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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 24 August 2009
Edited : 27 August 2009
System : Mac

Afr0 Games Intro

New intro video!

What do you guys think?

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Please keep in mind, the ball is supposed to be an afro. It might not be too visible in crappy YouTube quality.
But it should be fairly obvious that it spells 'Afr0 Games'.

Edit: The ball contains around 60,000 hairstrands. But YouTube makes it look like a cheap rock-bumpmap texture thing.



Monday, 24 August 2009, 15:23
'tis a teensy Afr0 Pompom!
The black ball might've looked better on a none-black background, though!
Monday, 24 August 2009, 16:03
It's a nice start but I think it needs a lot of polish. Namely:
1) Change the font.
2) The balls movement is a bit static. Have it move in a curve or something, rather then straight across screen and then down.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009, 01:27
I like the idea, but I think it could do with a few tweaks...

To make it look more like an afro, you could have it not just as a sphere, but slightly squashed, and spin it another way to emphasise this. I didn't realise it was an afro until you told me so. I also think it could do with a sound-effect of some kind. Just like a 'swoosh' noise as the afro comes in or something. Although I guess that's something you already plan to add later.

As for the font, I don't feel it's that bad, although a different font may work better.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009, 02:32
The Celeron's monitor is set to a higher brightness/contrast than my other PC, and watching it here there's a much better contrast between the Afr0 and the Black background.
Looks a lot better.
Still think you oughta have a different coloured background, though.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009, 03:03
JL235: Nope, not changing the font! In the beginning I considered modelling the letters after a pre-existing font, but as I progressed I decided I really liked the 'personalized' look of the font I had going. The letters look fairly consistent, but still looks like they've been drawn by hand. Which is cool. It emphasizes the slightly humorous feel of the intro.
As for the movement, I agree. I might change it.

shroom_monk: Slight squash? Hmm... I might try that. I'm definately thinking of adding a sound-effect, though I'm not sure what kind yet.

Jay: I think I might try with an inverted color scheme as well, to see how that looks. But it depends, because it takes 1 1/2 hour to render the thing!
Tuesday, 25 August 2009, 05:31
I don't get it.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009, 06:11

Tuesday, 25 August 2009, 07:07
Hmm... interesting movement!
Tuesday, 25 August 2009, 07:41
Oooh... I like that idea Jay. Really emphasises the afro!
Tuesday, 25 August 2009, 11:38
.....So is the hair supposed to be sort of like an afro? It looks more like bad specular mapping on a pool ball. It would be more interesting if the O suddenly grew a full 'fro with a little bounce to it, but the black background kills the effect completely, since all i see is some fuzzy white thing moving in
Wednesday, 26 August 2009, 14:44
I posted a new version besides the old one. Which one looks better?
Sorry about the quality, the video was accidentally rendered out at 75% compression. But due to the small filesize I've decided to keep it that way for now.
I haven't had time to do anything about the animation just yet, but it'll get there.
Thursday, 27 August 2009, 16:26
Updated the video again, this time with new animation inspired by Jay's suggestion.
What do you think?
Monday, 31 August 2009, 17:54
I'm subbed, so I see these when they get up. All I can say is, nice work so far!
Monday, 31 August 2009, 23:01