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Socoder -> On Topic -> Design a Theme!!

Sat, 03 Jun 2017, 11:15
I'm fairly certain that things are in a functional way, theme wise, so I figured it's as good a time as any to release the first version of the Theme Template Doohickey.

After a decade of doing this, I've settled on keeping things as simple as possible, and with recent 'CSS Variables' additions, I've managed to keep everything down to a bare minimum.
.. I think!

Anyway, if you'd like to have a go at designing at designing a theme..

s2ThemeTemplate (9999-jayenkai-template.zip)
MuchRoom (Example of border-images)

Use the preview to guess your way around, use the single (!!) spritesheet to do all your imagery gubbins, and once you're done, bundle it up and send it my way.
Hopefully it's all understandable.

If you've any requests for missing stuffage, now's the time to ask..

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Sat, 03 Jun 2017, 14:48
Ohhh didn't know variables were finally well supported in css. FINALLY! Might have a go at jazzing some stylesheet up tomorrow.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 03 Jun 2017, 15:01
.. Mostly!
Doesn't work on Edge.. Which is sodding typical, isn't it!!

I'm trying to find a workaround, which will probably involve me writing a script to create secondary versions of the .css file, specifically for Bloody Microsoft..
But carry on using them. There are going to be lots of "Just for Microsoft" tweaks, I imagine, and this is one of the easiest to fix with a simple bit of Blitz running before the uploads occur.

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Sat, 03 Jun 2017, 16:45
Ahh Microsoft Edge. I still haven't used that one yet!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 04 Jun 2017, 11:49
Spent most of today recreating old themes.
The classic Grey'n'Green theme is back, as is the ShroomCoder theme.
I also recreated a couple of last year's themes, Muchroom and Manic.

Things seem to be nice and steady, theme wise.
I've certainly not discovered the need to add anything new to the .css, although I have made a couple of teensy tweaks for good measure.

Also, on the Theme Selection page, when you select a different theme it'll let you download the accompanying .zip with all its art/css/etc. So, if you want to take a current theme and tweak it, that's the easiest way to do so.

Good luck, everybody

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Mon, 05 Jun 2017, 04:55
Mmm.. Themes!

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Mon, 05 Jun 2017, 12:19
Ah, the old ShroomCoder theme. The joys of looking back at things you made in your childhood and thinking 'ow, my eyes, what on earth was I thinking when I designed this?'

Does anyone actually use it?

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Mon, 05 Jun 2017, 13:08
Probably not, but more options is never a bad thing, right?!

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Fri, 30 Jun 2017, 05:22
Since we're now up and running, I can hopefully declare the theme stuff fairly stable!!

If you'd like to design a theme, use the file above, or indeed one of the "live" theme packs as a starting point.
There's a nice big list up in the firstpost.

If you design anything nice, be sure to send it my way, and I'll upload any/all to the server.

Additionally, if you had any previous themes that you loved, but that are no longer available, just ask and I'll do my best to recreate the theme for the new site.

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