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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Coronavirus - COVID-19

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Fri, 13 Mar 2020, 06:35
It's slowly warming up so it'll likely phase out in the coming 4 weeks I reckon, in my unprofessional opinion that is.

Work have also introduced a daily cleaning routine which is fine too.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 13 Mar 2020, 09:33
It's slowly warming up so it'll likely phase out in the coming 4 weeks I reckon, in my unprofessional opinion that is.

The virus is only symptomatic for about 6 days, so comes and goes fairly quickly (with a mortality rate well below 10%). However it's still crossing China and has been since before Christmas - although tbf measures weren't put in place previously.

I think you're right about a limited timespan though - I'd be surprised if we hear much about it come Summer.
Fri, 13 Mar 2020, 09:48
It also depends on how quickly it spreads.. immunity build up and all that gubbins.

Letting it spread is probably wiser than shutting everyone in and giving it fresh-meat to chew on once we all come out of hiding.
... but fuck that shit!!!! I'm staying put! (Although, I was anyway, but.. you know..)

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Fri, 13 Mar 2020, 10:45
So, it appears that me and a couple of workmates might have had it in January this year without knowing, thinking it was just regular flu but much worse.

It was possibly just "the worst flu we've ever had", similar symptoms, etc.

But we were all downed for about week with it, not fun and I can see how it could easily finish off the elderly but, err yeahh.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 13 Mar 2020, 11:53
I just watched a special on the spanish flu. That one came back more deadly after the summer period where it went silent.

They say the medicine to prevent it or cure it wil take a year before it is ready.

The supermarket was not that empty when I went there today. There were a amount of empty shelves. I could buy everything for today.
Fri, 13 Mar 2020, 12:43
Advice from JustEat if you really want to be ordering takeaway food...?

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Fri, 13 Mar 2020, 17:30
My state just canceled school for the next two weeks (possibly more). Crazy!

My Twitter
Sat, 14 Mar 2020, 04:12
Most sport, festivals, and other gathering-style events have been cancelled for a good while.
Looks like we're getting to "freaking out" levels, now!

Grab a crowbar!!

Meanwhile, BBC have posted a "how many in your area" thing.
"There are 3 cases in Bolton."

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Sat, 14 Mar 2020, 04:24
I looked at that "Area" thing a couple of days ago; two cases then. Two cases now (although it hasn't updated since 09:00 yesterday. So hopefully, all is well. Ish.

My wife witnessed panic buying at the shops today. Someone with 12 boxes of cereal, others with multiple other pointless things. No ketchup or sauces on shelves but loads of tinned foods (seriously - how much sauce can you go through and why avoid the tinned foods?) etc. etc.

People. Dumb as rocks.

Sat, 14 Mar 2020, 04:27
Surely tinned foods are at the top of the list?!

Pasta, rices, soups, beans, tins of meats...

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Sat, 14 Mar 2020, 05:23
It's fucking infuriating. Tried doing some shopping yesterday and Tesco and ALDI were empty. Got to ALDI first thing this morning and they were fairly well stocked - but fuck me, the car park and the queues for checkouts!

Then went to Tesco to pick up items I couldn't get - mostly gluten free stuff for my kids that are coeliacs. Different story - still very empty shelves and no tins/pasta/rice/etc.

And then there was this old lady crying in the tinned food isle. Crying because she couldn't afford what was left - just a small selection of the expensive named brand products. Saying she'd have to go without some things and was about to go put back a two pack of chicken to get some tins. Seriously, wtf. I grabbed her basket, chucked it into my trolley and went around Tesco picking up some decent things for her. I paid for them at the checkout, got an (embarrassing) applause from staff, then drove the lady home so she didn't have to wait for a bus.

Seriously, this panic buying is mad and people are suffering from it.

/Rant over - I'm going to have a well deserved cup of tea!
Sat, 14 Mar 2020, 05:26
That's lovely.
Sat, 14 Mar 2020, 06:41
Round of applause to that man! Well done
Sat, 14 Mar 2020, 20:46
@Krakatomato Good on ya! There is hope left in the Human race!
Sun, 15 Mar 2020, 02:14

Sun, 15 Mar 2020, 04:11
Meanwhile, here's some Realism...

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Sun, 15 Mar 2020, 04:18
This afternoon the government wil decide if all the schools here wil close on monday. Maybe all non essential stores and all restaurants etc. too.


Me and my mom live in the worst outbreak region(brabant) edit: this might be related to the carnaval not being canceled earlier.
Sun, 15 Mar 2020, 05:11
therevillsgames Facepalm:

Nope, not allowed to touch your face!

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 15 Mar 2020, 15:40
French Minister says, Paracetamol. Not Ibuprofen.

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Sun, 15 Mar 2020, 16:53
My girlfriend's company now has everyone working from home, and it's looking possible that my place will be doing so starting some point soon as well. Plenty of weekend stuff we had planned over the next few weeks has also (quite sensibly) been called off. Which altogether gives me a bit more peace of mind in the face of the rather questionable government response - but things definitely look like they're going to get a lot worse before they get any better.

Stay safe, everyone.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Tue, 17 Mar 2020, 03:16
Gawd, I didn't even think about Big Brother contestants!

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Tue, 17 Mar 2020, 04:49
I can't work from home - unless they want patients to stay with the staff. And that is definitely NOT happening!!!!
Tue, 17 Mar 2020, 05:08
My mate Dave's trapped in a shitty coding office database job, and is currently sat in an open-plan office with about 6 or 7 other coders, some of who are already sniffling and coughing, and one whose wife has had to self-isolate, but the company won't let any of them work from home...

Suffice to say, Dave is not pleased...

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Tue, 17 Mar 2020, 05:10
Poor Dave

Tue, 17 Mar 2020, 06:02
The kids and wife have been told to self isolate for 7 days yesterday as Layla coughed once at school yesterday.

They all seem absolutely fine thankfully.

Luckily I live away so I can still get to work and back one way or another (walking, not public transport if possible)

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 17 Mar 2020, 15:13
Just a quick note to the dickheads taking all the gluten free pasta... It's not normal pasta and you'll soon realise it tastes a bit shit. Thanks for taking food away from my kids' plate as they're coeliacs and can't eat anything other than that horrible crap. 'Gluten Free Pasta' does NOT mean NORMAL pasta! Leave the free-from food to the people that actually need it. You bunch of low life nobends!

|update| -=-=- |update|
And to the to the c###s stealing food from the foodbank bins in supermarkets - I hope that one day you become needy enough to depend on a foodbank. Then you'll realise what an absolute T##T you were: https://www.brightonandhovenews.org/2020/03/17/tesco-removes-food-bank-trolley-after-its-raided-by-panic-buyers/
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