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Socoder -> Off Topic -> PiPad

Mon, 13 Jan 2014, 19:36
Raspberry Pi hack: Linkage
Mon, 13 Jan 2014, 19:36
That is incredible. Just looking at the thing in an overview I'm wondering if the PI will address a 17 monitor thus making a 17" PIPAD. This was a great find Steve!!

**** The screen is $300 US. Wow!! That's more than a store bought one over here.

Tue, 14 Jan 2014, 01:36
It looks great, but being made of wood it must weigh a ton!

There are some amazingly talented people in the modding scene. I wish I had an ounce of their talent
Tue, 14 Jan 2014, 19:55
I decided to delve into the functional and physical properties of the Pi a bit more and found that it has a heat sink.

There's also a heat sync cooling kit for those things. I thought they were air cooled and never needed a compound.

Wed, 15 Jan 2014, 03:19
I don't think the Pi does have a heat sink, does it? Looking at mine, it doesn't seem to, anyway.

But yes, you can buy heat sink kits for them. You only need them if you overclock the Pi, though. They aren't needed if you use the factory clock speed.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!