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Socoder -> Monkey -> Can the Monkey OUYA?

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Sat, 13 Jul 2013, 16:10
Some day I'll get an OUYA and give the whole thing a whirl.. ... Today is not that day! And I refuse to attempt this stuff blindly!!

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Sat, 13 Jul 2013, 16:10
It seems that I am not intelligent enough to follow the crazy ouya monkey intructions and yet again cant get command line tools do to what ever the hell everyone else on the planet gets them to do.

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Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 04:26
It should work in theory, OUYA is just an Android box.

|edit| I'm not sure about controller input though, The Game Creators are currently making a version 2 of AGK at the moment that includes OUYA specific stuff, so I assume that BRL would be offering an update to do the same kind of thing. |edit|
Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 04:43
I do worry about future "Android-Box" devices. I hope they all stick to the same controller SDK, or it's going to get annoying to deal with all the different bloody devices.
Android Dev is insane enough without throwing controller setups into the mix.

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Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 07:11
Sure is, with a million different screen resolutions, currently there are two or three different bluetooth controllers that work on android, then this comes along doing something different yet again.
Reminds me of the iCade trouble, with about ten different controllers using the iCade method but completely different button configurations, even when they're laid out exactly the same.

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Thu, 10 Oct 2013, 04:42
I'm guessing you managed it as you have a game on there now Spinal. Did you mess with the AIP stuff?

I think the newer version of Monkey has its own OUYA target now.

I've just got an OUYA a couple of days ago and still trying to get stuff set up.

The monkey documentation is always dire I wish there was a Monkey OUYA tutorial and step by step setup stuff.

Thu, 10 Oct 2013, 06:01
Yeah, Spinal, get typing

Turned on OUYA, played about with it, but have yet to do any Dev'y stuff. Will probably leave that until tomorrow.. Unless I get bored

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Thu, 10 Oct 2013, 09:45
I haven't tested the IAP stuff yet, I couldn't get the example to compile. But for 100% free stuff then there's no extra steps, just compile as normal with Android-OUYA as the target. If the OUYA is plugged into your computer then the apk will get installed and run just like on a phone.

Uploading to the Discover store is nice and easy also, not to mention much quicker than Apples version.

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Fri, 11 Oct 2013, 05:48
OK, here's my experience so far..

First, I update Monkey to v75 because.. well, I hadn't done that yet, and was still on about 69 or thereabouts!
After a lot of buggering about, I managed to get everything working again!!

Next up, came the Android SDK. I'm assuming you've already got standard Android stuff working, first!!
If you head into c:\android-sdk-windows, you'll find an SDK Manager thing.. Run that, and get it to install Android-16 stuff, as well as whatever else it wants to install.
I'm not sure why Monkey prefers 16 when doing OUYA target, but.. it does!
So, install that.

Once that's done, it should really be a breeze.
Simply compile, and run.
Today I tested via the method of "Compile, upload to server, download with OUYA, faff about trying to run it", which was more than a little long-winded to say the least!
Tomorrow I'll actually try hooking it up, to see how well that works..

Things I've discovered.

DPad works wonderfully, which is fucking annoying when the exact same code doesn't bloody well work on any other targets. GRRRrrr!!!

JoyDown(JOY_MENU) does work, sort of... It seems to recognise that the button's being hit, but then the OUYA appears to take over control, so the controller no longer actually does anything until you hit the menu button again, at which point it returns control to your game..

Overscan is enabled on the OUYA, so your game runs a little over the edge of the telly. I've noticed this, and so has Spinal, so either this is an OUYA thing, or it's a "we both own cheap tellys" one. Will have to get other folk to test it, to be sure.
I guess my framework needs some sort of Overscan stuff, now.. Geeze..

If you'd like to try out the current ouya apk, direct your OUYA here
Then go into system settings, storage, downloads, find the .apk, click it, then go back into the Play menu and run it from there.. It's a bit of a fuck-about, but it gets there!!

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Fri, 11 Oct 2013, 08:34
OK, got a simplistic form of Overscan to work on OUYA.
(works by setting a border of 32 pixels, tweaking all drawing and scaling to include that, and hoping everything neatly fits on the screen!!)
32 pixels isn't quite enough, since the pause button's still half off the screen, but I don't really want to add much more than that to the overscan. Seems a bit silly that it needs it at all, if I'm honest.
Anyhoo, that's done, and I'm now trying to decide if this is everything I need to do, before zipping up the new version of my Framework.

I should probably add some button images into the mix, too..
.. hmm..

Anything else that people can think of?

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Fri, 11 Oct 2013, 10:32
OUYA has the same "Doesn't Read Image Data" issues that some other Android devices does, so a lot of Karl's Tiny Adventure doesn't quite work as it should.

Karl's OUYA Test

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Fri, 11 Oct 2013, 14:50
How easy to get up and running on Ouya?
Fri, 11 Oct 2013, 14:55
My OUYA/TV also has an overscan issue, but I can't really test it because the OUYA is not at my house at the moment. Let me know if there's anything you need me to test when I get around to it, though.
Fri, 11 Oct 2013, 15:43
Nah, I think I'm ok with it. It was a bit of a shock to see Overscan in 2013, but I can deal with it, and .. Well, that's plenty enough for me.

As for how easy it is, it's as easy as Android. If you can manage one, you can manage the other.

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Sat, 12 Oct 2013, 00:45
NeonPlatRaw - OUYA Test

Things that need tweaked.. Option to switch jump and throw buttons.

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Sat, 12 Oct 2013, 01:35
At first I thought that OUYA was giving me the same "Image Data Loading" problems that some other Android devices had previously given me, then today I realised.. .. nope.. it's an entirely NEW Image Data Loading problem!

..Long story short, don't use Image Data Loading on OUYA, it's fucked up!!! (Like a super-dither effect, or something, leading to really messed up image data)

OUYA Dev Page wants me to fill in a Tax form. I've never filled in a tax form before...
How the hell do you fill in a .pdf file, anyway!?
Seriously, people, it's 2013.. We have an entire internet language that can do this sort of thing. Why a PDF?! I can't exactly input my data into a PDF!!! FFS...

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Sat, 12 Oct 2013, 04:17
I don't remember filling in a tax for, but then I never entered any payment info as I'm used a dummy card number to get past the initial setup.

It's OUYA that requires Android-16, Monkey just does what it's told.
With the overscan, OUYA recommends 10% from the edges for any important GFX.
When I use my computer monitor I have no issues as the thing actually has a 1920x1080 lcd in it, whereas (according to Google) my TV although accepting a 1080p signal, only has 1366x768 lcd so the image is part scaled and part clipped. Next TV I'll be reading the specs carefully, I want one that can display whatever screensize it can accept grrrrr.

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Sat, 12 Oct 2013, 08:08
Did you sign your apk!?
I've not! *shrugs* Submitted the NeonPlat Raw apk, and will see whether or not it gets past review.

Yeah, in the Dev section, if you want to sell your game, you need to submit Tax Information.. Yuk..
Far too "prufeshunal" for my liking! Neither Apple nor Google have asked for Tax info, so quite why "The Free and Easy!" OUYA folk have to is beyond me.

Suppose I really should start dealing with all that stuff, now, though. Ho-hum..

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Sat, 12 Oct 2013, 08:19
Because the free and easy OUYA is happy to deal with their devs taxes, rather than drop them in it if they make a lot of money? I for one would be more than happy to let someone else work out my taxes. even though here in the uk they're reasonably simple, fixed% = income tax, everything else is yours.

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Sat, 12 Oct 2013, 09:07
This post is merely an example. Feel free to ignore it!

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Sat, 12 Oct 2013, 12:19
I had to fill in the same tax form for HP (webOS). I think I've still got a copy somewhere, as I can just duplicate the answers I gave back then.

Not sure what the hell a "SWIFT" number is and Santender have about 50 (ok, 12, of which some were originally A&L, so I know the number I need isn't one of them - but I'm still left with half a dozen).

Tue, 15 Oct 2013, 17:26
NeonPlat Raw just got rejected because, get this, my "Safe Zone" wasn't big enough...

I've a fucking great big 32 pixel border around the edge of the smegging game, and it's "not good enough"??!
Holy fucknuts...

Apparently I need to use a zone of "about 10%"
... Ten fucking percent?! Are they shitting me?!
How crap must your telly be, if you're losing 10 fucking percent of the picture?!
Holy fucking fucknuts..

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Wed, 16 Oct 2013, 00:29
I cant imagine any tv that accepts HTMI having that much overscan. An old tube tv maybe, but no way a flat panel would loose that much picture.

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Wed, 16 Oct 2013, 04:19
OK, Rewrote a lot of the Overscan code, added a "L1 < Overscan > R1" option slidey thing to the Pause Menu, and got it saving the setting..
(For reference, I'm using Set[14] for this.. Why 14? It was the only slot I could think of that I hadn't already used in SpikeDislike2!!!)

Setting currently goes from 0 up to 64 pixels, in 16 pixel increments, and defaults to 64 pixels. Should be good enough for 99% of shit tellys, I imagine.


I'll wait until I get the all-clear from OUYA-Review before I post this version of the framework, though.

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Wed, 16 Oct 2013, 07:25
Jay, doesn't your framework already auto-scale everything for different phone sizes and flipping them and whatnot?

Why not just throw in a manually resizeable viewport?
Anyone who can't see the edge can just move the edge, and overscan issues are self-solving.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Wed, 16 Oct 2013, 08:03
Yeah, that's more or less how this works.. It might be labelled "overscan" but it is, in actuality, "big fucking useless border"... The scaler takes it into account and everything gets resized to fit into the new scale/viewport.

Anything drawn outside the limits still gets drawn, though, so.. ... I dunno.. Kinda works!!!

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