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Socoder -> Killer Bites -> ZenPop Noodle Box

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Wed, 09 May 2018, 05:25

ZenPop Noodle Box

I’ve been watching way too much of this guy's videos, and have been sucked into buying the ZenPop noodle packs..

Roughly £20 for 9 packets of noodles. Certainly pricey as fuck, and not what I’d usually pay, but I figured the sheer variety would help validate the cost.. right?....



(Current review aim is one every other day, while stocks last, but we'll see how peckish I get!!)

May 2018 - Ramen Tour of Japan


Side 1 Side 2

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Wed, 09 May 2018, 05:38
Ooooooh!!! Never knew about this (or the guy doing the vids). They sound lovely!

Let us know how you get on

TBF Subo noodles in Tesco are about £1.40 each and Pot Noodles are over a quid, so if you take into account shipping etc, it's not so bad for something that you'll (probably) not be able to find in this country.

Trouble is, if you really, really, really like one of them you probably won't ever get it again!
Wed, 09 May 2018, 05:46
Noodle One

Looks like..
> Reveal 🔎

Tastes like..
Very oniony. I’m not a fan of onions, and looking through the list, it seems I’m not going to be enjoying a fair number of these noodles!!
The pork isn’t too strong, compared to the onions, although that might be my anti-onion tastebuds getting in the way.
Noodles are a bit watery.

Aside : The sweetcorn is REALLY nice. You know how Pot Noodle sweetcorn is always kinda hard and tasteless? This sweetcorn is deliciously fresh, crisp and really tasty! Such a drastic difference to Pot Noodle sweetcorn!!

Rating : 3/5. Not great, too oniony, but at least it's edible.

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Wed, 09 May 2018, 08:22
OK. A middling start.

What's next?
Wed, 09 May 2018, 08:49
I'll be doing it in the order on the sheet, so the next few are visible in the pic. The others are on the other side, though, so unless you have X-ray vision, you're going to have to trawl the net to find out!!

.. Must admit, I'm not looking forward to the Scambled Egg one.
I'm not a fan of plain egg.. But I can deal with egg bits in my fried rice, so hopefully it's more like that..

Oh, and you'll have to wait. I'm currently planning a Mon/Wed/Friday schedule, but .. depends on hunger pains

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Wed, 09 May 2018, 09:11
I can't actually read anything from that photo above, other than the scrambled egg, so they'll all be a surprise!

Of course, I wasn't expecting you to eat them all in one go... Just wondered if any took your fancy in particular.
Wed, 09 May 2018, 09:28
OK, here's the complete list then

Side 1 Side 2 (Although I get the feeling I've done them the wrong way round. Doesn't specify, but.. yeah.. I think I probably should've started on the other side!!!)

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Wed, 09 May 2018, 10:11
An interesting selection to say the least!
Fri, 11 May 2018, 04:56
Noodle Two

Looks like
> Reveal 🔎

Tastes like
It smells horribly fishy, but thankfully doesn’t taste that bad!
The noodles are a bit thicker, this time, and seem to have picked up more of the flavour, too.
Bit bloody small, though.. Definitely going to be snacking afterwards.

Rating : 4/5 - I don’t typically go for fishy flavours, so it was a pleasant surprise not to be disgusted by the taste!!

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Fri, 11 May 2018, 05:00
I would have given all the fishy ones a complete miss - I've never been a fa n of seafoods/fish. One sniff of them and I'm gone!

Glad it tasted better than it smelled
Fri, 11 May 2018, 05:02
Currently sucking on a Polo Mint...
Mon, 14 May 2018, 04:19
Noodle Three

Looks like..
> Reveal 🔎

Tastes like...
Not much of anything.
There's a feint fishy smell and taste, but nowhere near as fishy as the last one, and not all that tasty as a result.
Kind of a bit bland, if I’m honest.
Also, the noodles are so thin that the dried veg bits feel HUGE in comparison.. bit weird..

Not a fan of this one..

Rating : 2/5

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Mon, 14 May 2018, 07:21
If people visit the city to eat that, it probably says a great deal about the rest of their food!

Doesn't sound or look at all like my cup of tea.

Wed, 16 May 2018, 04:16
Oh dear god...
Noodle Four

I’m not a fan of eggs....

Looks like
> Reveal 🔎

Nice thick, wide noodles, today.

Not looking forward to tasting it.
Smells a bit.. um.. eggy!!!

> Reveal 🔎

*tastes it*

.. ok, it's not too bad. Kinda .. eggy..
Rating 1/5

|update| The further down I got, the more eggy it became.. |update|

New rating : 0/5

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Wed, 16 May 2018, 06:43
So, Nom Nom Not!, then.

Are you beginning to feel that perhaps this box wasn't a great idea?
Wed, 16 May 2018, 07:43
It's a bit of variety, and I'm trying new flavours out.
Life is getting awfully repetitive...

I wouldn't mind more frequent trips to Tesco to find new interesting food-stuffs, but A) Our Tesco is fairly small and doesn't get an awful lot of new things in, and B) I'm not really getting out a whole lot...

So, yeah, this helps at least.
I'd be interested in more "Crazy random foodstuffs", but most of them seem to require freezer space that we just don't have!

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Wed, 16 May 2018, 09:06
I agree, that trying new things is good. You could always have (a larger) Tesco/Asda/Okado ec. deliver some different exotic stuffage to you. Cheaper than postage from Japan and if you like it you can easily get it again.

I have to admit though that when the Snackibento (spelling?) reviews pop up on YouTube each month I'm very tempted to sign up...
Wed, 16 May 2018, 09:33
Every few months I do a larger online Sainsbury shop, but even then it's a case of buying the same sort of things. I do scan the "new products!" but most of the time it's stuff like "why not buy this GIANT pack of loo rolls!!"

Most of the time I tend to just bulk order dried pasta, and a selection of tins of tomatoes, tuna, and other "make good pasta bakes" sort of things.
But, again, not much variety, really.

More noodles!!!! \o/yeay\o/

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Fri, 18 May 2018, 05:19
Noodle Five

Different instructions for this one.

Looks Like...
> Reveal 🔎

Tastes Like...
Medium thickness for today's noodles, but extremely dry.
As you can see in the instructions, it needs to be strained before adding the ingredients.
This has the benefit of being extremely flavourful once done, but usually when I do that, the "sauce" is quite oily, to compensate for the lack of water.
Here, however, the sauce was rather thick, and once mixed in with the noodles, left the whole thing rather dry and a little bit TOO thick for my liking.
However it WAS very tasty. The seaweed flavour jumps out, and having been brought up with Irish Dulse, (snack-form seaweed!!) I was prepared for the taste. Really went down rather well, in the end, with the slight kick of the Worcester sauce making it all the much nicer.

.. still could’ve done with it being a little less dry, through.

Rating : 5/5 .. I enjoyed it!

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Fri, 18 May 2018, 06:00
Sounds OK.

I like the Soba (Chilli) noodles that you have to drain and then add sauce, so I'm used to a more "dry" noodle.
Mon, 21 May 2018, 04:12
Noodle Six

Looks Like
> Reveal 🔎

Tastes Like
It's hard not to think of a Carrs Pastie when smelling it! Mmmm.. Pastie...
They're super thin noodles, though, that don’t tend to soak in the flavour very well. Instead you get "noodles and sauce" instead of tasty noodles.
Also, the noodles are a bit "slimy", like Super Noodles are. I’m not a fan of slimy noodles.

Rating : 2/5 - A nice flavour, but not great noodles.

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Mon, 21 May 2018, 16:32
The flavour sounds great - I loved oxtail soup as a kid, but slimy noodles are definitely not a good thing.
Wed, 23 May 2018, 04:09
Noodle Seven

Sounds fishy to me..

Looks Like
> Reveal 🔎

Well, it smells fucking awful...
Mum's wandering around the kitchen going "that doesn’t smell nice....”, and "Don't eat that! There's a Pot Noodle in the cupboard.."


Tastes Like...
It"s not terrible.
It's like a strong Cod taste. It's .. edible.. I guess.
Nasty aftertaste, though.

Rating : 1/5. Eeuw, fish...

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Wed, 23 May 2018, 08:51
Fri, 25 May 2018, 04:59
Noodle Eight

Looks Like...
> Reveal 🔎

Tastes Like...
Certainly has a unique scent. I’ll admit, I’ve never actually had Lobster, or Crab, or any other crustacean foodstuffs.
If this is what lobster tastes like, then I can only assume lobster/crab meat is actually a soft bread-like material that tastes a little bit like overcooked roast beef.

It also has those stringy thin tasteless noodles again. I’m really not a fan of these, as they don’t soak up the taste of the "soup" like regular noodles do.

Rating : 2/5 - Not the greatest, but definitely not the worst.

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Fri, 25 May 2018, 05:02
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