the dashcam is, there is a fucking little recess that I hadn't seen before. Had a rummage, out pops a PC USB cable, and a two-inch long adapter which was ALL I had to plug in to finish the job, had I not just taken all the sodding wiring back out.

So set about putting it all back in again. Managed it in about ten minutes this time cos I knew where the cables were going and what I was doing.


Seems pretty good so far. The GPS didn't seem to want to connect but I'm putting that down to the fact that it's cloudy and pissing down today. Updated the cam's firmware and we'll see how we go tomorrow. Video is really clear and the software for downloading/editing video is pretty good too. Shows speed, g-force and everything - even your location on a lil Google map (when the GPS works).
Sat, 24 Feb 2018, 09:35
Well.... things have not been going well.

First off, having thought I'd solved the GPS issue with a simple firmware update, I've now come to the conclusion that the GPS connects (or not) just as it bloody well likes. I removed the GPS mount and had a fiddle about, put it all back in the same place, connects straight away, for now. Suspect there is a lil wiring fault in the GPS mount somewhere.

Second, I didn't have audio recording enabled at first but then I decided I really should. At this point, upon playback, I notice that the sound is crackling like fuck, and I also note that the rear camera view has a distinct vibration/distortion which coincides with the crackly sound. Something is definitely not right here....

Finally, on a couple of occasions now, the front camera has done a white-out, where the aperture gets stuck wide open (car is parked in garage overnight, so its always a bit gloomy when I start the car). Out into sunlight and because the aperture is stuck the front camera just whites out from over-exposure to the sensor.

Whilst faffing about yesterday I also noticed that the print is partially worn off the "menu" button.

When I bought something "used" from Maplin, I expected it to be the case that somebody had bought it, couldn't get along with it, and returned it within a couple of days. With all of this in mind I'm now of the opinion that this thing has had lengthy use/abuse already.

So the upshot is, it's going back to Maplin. I've bought a Nextbase Duo HD (1080p) now, which is a huge improvement over the old one. It has built in wifi (for mobile phone footage viewing), plus two separate 1080p video streams rather than a single 720p stream, split down the middle for front/back. The downside...... hundred and eighty quid. But Maplin are still selling the old one for £199 new, so £180 for the 1080p HD version of Amazon is a reasonable deal.
Sat, 24 Feb 2018, 09:42
Sat, 24 Feb 2018, 09:59
Yeah seen a few of those but avoided them for several reasons:

1. Brands I haven't heard of (often cheap Chinese things - and many are not the resolution they claim to be).
2. Separate rear camera - it's invariably a right bitch trying to get cables from the front to the back of a car.
3. Self-adhesive mounts.
4. Non-polarised lenses.

Car insurance renewal is up soon so might try to find an insurer who'll give me a cheeky discount.
Sat, 24 Feb 2018, 10:13
Having seen him review some absolute garbage over the years, I’m willing to trust techmoan's reviews. Geekanoids is another YouTuber that I kinda trust, but rarely ever does he say things are crap. Techmoan's a bit more willing to say to such things.

But, yeah.. with "none-big-brand" ones, you’re at the mercy of the quality of your particular model, and we all know they can vary wildly.
Just takes a single workflow fuckup to give you a nightmare of a product!

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