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Socoder -> Blitz -> Extracting Frames

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Sun, 24 Jun 2018, 02:32
is it possible to extract 8-bit frames from a video (using ffmpeg) and have each image use the same palette?

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Sun, 24 Jun 2018, 02:32
If you can find a decent gif converter, gif allows palettised frame/video Settings, with colour limits. (Eg, you can specify 32 colours, and have the 32 colour palette be per frame, or consistent through the entire gif)

If you still have Jasc PaintshopPro 7,there should be an AnimShop exe in the folder, that can do a lot with it's optimise animation function. But you will need to get it from ffmpeg compatible to AnimShop compatible format, first. Export to full individual frames, then use AnimShop's import option..?

Either that or find a tool that can do everything at once.

But, either way, aim for .gif, as it has nice limitations.

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Sun, 24 Jun 2018, 03:19
Found it!

The following batch file will first create a good fit palette for the whole video, then use that palette to extract 8bit frames in bmp format

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Sun, 24 Jun 2018, 03:26
Ooh, a premade palette. Nice!
Sun, 24 Jun 2018, 03:38
I can't take credit for the code, but I did google it myself

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Sun, 24 Jun 2018, 13:24

but I did google it myself

That give me a chuckle!

I sorta do the same at work if someone drops a bollock, I'm like "Well, I'm not going to name names, nah, but me and Keith were there, and it wasnt me!" hehehe


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sun, 24 Jun 2018, 13:34
Its a long time since I've tried to blitz something, but this should work right?

...it doesnt.

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Sun, 24 Jun 2018, 13:48
Any way of including the files, or is it a mega-sized file?!

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Sun, 24 Jun 2018, 14:14
It's a few thousand smallish files. Extracted from a video using the code higher up. But for test purposes any old 8bit bmp files should do. In fact any file with a size larger than a 110x88 bmp.

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Sun, 24 Jun 2018, 15:17
OK, I'll see what I can fathom!

Quick tip : infile$=a$+Right$("000"+frameNumber,3)+".bmp"

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Sun, 24 Jun 2018, 15:37
Issue 1.
--- If fileNumber < 1000 Then b$ = "" + frameNumber
fileNumber vs frameNumber

Issue 2.
--- gfxr=LoadImage(infile$)

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Mon, 25 Jun 2018, 00:53
typo! dammit!
Mon, 25 Jun 2018, 14:08
current conversion progress...

requirements - ffmpeg

The first step is to rip the frames from whatever video we use. The following bat file will rip all o fthe files and a nice small size, all images using the same 256 colour palette, while flipping the image upside down (bmp files are saved upside down, we want them the correct way up).


Then the following blitzbasic code copies the first frames palette, then every other frames image data to a single file.


The video file can then be tested with the following code


and finally, the pokitto code

Here is is in action...

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Mon, 25 Jun 2018, 14:47
That’s not Bill and Ted.. !!!

Great work, though.
Any specific purpose?

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Tue, 26 Jun 2018, 00:56
Other than wondering if it would work you mean?
Tue, 26 Jun 2018, 01:41
LOL, ok
Tue, 26 Jun 2018, 04:49
That's really cool
Tue, 03 Jul 2018, 09:25
Here's a question...

The following code is only getting through about 10% of my video file before simply closing (it's not supposed to close, but wait for esc key) Can anyone see anything wrong with it?

Are there for example any limits to reading/writing files of a certain size in blitz3d?

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Tue, 03 Jul 2018, 10:05
I can't remember if Blitz2D/3D/Plus cleaned up when you LoadImage() over another image.
Just in case, add a FreeImage(gfx) in there, and see if that helps.

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Tue, 03 Jul 2018, 10:09
Well spotted, added it and it seems to be working
Thanks Jay!

It's now at 29000 out of 77611 frames and counting

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Tue, 03 Jul 2018, 10:53
Nope, it still doesn't make it to the end not far off though.

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Tue, 03 Jul 2018, 12:30
Is it crashing or exiting the loop? Stick a little flag/debug/something so that you can tell if it's exiting or crashing...
(maybe a Writestring(outfile,"Closed Normally") before the closefile, then check in the file when it's done)
That should help decide whether it's a "weird" issue that's closing the loop early, or whether it's another memory based issue.

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Tue, 03 Jul 2018, 13:11
It's freezing and becoming unresponsive at around frame 77598, give or take. Which puts the output file at around 614mb.

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Tue, 03 Jul 2018, 13:26
If you can get it to repeat the task, could you possibly make a second edition to start from the given frame, and continue the video?!

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Tue, 03 Jul 2018, 13:37
Good idea, I'll test now starting at frame 50000...

|edit| Got to 77602. I wonder if its something to do with the 54.7mb audio file...
[edit2] tried without seeking the audio file to the correct position, copying from the beginning instead, same result.

I wonder if blitz, or even windows for that matter, has a problem with the number of files in a folder?

Even starting at frame 76000 (out of 77611) it still gets to roughly the same point
|edit| Even removing the image preview doesn't help.
This is weird one.

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Tue, 03 Jul 2018, 14:34
obvious checks.. the specific image file is ok?
The palette number's not somehow a non byte?
If it’s sticking specifically on that same number, I’d focus on that, not your code...

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