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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 09 August 2008
Edited : 09 August 2008
System : Cross Platform

New computer!

I've bought... a new computer.

For the past two weeks, I think, I've been without a computer because my old one died. I was originally planning to take my old stationairy computer and upgrade it, but it had no graphics card, no monitor, no keyboard and no speakers. And it wasn't a laptop.

So today I went to town and bought a new laptop.
Not state of the art but very nice I think. I've gone from:

1.5 GHz single-core -> 2.1 GHz dual-core
512 MB RAM -> 3 GB RAM
40 GB harddrive -> 320 GB harddrive
Integrated useless card -> 256 MB graphics card
And from Windows XP -> Windows Vista

The difference is giganormous. Cost me $1279, or £666 for all you UK:ers.

First impression is that they've packed the computer with useless software I don't want; eBay links, Norton Antivirus, HP games (in German!), etc. Took me no time to remove though.

Vista is a nice swap from XP I think, and I especially like the visual goodies.



Saturday, 09 August 2008, 05:20

And, for the record..
ARGH! VISTA!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (Although, I've yet to try it with my new gfx card.. it might actually half-work, now!)

But congrats on the big-ass upgrade.

Now all you have to do is find enough garbage to fill the 320Gb.
Shouldn't be too hard
Saturday, 09 August 2008, 05:23
Sounds nice, but it might break quite quickly: 1) Vista; 2) £666!
Saturday, 09 August 2008, 10:44
Nice specs.

And Vista should run great on OEM hardware.
Saturday, 09 August 2008, 14:13
Real good specs, 'cept for Norton, and the misc. shovel-ware. I can't say anything about Vista, as I've never used it.

Is it big, like a desktop replacement?
Saturday, 09 August 2008, 15:54
It's a regular sized laptop, 15.4" screen.

By the way, I haven't had any problems with Vista so far
Saturday, 09 August 2008, 16:02
Try making a regular folder, with regular working files in it...
Text, docs, .bb's, .c's and what have you...

Then put an mp3 in the folder..

Vista makes the rules, not you!!!

But glad to hear it's working well.
I bet you've been having plenty of fun!
There's nothing quite like trashing a new system, and making it your own
Sunday, 10 August 2008, 04:46
Vista is awesome, and I'm sure Phoenix's laptop will be too as a result. I'm even contemplating putting it on my eee!
Sunday, 10 August 2008, 05:04
I must say, I haven't really had that many problems with Vista, apart from the odd (and they are actually quite rare) BSOD.
Sunday, 10 August 2008, 06:09
Only 5% of BSODs in Windows are actually caused by Microsoft code. It's the drivers to blame who cause over 70% of them!