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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Yet another electric car !

Thu, 05 Nov 2009, 09:13
U.G.L.Y, but looks kind of cool at the same time. Very Mini-Moke.

Thu, 05 Nov 2009, 09:18
"£9m of investment" for something that looks like that? I could probably make something much better looking for 500,000 pounds.

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Thu, 05 Nov 2009, 22:22
Looks like a shit go-kart..


60mph, recharge after 100 miles - what's the f-ing point?! So you can drive for an hour and a half and be out of power? What i'd like to know is why no one has thought about strapping solar panels to these monstrosities to harvest a little more juice, not to mention other ways to squeeze out just a little more, like Heat to elecricity solutions

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

Current Project: Pyroxene
Fri, 06 Nov 2009, 06:59
Mog Shit-kart!

Fri, 06 Nov 2009, 07:07
What i'd like to know is why no one has thought about strapping solar panels to these monstrosities to harvest a little more juice, not to mention other ways to squeeze out just a little more, like Heat to elecricity solutions

The probably will in time to come, things such as thermopile technology and infrared-scavenging panels (just like solar power, but with the heat end of the light spectrum).

That's if we don't all get blown from here to Kingdom-Come first, when they fire the Large Hadron Collider at full power.
Fri, 06 Nov 2009, 07:11
Actually, the LHC may be more likely to suck us all inside-out, but outway or inway, the outcome would still suck !
Sat, 07 Nov 2009, 01:10
I've seen more stylish vehicles come out of Scrapheap Challenge.

Life's biggest obstacles are your greatest opportunities to excel.
Sun, 08 Nov 2009, 20:46

It does not look good at all.