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Socoder -> C/C++/C#/Other -> Keylogger in C

Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 12:25
I want to write a keylogger in C...
I have just wrote half of the code but i don\'t know how to make it work in an hidden way... without the dos shell...
how can I?

Roger Federer is go(o)d.
But he is not alone.

Just relax... sometimes there's no need to argue.
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 12:42
use win gui mode with no graphics instead of using the console.
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 13:17
power mousey

I hope you are a White Hat, dude.

or at least.... have a hat that is grey.

hopefully cheers,
power mousey
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 13:18
mmm... have i to use win gui mode?! d'ouch! is there another way to get the same result?

Edit: lol powermousey! i am like gandalf from the Lord of the Rings...

Roger Federer is go(o)d.
But he is not alone.

Just relax... sometimes there's no need to argue.
Thu, 01 Feb 2007, 13:37
power mousey


So, you are a White hat.
You and him are the Wizards of Wiz and of the Woz(Wozinak). You're a sorcerror of the silicon slipstreams.

true and cheers,
power mousey