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Socoder -> Off Topic -> No Man's Sky

Mon, 15 Aug 2016, 16:07
Moany fucks dissing No Man's Sky. Honestly..... :/
Mon, 15 Aug 2016, 16:07
My favourites are the ones screaming they were lied to because Hello Games has been saying for years how it was going to be a multiplayer game and it's not. I don't know what they've been watching, but Hello Games has been saying for years that it is most definitely not a multiplayer game and even though it has some multiplayer-ish aspects don't think it's a multiplayer game because it's not.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Mon, 15 Aug 2016, 20:26

Mon, 15 Aug 2016, 22:10
Hype is a terrible thing!

Haven't played it yet, but seems very Elite-ish in it's "There's random stuff all over the galaxy, have fun!!" gameplay style.
I can spend forever wandering these sorts of universes, and I can totally get how the devs got a kick out of the universe.

But I can also see why millions of kids brought up on story-based FPS games would take one look at it, and wonder what the fucking point is.

In my day, an "Open World" was when Jet Set Willy didn't have a particular goal other than collecting as much of the stuff as you could.
Nowadays, "Open World" is GTAV with it's 3-character plot-driven storylines, and online multiplayer chaos.

NMS, from what I've heard, is still on the Jet Set Willy scale. That doesn't make it bad.. It just makes it "pointless" in the eyes of modern day gamers.

And that's a shame, because they'll be missing out on the joys of getting sucked into a game's world, rather than just trying to complete everything as quick as possible, before moving on to the next game.

* but I haven't played it, so may be talking utter bollocks.

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 16 Aug 2016, 14:49
How does NMS compare to E?
Tue, 16 Aug 2016, 15:28
Kicks ED's arse from where I'm standing. haven't played ED Horizons because I'm not paying for a game then paying the same again for shit that ought to have been there in the first place.

Planetary landings are awesome and the transition from space to planet is almost seamless. I love the destructible voxel asteroids, and if a planet has oceans you can even swim. Though I fully expect that some planets have acid oceans that take your face off. Tons of wildlife to discover and you always feel like youre doing something - whereas with ED I found myself just mooching aimlessly looking for shit to cause, just to break the boredom.
Tue, 16 Aug 2016, 17:50
I said, "I don't know what else you people are looking for, aside from being hand-held through some BS B-movie storyline."
So, essentially the same as Jay.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Wed, 17 Aug 2016, 00:24
I found a massive asteroid yesterday, which had a strange appearance. So I shot it.

Turns out it was made of solid gold. Weeeeeeeeeee I went as I continued blasting and collecting.

Then an incoming ship scanned me, which later transpired to be what I can only describe as an evil space bastard. My weapons wouldn't fire... I didn't know how tofix it, and I couldn't even get a fix on the enemy.

It did not end well. Cash4Gold.com did not get a haul that day.
Wed, 17 Aug 2016, 00:41
If it's not your car's engine, it's your weapon that's overheating..
You're not having much luck!!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 17 Aug 2016, 00:46
Yeah... bloody Ford mining lasers. :/
Wed, 17 Aug 2016, 04:28

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