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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Eclipse

Sat, 03 Mar 2007, 09:02
Random astronomical fact: lunar eclipse tonight. Best pics of the blood moon wins. Extra points for pics of werewolves and such
Sat, 03 Mar 2007, 09:37
power mousey
okay, cucco

I see ya whacky bird flying around.
maybe you will zoom in and take a look at these

and also everybody too.

Blood Moon 1


Blood Moon 2

power mousey
Sat, 03 Mar 2007, 11:03
I take your challenge.

Sat, 03 Mar 2007, 12:20

I woke up at 5pm, and saw a full moon already.

No clouds too - this'll be great!

blog | work | code | more code
Sat, 03 Mar 2007, 14:38
I am taking pictures... will post them when I have finished or tomorrow morning...

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sat, 03 Mar 2007, 17:41
Way too cloudy over here...plus my camera's zoom isn't nearly as good.

My Twitter
Sun, 04 Mar 2007, 00:03
Well, I got some pictures... dunno how good they are, though. I'll put em up later.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sun, 04 Mar 2007, 01:59
power mousey
here is a picture of the Blood Moon

beat ya to it, shroom

but its from 2004.
ahhhhhhhhhh true.

power mousey

Sun, 04 Mar 2007, 06:03
I had cloud where I was
Sun, 04 Mar 2007, 06:34
Oooh... my pictures are all blurry...
Sun, 04 Mar 2007, 11:02
Well then, this couldn't have gone any worse.
Sun, 04 Mar 2007, 11:26
Lmao. Well, you can see the amazing quality and clarity of my best picture; a tiny spec on an 8M pixel image, and one of only a couple that didn't blur too much with the long exposure. Mostly I couldn't even see it on the screen to aim. Oh well.

Looked cool in real life though, pretty much like mousey's picture, only more earthy in colour.
That was the first time I'd looked at the moon in ages, watched it wheel across the sky incredibly slowly as the light slipped away and a dark red filled the black void.
Sun, 04 Mar 2007, 13:28
power mousey
actually, cucco and everybody
its not my picture.
but a picture that nasa took of
the lunar eclipse back in the year of 2004.

I haven't use my digital camera for ages...
like um for at least 4 or 5 months.

sorry...but hey, its a cool picture. right?
do I still win the Blood Moon compeitition??
and hey, don't forget those other web sites that
I showed you all...Blood Moon Studios, and that Blood Moon ships with the brickfrenzy too.

Sun, 04 Mar 2007, 13:40
Well its not such a bad picture cucco considering that you would need a mega telescopic zoom to get even a half decent photo of the moon
Mon, 05 Mar 2007, 12:33
My pictures were more blurry shiny white... meh.

@mousey: I think that picture from NASA you found has probably been recoloured a bit. With extra red. To look better. As it is a very deep red.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Mon, 05 Mar 2007, 16:34
power mousey

it looks more like Mars.

would you like a Total Recall?