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Socoder -> Art and Sound -> Undo Didn't Do

Mon, 03 Jun 2013, 05:20
|!!ARGH| GAH!!!!! |ARGH!!|

Serves me right for not keeping an eye on what I'm doing, I suppose.
It's also a lesson in working on smaller chunks at a time.

Thankfully, today's lesson proves that, sometimes, it's a good job you didn't save too often!!

Here's what I did, this morning!

1. Open "BigBadgeA.psp"(8192x8192 pixels, 4 layers)
2. Open "EmtpyBadge.psp" (1024x1024 pixels, 8 layers)
3. Draw first of the menu buttons.
4. Add to BigBadgeA.psp
5. Draw second menu button
6. Add to BigBadge
7. Draw third menu button
8. Add to BigBadge
9. Decide buttons need a bit of text.
10. Draw first button's text, move into place.
11. Draw second button's text, move into place.
12. Draw third button's text, move into place.
13. Decide to change to a different font, because when scaled down, the current font looks like ass.
14. Undo.. Undo.. Undo...
15. Undo..

16. Oh no! It's run out of undo memory!!! And the gnatty looking font won't go away!!

17. And I've stupidly pasted the text on the same layer as the damn buttons!!! GAH!!!

18. Close BigBadgeA.psp, thankfully the original was still there, as I hadn't recently saved it..
19. Start the whole damn thing all over again.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 03 Jun 2013, 07:27
I once had a second, out-of-focus instance of Explorer up for my folder of ripped movies. I was in the other, in-focus instance of Explorer in some other folder and selected a few things for deletion. I pressed Delete...

...and Windows decided to delete my entire folder of 300+ movies I had spent the previous two years ripping from my DVD collection rather than the items I had selected in the in-focus window.

And that was when I found out they had removed the undelete function.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Mon, 03 Jun 2013, 12:39
I've gotten in the habit of using git even for binary files. It's probably not the best tool for the job, but it has saved my ass a few times. I already save my work REALLY often (as in, I press Ctrl+S every time I draw a line or click a button), but I use 'git commit' with about the same frequency that most people save their work. I always write meaningful commit messages so that it's easy to checkout exactly which version of the file I want.

Version control is beautiful
Mon, 03 Jun 2013, 16:55
I've never bothered with Version Control.
My first few years of PC Blitz Dev might've warranted it, but Version Control wasn't really that big of a deal in them days. (I'm old!)

Since then, everything's been about rapid-dev.
No sooner have I started something that I've pretty much got the job done.

There's not much point in going back to "the version from a couple of hours ago" because in most cases, a couple of hours ago I hadn't even come up with a concept for the game that's currently vaguely playable!!
For me, copying the folder over to the backup drive is enough.

I wouldn't recommend it as a standard, but "for me" it gets the job done.

.. Now, if PaintShop Pro had a bigger Undo buffer, I might've saved myself a lot of hassle, but if I'm honest, switching from pre-rendered buttons to Asset-based sprites has actually turned out quite well.
The menu looks quite nice, the way it is, now.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 03 Jun 2013, 17:28
I code in managable chuncks and copy the source file before I make any changes.

|edit| I posted in the right topic this time |edit|
Tue, 04 Jun 2013, 00:07
I recently wrecked my BlitzMax mod folder on OS X, copied a downloaded module which was located in its own "mod" root folder from the zip, usually, you can copy and paste this on Windows and the contents of the original "mod" folder in BlitzMax's root is left, but on OS X, nah, it sodding deleted the original and put the new'un in, so, I clicked "Undo" in Finders tool bar... And, it just removed the one I pasted and never plonked the old one back!

I was fuming, because there was a few modules I used that needed some jimmying up to get them to work on newer versions of BlitzMax, and now, they are gone!

Granted my fault for not backing up, but why have an Undo button that doesnt undo the last action completely... Stupid bloody Finder!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Tue, 04 Jun 2013, 01:53
Dabz I recently wrecked my BlitzMax mod folder on OS X, copied a downloaded module which was located in its own "mod" root folder from the zip, usually, you can copy and paste this on Windows and the contents of the original "mod" folder in BlitzMax's root is left, but on OS X, nah, it sodding deleted the original and put the new'un in, so, I clicked "Undo" in Finders tool bar... And, it just removed the one I pasted and never plonked the old one back!

That's proof that Apple really do put the tosh in Macintosh.
Tue, 04 Jun 2013, 02:23
I had enough issues with oldskool compiler add-ons (AMOS, Easy Amos, Amos Pro, Amos 3D, Amos Compiler!) to scare me off from ever daring to add anything extra, ever since.
If I can't manage to code something with the bare Devkit, I'll generally either rethink my methods, or just plain give up.
It's led to a number of issues, hundreds of odd quirks, and thousands of missing features, but luckily I've not had to deal with "oh fuck, my compiler's changed!" type issues.

Monkey has unexpectedly drawn me back to these sorts of issues. It seems that every time I dare update my Monkey version, there's a whole multitude of compiler issues to fix up, on all sorts of targets.

As such, my Monkey folder currently contains 6 different monkey versions, each bundled into it's own folder with "working" or "borked" next to it's name!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 04 Jun 2013, 04:01
Dabz Granted my fault for not backing up, but why have an Undo button that doesnt undo the last action completely... Stupid bloody Finder!

And for this reason, I love Time Machine... It's easy enough to use, because once it's set up you don't actually have to do anything, but it saves backups of revisions you make and makes it really easy to revert. Since OSX is... well, OSX, I find that I've saved my ass a few times with Time Machine's revision history.
Tue, 04 Jun 2013, 06:12
I know, but come on... Undo is there to, well, undo an action, if I was in a text editor and I highlighted a word, then pasted another word in place, then undid it, you would expect the old word to be put back... I know I ruddy do and I expect the same when using file system managers!

On another note, stupid Mac keeps on forgetting my network key, constantly having to keep on inputting the bugger nigh-on everytime I wake it from a slumber, and yes, I do make sure the "Remember passkey" whatsit is check... It's ready to go out of the window, tell ya that for nowt!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Tue, 04 Jun 2013, 06:29
I'm barely using my Mac at all, since I started using Monkey.
So much easier to code everything in Windows, then quicky compile it on the Mac, without having to deal with all it's quirkyness!

''Load, Next List!''