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Socoder -> Film + TV -> Streaming Recommendations

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Tue, 10 Aug 2021, 15:21
Just watched a 6 year old movie, Self/Less, in which Ryan Reynolds plays a mindless body, grown in a lab.

Not a bad film.
I need to watch movies more often, but coding usually gets in the way!

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Tue, 10 Aug 2021, 15:56
Just watched a 6 year old movie, Self/Less, in which Ryan Reynolds plays a mindless body, grown in a lab.

Not a bad film.
I need to watch movies more often, but coding usually gets in the way!

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Tue, 10 Aug 2021, 21:31
You watched it twice?
Wed, 11 Aug 2021, 01:37
Apparently so!
Wed, 11 Aug 2021, 01:38
I watched a (new?)movie but I can not find anything about it anymore. I have been googling for half an hour without succes. The movie was with bruce willis as a bad guy. It was about a machine that gave the person who got into it the power to return to life after they died. Sort of like ground hog day.

The hero who had gotten into the machine needs to resque his (ex)wife who build the machine.
Wed, 11 Aug 2021, 01:39
Sounds fun!
Sat, 14 Aug 2021, 07:04
I just saw the movie in a list. It is called 'boss level'
Sat, 14 Aug 2021, 07:23
It's on Amazon Prime video, here.
I'll probably watch it later tonight.

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Fri, 20 Aug 2021, 12:20
Perfume Imaginary Museum, Time Warp.
The JPop group Perfume perform an imaginary virtual concert, after their 2020 concert is cancelled due to the pandemic.

Available on Netflix.

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Sat, 04 Sep 2021, 15:30
I watched a movie with Ryan Reynolds the other week, so now Netflix is bombarding me with his films.
Tonight I surrendered and watched RIPD, starring him and Kevin Bacon.

Basic gist.
"That Men in Black movie made a ton of money. Why don't we copy that..?"

And that's roughly the entire plot.

It was an enjoyable movie, but nothing surprised. Everything was by the book.... If the book was MIB's script.

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Mon, 20 Sep 2021, 05:34
Total film over on Facebook mentions the new Horror mini series 'Midnight Mass' is probably the best series of this year. It wil be on Netflix this friday. From the makers of 'The haunting of hill house'
Mon, 20 Sep 2021, 05:39
I'm not a fan of horror, in general... Though I will happily claim the Japanese original of The Ring to be one of my top fave films..

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Mon, 20 Sep 2021, 05:44
I like horror quite a bit. I should not have started watching those when I was young though, as I still need the lights on when I sleep .

That recent movie 'Army of the dead' was a nice suprise too.
Mon, 20 Sep 2021, 13:24
I've recently watched three films -

A Quiet Place, A Quiet Place II and Raya And The Last Dragon.

I enjoyed all three. All silly popcorn hokum.

BTW - Raya surprised me; it's a Disney animated movie with no singing! Which is kind of a shame, as I enjoy many of their songs. But it wourked well without them.
Tue, 07 Dec 2021, 08:12
Not netflix, but Wheel of time seems like a good series so far. Imdb score currently of 9.0. It is on amazon prime. Sort of a lord of the ring or game of thrones.

Edit: maybe there is a imbd score per episode. Now it says 7.8.
Tue, 28 Dec 2021, 17:50

Don't Look Up.
Expected : Typical end of the world, Armageddon/Deep Impact clone
Didn't Expect : LOL!

Highly recommended.

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Tue, 28 Dec 2021, 23:02
I watched a movie with Ryan Reynolds the other week,

I really enjoyed Waiting... Likely fave film of his...
Tue, 01 Mar 2022, 08:25
All of us are dead. A south korean series about a zombie outbreak.

Netflix has granted many millions of dollars(hundreds even) to south korean movie makers. Normally I do not even try to watch any foreign tv. The amount of budget they have right now in korea does make it more watchable.

I'm going through every episode and can say that I am not disappointed.
Tue, 01 Mar 2022, 08:28
As long as it's just a single series. That's one thing I'm loving about all the SK shows. Just one story. A beginning a middle and an end.
I am SO glad I didn't get into The Walking 12 Years....

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Wed, 02 Mar 2022, 14:33
I really enjoyed "Don't Look Up!"

"Everybody is going to fucking die!!!!!!" LOL

Not Netflix, but anybody watched the Prime series "Solos"? I've wached the first three of seven (strange number) and they've all been really quite good. They explore humans and humanity in a subtle but compelling way in a half hour story starring just one actor/actress. The third one stars Helen Mirren in a very sad futuristic tale of human fear, anxiety anfd loneliness that we can all relate to - missed opportunities et al.
Fri, 18 Mar 2022, 04:04
I didn't enjoy "The Adam Project"
I mean, it was... alright.. I guess. But, nah. Wouldn't watch again.

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Fri, 18 Mar 2022, 04:27
I've now watched all of "Solos" now - really good series (of individual stories). Roll on series 2.
Fri, 18 Mar 2022, 05:30
I'll give that a go tomorrow.
Tonight's Trek night, with the finale of Discovery and episode 3 of Picard season 2

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Fri, 18 Mar 2022, 07:00
There is a good Horror movie about 'Maria' Miracles after a buried doll was broken. A demon pretending to be Maria whispering to a deaf and mute girl.
Some nice special effects. The story is a bit silly sometimes.

I forgot the title. Phone just arived this minute. Installation time.

Edit : on new phone.. the movie title was ‘the unholy’
Fri, 27 May 2022, 04:25

View on YouTube

... when you get Roman Atkinson to agree to do a series, but can't seem to get the rights to use Mr Bean.

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Fri, 27 May 2022, 04:52
I'm getting ready to watch Stranger Things S4. Should be out today. The final 2 episodes are set in june or juli I think.
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