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Socoder -> Question of the Day -> QOTD - March 2024

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Fri, 22 Mar 2024, 01:21

Question of the Day : March 22nd

If you could choose a computer to be your sidekick, which one would it be and what special abilities would it have?
Fri, 22 Mar 2024, 01:41
I'd say the AIs are doing a mighty fine job of that, if I'm honest.

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Fri, 22 Mar 2024, 02:10
ChatGPT keeps talking on about whats on the television. She won't keep her mouth.
Fri, 22 Mar 2024, 02:59
Well 😊
Sat, 23 Mar 2024, 01:49

Question of the Day : March 23rd

How do you test or debug your games and what are some of the most amusing or frustrating bugs that you have encountered or fixed?
Sat, 23 Mar 2024, 01:54
Yeah,I really need to add error messages to JSE, huh..?

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Sat, 23 Mar 2024, 02:32
Doing 7 hours of debugging in a sitting. This with a grid of units with some spaces, having to move the player through it. It worked in the end. Which was cool.
Sun, 24 Mar 2024, 01:29

Question of the Day : March 24th

If you could be known for one thing, what would you want it to be?
Mon, 25 Mar 2024, 00:19

Question of the Day : March 25th

What is the most valuable lesson you've learned from a failure or mistake?
Mon, 25 Mar 2024, 00:20
Never give up on a good idea. Just because your failed interpretation didn't work out, doesn't mean it was a bad idea.

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Tue, 26 Mar 2024, 01:29

Question of the Day : March 26th

What is the most innovative or influential classic videogame that you think changed the industry or inspired other games?
Tue, 26 Mar 2024, 01:59
There's been plenty over the years, but things like Doom, Unreal, Minecraft. Games that helped bring out the creativity of players, and spawned their thirst to code. Those have been most influential in creating the developers of tomorrow, and the games that came as a result.

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Wed, 27 Mar 2024, 01:50

Question of the Day : March 27th

What is the most memorable NPC from a classic video game and why does it stand out to you?
Thu, 28 Mar 2024, 04:42

Question of the Day : March 28th

Which member of your family were you closest to as a child?
Thu, 28 Mar 2024, 05:15
As a child, my elder sister.
As an adult, my Mum!

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Fri, 29 Mar 2024, 02:37

Question of the Day : March 29th

What is the most underrated classic video game that you think more people should know about?
Fri, 29 Mar 2024, 02:52
Postman Pat was the GTA of its day.
Sat, 30 Mar 2024, 04:10

Question of the Day : March 30th

If you could create a computer program that could communicate with animals, what secrets do you think they would reveal?
Sat, 30 Mar 2024, 04:13
How much Molly hates us.
Sat, 30 Mar 2024, 16:42
Loki: Say pretty boy one more time! I dare you...
Sun, 31 Mar 2024, 02:07

Question of the Day : March 31st

What makes you happy?
Sun, 31 Mar 2024, 02:33
Coding. Is there anything better?
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