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Socoder -> Off Topic -> ''Soup''?

Sat, 17 Sep 2016, 07:28
Mum's been cooking a ’’lovely’’ soup, all day. I'm really not looking forward to trying it!!

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Sat, 17 Sep 2016, 07:28
Soup isn't awful, but the beef isn't great. It's that horrible "stewing steak" with that weird "liver"ish twang to it.

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Sat, 17 Sep 2016, 07:34
... gave up.
The horrible meat left a bad taste. Yuck.

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Sat, 17 Sep 2016, 07:37
I just cooked for my parents. Made a beans+rice+tomatoes+meat+veggies stew thing. We just finished eating.

My stephfather has been losing a lot of weight the last year. He got close to being diabetic and has been cutting the sugar. My mother got diabetic too last year. She has been losing weight to
I feel a little bit guilty though. Over the years I sometimes bought them lots of candy.
Sat, 17 Sep 2016, 08:13
I loooveeeeeeeeee corned beef hash... Not sure how you's do it further down south, but in Durham, you take one slow cooker and put water, two tins of corned beef, potato, carrots, peas and onions and an oxo cube (Or two, I prefer one) into it, let it cook like forever, serve with pepper and a loaf of bread!

Divine... My top winter comfy food!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 17 Sep 2016, 08:24
Yeah, corned beef I can manage, but this is that "lovely" stewing steak that has a hint of liver in it's taste. Not pleasant.. not at all.

Proper corned beef hash, (the liquidy form, not the dry version) with proper dumplings.. much nicer!!!

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Sat, 17 Sep 2016, 10:13
@Dabz: Yep, we do it same way down here.

@Jay: You're not the only one here that don't like liver, I can't stand the fucking stuff!... Is mingin' though innit!
Sat, 17 Sep 2016, 10:17
Another thing I can't stand is Brain's Faggots.
Sat, 17 Sep 2016, 10:55
I used to be able to enjoy liver, but post-op tastebuds aren't compatible!

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Sat, 17 Sep 2016, 10:56
May I be the first to say, with the utmost respect, that's bloody stew, not soup.
Sat, 17 Sep 2016, 11:31
I still dont eat chicken!

Been two years now... Still have noooooooo fancy, bit of a nightmare though... I dont think you realise how much chicken is out there until stop eating it... Bastard everywhere... Supermarket... Chicken chicken chicken chicken!

I'm not a lover of lamb, its okay, but will pass if I can... Liver and kidney... BARFFF, I like some pork, not the massive fatty stuff, if its not bacon, or a slab of gammon, it's not going in, I will add it tends to dry me out so dont eat it that much really.

So mostly my diet has consisted of... Beef, king prawns, fish and shit tons of veggie food!

I'm proper bang into veggie pizzas now, very rare I have one with meat in... Sometimes I just pick veggie food over meaty guff because it generally looks a lot nicer to eat, more colourful and not swimming with grease or oil!

What the fuck has happened to me!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 17 Sep 2016, 11:48
Lamb and pork are too greasy for me.
I mean, I like grease.. don't get me wrong, I'm a fat bastard at heart! But .. too much. Too sickly.. bah!
Chicken depends on the day. My tastebuds usually can, but on off days the chicken doesn't go down well at all!
I'm also not much of a seafood fan, either. The odd battered cod, or some tuna, but otherwise. Nope.. not for me.

Beef it is, then.. just as long as it's proper beef, and not "stewing" beef. Yuk.

(Also, Autocorrect seems to be ignoring capitals after my double-dots... hmmm.... :/ )

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Sat, 17 Sep 2016, 12:15
With the amount of chicken I eat it a surprise that they've not gone extinct yet.
Sat, 17 Sep 2016, 12:53
I'm the same Steve - chicken with everything, pretty much.

I don't eat pork (except sausages and bacon) or lamb or any sea food, except a bit of cod and place maybe a few times a year.

I haven't had a beefburger in pretty much forever. Steak? Never! I do eat minced beef though - love chilli, shepherd's pie, lasagne and bolognese etc. etc.

I love my veggies, but I'd never GO veggie. Love my pepperoni pizza too much for that!

|edit| And I'm with GfK - that's stew.
Sat, 17 Sep 2016, 13:35
A chunky soup.
The liquid base was far too thin to be considered a proper thick stew base.

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Sat, 17 Sep 2016, 19:14
My mum has the uncanny ability to make a chicken soup so bland you can add a tablespoon of salt to your bowl and it is still flavourless.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sun, 18 Sep 2016, 04:18
My dad used to make a proper banging stew.
As for me, I have the culinary skills of a pig. Come to think of it the pig could probably cook itself better than I could, and that's even if it's already been slaughtered.
Sun, 18 Sep 2016, 04:35
I used to be a fairly competent cook, but Post-Op Jay needs to sit down, and is pretty f'ing useless at peeling and chopping due to already shaky hands.
So, yeah, crappy soup it is!

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