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Socoder -> Off Topic -> SoCoder2 - Welcome!

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Thu, 29 Jun 2017, 04:16

SoCoder2 - Welcome!

It's been just under 2 months since I started this giant project.
There's been a monumental number of quirks along the way, along with a slight incident where I nearly broke the entire database!!
But otherwise, things have come along nicely.

Most of the remaining "big database tweaks" were incompatible with the old site, and rather than attempting to leave both scripts running simultaneously, I've opted to hit the big ol' button and move everything across permanently.
There's no going back, now.

This is SoCoder

I *think* most things are running smoothly, but you never know.
Use this topic as a whinge-fest.

Anything goes.
Whinge your fucking arse off..

I can't fix things if I don't know about them.
Bugs, Design, Layout, Missing Features.
Anything you can find.
Anything at all!!

Let me know!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 29 Jun 2017, 06:17
Tooltips on the icons across the top. There aren't any. Would be handy as I don't know what they're for (short of clicking on them and finding out).

Thu, 29 Jun 2017, 06:19
Ah, yeah. OK.
Not sure how to do that on a touchscreen, though.. Any thoughts?!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 29 Jun 2017, 06:26
Other than replacing them with text on mobile, nope!
Thu, 29 Jun 2017, 07:36
YAY! It works!
Thu, 29 Jun 2017, 08:57

Thu, 29 Jun 2017, 12:23
For the information for icons. Sometimes (elsewhere) you see them on a part of the page with the icons and the meaning/explanation behind it. (maybe on a help page?)

Edit: Is that called atlas? (not sure)

Nice that the uploads sidebar was added
Thu, 29 Jun 2017, 13:03
So far, my only comment is - very much easier on the old eyeballs

Thu, 29 Jun 2017, 14:47
Tomorrow's coding task will be creating some kind of buffer for emails.
At the moment the system is auto-sending emails immediately. (Eg, if someone posts a comment on your showcase.. I imagine Krakatomato is already sick of these!!)
Additionally, there's the little "Watch thread" icon on the bottom of threads.

I'm going to have to set up a "hourly or daily" option, then gather the notifications into single emails.

The immediate will still be an option, of course, but it'd be great not to be bombarded with the bloody things!!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 29 Jun 2017, 14:53
A few hours ago I got a twitter notification carpet bombing on the old ipad. But I usually like to be notified. I imagine Justin Bieber must have it set to daily
Thu, 29 Jun 2017, 16:36
BOOOOOO!!!... Just kidding!
Thu, 29 Jun 2017, 16:37
Where's the newsletter button BTW?
Thu, 29 Jun 2017, 16:43
It's OK, I found it in the sidebar.
Thu, 29 Jun 2017, 16:43
I'll get round to that later.
I need to move all the old newsletters from their previously separate database, over to the new one.
That, the old Notepad and the old Private Messages all have to be shuffled over.
I probably should've done that, today, but instead spent most of the day recreating the "More" page at the very bottom of the righthand sidebar.

And yes, it's also in the sidebar.
Incidentally the new Private Message/Note system also shows up in the sidebar, too!
If you add a bunch of users to the PM, you can have Private little topics in the sidebar!!

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 30 Jun 2017, 12:16
Ah, yeah. OK.
Not sure how to do that on a touchscreen, though.. Any thoughts?

Something I just noticed on my phone in K9 Mail - if you long-press on an icon, a tooltip pops up telling you what it does.

|edit| Seems your Quote tags are case-sensitive?
Fri, 30 Jun 2017, 19:49
I go away for a few days and the whole place has changed! Good job Jay!
Sat, 01 Jul 2017, 03:18
Is it just me, or does the house (homepage?) image seem shocked?
Sat, 01 Jul 2017, 04:28
He wants to eat your cursor!
Sat, 01 Jul 2017, 04:46
Nom Nom Nom!
Sat, 01 Jul 2017, 17:23
Slight bug with the home page link, for some reason when you click mine it goes to: https://socoder.net/www.therevillsgames.com

But in the profile it is set to: www.therevillsgames.com
Sat, 01 Jul 2017, 17:49
That'll be because you've not added a https:// onto it!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 01 Jul 2017, 17:51
Things are laid out slightly differently, therefore it is the worst thing ever.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sat, 01 Jul 2017, 18:33
Eat cake.
Sat, 01 Jul 2017, 18:47
Re: https:// - It worked on SoCoder 1
Sat, 01 Jul 2017, 18:48
Tsk... Oh, Alright! I'll do it in the morning!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 04 Jul 2017, 02:18
Still broken
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