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Socoder -> In-Development -> AGameAWeek 2021

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Tue, 02 Feb 2021, 06:47

You can now play Rumbled Ground in your browser, thanks to this amazing Browsercade reconstruction

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Mon, 08 Feb 2021, 04:24


Tickety Blast

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Bit of a let down, this week.
I tried to make a puzzle game, but failed horrendously.
I guess after all those Foldapuz puzzle generators, my brain is all puzzled out!

I mean, the end result is still fun and playable. You have to run through the maze grabbing flags without getting blown up. And, that's ok, as a game...
But it's not the puzzle that I wanted it to be.
Bah, humbug!!


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Fri, 12 Feb 2021, 04:53


Numerical Hops

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Hop around a board, one number at a time, hoping each time that your next leap, will be the leap home.
Each number you land on is how far your next leap will be.
Try to reach the goal, without getting stuck.

You can Play the game in your browser, on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet.

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Mon, 15 Feb 2021, 07:12

SmileBASIC - 4VK4K3J1F

Golly, Roger!

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Guide the ship through the oceans, and scoop up all the treasures you can muster.

Grab the game on Switch using the SBKey 4VK4K3J1F

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Fri, 26 Feb 2021, 06:04



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Guide the space slug through the busy highway, gathering up the tiles.
Collect grounds of the same tile to earn bonus points!

You can Play Gastr-o-naut in the Browsercade, under the Maze section..

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Sat, 27 Feb 2021, 17:57

SmileBASIC - 4RGN4828V


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A simple but fun little Sliding Block puzzle.
Icons "drop" in from the side, and you must line up three-in-a-row to clear them from the grid.
Game's over if any of the icons fall off the edge.

You can grab this game in SmileBASIC using the code 4RGN4828V

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Sat, 27 Feb 2021, 19:00
Looks fun! I've really gotta get SmileBASIC soon!
Thu, 04 Mar 2021, 07:19



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A lazy recreation of Lynkr in the Shoebox.
It's a nice little game, though!

You can Play Lynkr in your browser, here.

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Mon, 08 Mar 2021, 04:24

SmileBasic - 4QZX5Z3H3

Happy 10

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The Petit Computer/SmileBASIC franchise (since the original DSi release) is 10 years old, today. ('ish. It's technically tomorrow, but with timezone conversions, it released in Japan late tonight!)
I've written this little platformer to celebrate.

If you have SmileBASIC, grab the game with the code 4QZX5Z3H3

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Fri, 12 Mar 2021, 06:27


Flipping Floors

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A simple, but effective little platformer.
Make your way across the flipping floors!
A game starring a spare sprite that I couldn't be arsed to do animate!!

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Fri, 12 Mar 2021, 07:29
Just had a go. 1740 was my highscore, I think. Love this one! In my top 3 behind Rumbled Ground and Jack on the Blocks.
Mon, 15 Mar 2021, 07:25

SmileBASIC - 4E338Y3E1

Buggly's Grubs

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The hungry bug must eat all the grubs.
Hop from tree to tree to fill it with glee.

You can Grab the game in SmileBASIC 4 (on Switch) using the SBKey 4E338Y3E1

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Sat, 20 Mar 2021, 18:40

SmileBASIC - 42K43H3DJ

Circle vs Jellyfish

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Wednesday Workshop #017 asked us to make a game featuring Good vs Evil.
This week, I remade my entry for that week.

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Sun, 21 Mar 2021, 08:48


Circle Vs Jellyfish

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It was a simple, yet effective game, so I felt the need to redo it in the Browsercade, too.
You can Play the game in your Browser, on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet.

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Sun, 28 Mar 2021, 05:53

SmileBASIC - 44J23EXY3

Platdude in Space

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Platdude hops around the cosmos, bopping the enemy creatures on their heads, because he's evil!!!

Grab the game using the SBKey 44J23EXY3

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Thu, 01 Apr 2021, 06:53

Shoebox of Games


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I've often wondered how to do Minesweeper on a touchscreen.
You either have to do that frustrating thing of having to click a button to toggle between "Dig" and "Flag", and occasionally forget to click it, leading to your accidental digging of a mine and blaming the frustrations of the control scheme..
or alternatively, go the "Tap to flag/Long press to dig" method, which annoys the bejesus out of me, because the Long Press sometimes does/doesn't register at random, and you again end up blowing yourself up for no good reason.

I opted to attempt a way to "fix" this, this week, by turning the entire thing into a board game, and...
.. No flags.!?!
Instead, collect the coins around the minefield.

Beware : One of the coins is on a mine!!!

Minesweepers can be played in your browser, on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet, and works for one to four players on a single device, in Party Mode.

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Sun, 04 Apr 2021, 08:30


A Clockwork Banana

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One of those occasions when a dumb game title pops into your head, so you make a game around that.
Turns out alright, I reckon, though it's a teensy bit chaotic.
Hopefully you can play it with a good sense of humour, and the lack of precise controls doesn't irritate the bejesus out of you!!!

Grab the game with the SBKey 4RKJNV3DJ

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Sun, 04 Apr 2021, 14:37
I've said it before but it needs repeating, I don't know how you do it Jay, that's awesome!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 26 Apr 2021, 06:13
Aw, shit I've been forgetting to update this..
I knew I would. Give me a few weeks, and things start to build up to the point where simply posting about things becomes a chore..

Just assume I've been making games in the interim!

SmileBASIC - 4D44X33J4

Tower Flow

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Bit of a rushed game, this week, as I dove back into working on that Script Engine thing, and kinda forgot to finish this off properly.
I was intending to have crates filled with powerups, bonuses and more, but .. Nope.. Didn't happen.
May as well have been Spikes, for all the gameplay difference it makes!
Bah, humbug.

Aw well, Back to coding again..

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Mon, 03 May 2021, 05:27

SmileBASIC - 4V32N33B1

Kraw's Eggs

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Crack open the eggs to free the birds, then shout at them, or they'll kill you!
This game makes no sense!!!

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Mon, 03 May 2021, 13:39
Mon, 10 May 2021, 05:51

SmileBASIC - 4E3K34JEM

Greenie's Pocket Adventure

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Help Greenie find his way through the arena, killing evil squishy creatures with the aid of some handy rocks.
A semi-remake of a game from 2005!

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Sat, 22 May 2021, 16:01

SmileBASIC - 4443N39J

The Two-Year Old

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SmileBASIC on Switch was launched two years ago today (tomorrow!!), in Japan, so I made a game called "The Two-Year Old", 'cos I'm imaginative like that.
Unfortunately that's all the imagination I had, this week, and ended up making a game where you move to the right, and try to avoid spikes, with lots of bouncing involved.

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Fri, 18 Jun 2021, 12:19

SmileBASIC - 4ZS3X4W3

Double Cascade

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My 100th game on the Switch.. What better title to go for than Double Cascade!?!
A simple but effective Asteroid Blaster.

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Sun, 27 Jun 2021, 14:08

SmileBASIC - 4V32KN451

A Sticky Situation

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.. Yup.. Pretty much just ripped off Kuru Kuru Kururin, this week, and turned it into a Star-Searching maze thing.

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Sun, 27 Jun 2021, 15:38
KKK (the game, not the Klan) is awesome. It's one game that really does deserve a return run on the Switch.
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