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A new devcrunch...

22nd August 2007

Hum... I wonder if it is the beginnig of a cooperation between two forums... it would be great.


A new devcrunch...

20th August 2007

Hum Hum... Dev-Crunch... Hum... So-Coder... Hum... BlitzBasic... Hum... GameDev... ... why we need all this forums about coding?
P.s. Jay... I didnt get the "2007 survey" badge... when you have time... ty


Computer Animation Festival

16th August 2007

impressive 3d models :|
i have ever wanted to become a good 3d artist...
or at least to create an half decent 3d elf xD


Huge 2d city

14th August 2007

It's just a huge 2d city. But there are no words to describe it. You must see it. Dont browse it if your connection is slow!


Porting C&C : Is it possible, is it cheap, and is it legal

14th August 2007

Soemone made once a good RTS in Blitz... something with robots... [me]ingenium searches the link[/me]
He was a CW and BB member... i cant remember his name :\\
I found it!!!!
here it is:
TigerZ got a job at Ea games... he is a god.
The game*snip*


The 2007 '3/4 of the year' Survey

14th August 2007

1. Which of the sites features do you use most often?
Mud chat :\\
2. Which of the sites features do you think should be improved?
No one :|
3. Should I just scrap the whole "Badges" thing? It never really took off, did it!
I think it's quite funny to *snip*


[C/C++] Graphic

13th August 2007

[quote=abc]Just a few things:
do anyone knwo that iusinbello/ingenium/ingenium1 are the same guy/lamer?[/quote]


Phoenix Birthday

13th August 2007

Happy Happy Happy Birthday!


C# tutorial

13th August 2007

[quote=Jayenkai]FFS, you get pulled away from the net for a day, and look what happens.
I just logged in... -_-... Can I understand what the hell is happening here? I asked for a tutorial not for a flame war.
I want to thanks Phoenix,*snip*


C# tutorial

12th August 2007



C# tutorial

12th August 2007

ok... I downloaded Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition.
I made this: NotePad
As you can see it is not complete.
A little explanation to whom who doesnt understand Italiano:
Apri = Open
Salva = Save
Salva con nome = Save as
Now... here it is my probl*snip*


Porting C&C : Is it possible, is it cheap, and is it legal

12th August 2007

Diablos is right. I am using C# and I must say it is really easy.


I demand chat.

12th August 2007

Shall we try it?


I demand chat.

12th August 2007

Jay... Are you sure it is working? Yesterday Phoenix had his clock "yellow"... so I thought he waas in chat... but I couldnt find him anywhere...


Hello There Coders

4th May 2007



Ingenium's Latin Challenge - #001

26th April 2007

can you lock this thread, jay?


A "big" project

24th April 2007

the project is dead.


A "big" project

22nd April 2007

"But do i implement polymorphism into the object-oriented environment i'm attempting to create?". You have no responce because all you did was translate the article. Hobo could respond, but he can't understand me.[/quote]
The question would be tr*snip*


#095 - The Zero G Challenge

17th April 2007

Jay, your work is fabolous! Nice!
Phoenix... I can't start your program... I get a system error...


Awesome Alpo and Hercules

17th April 2007

Oh, GOD!



17th April 2007

mmm... ok i will write a program...



17th April 2007

Is there an application to make a back-up of my website?



15th April 2007

[quote]And yet at the same time, I'm really glad it doesn't have them.[/quote]



14th April 2007

Nice avatar, Phoenix!


A "big" project

14th April 2007

[quote=Nolan]you'd need an speaker of each natural language that you want to support. So tell me this: where do you plan to find such a huge number of experienced programmers?[/quote]
I think we didn't understand each other:
I am not searching a skilled *snip*

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