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Socoder -> Mystery Boxes -> GamerBlock

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Mon, 06 Feb 2017, 07:55
A new year, a new set of Blocks, a brand new start.
It's about time I ditched the aging NerdBlock thread, and gave the new blocks their own thread.

Each item will be given the following scores, out of 5.

WTF? : (BAD!) Items score higher if I don't know what the hell game they're supposed to represent!
Aww! : (GOOD!) Items score higher if I go "Awww!" when pulling them out of the box.
Keep : (AWESOME!) Probability I'll be keeping the item, or placing it into the rejection box, which gets given to anyone who I know is a gamer, and/or can guess WTF it's supposed to be..


January 2017

Box One : Gamer Block M for Mature
> Reveal 🔎

Total Scores
WTF : 13/30
Aww : 10/30
Keep : 15/30


Box Two : Gamer Block E for Everyone
> Reveal 🔎

Total Scores
WTF : 06/25
Aww : 20/25
Keep : 20/25


Overall Thoughts

I enjoyed the contents of the E-block much more than the M-block, but I'm fairly sure that's mostly due to the fact that I'm not that much of a fan of modern day "everything must be a FPS!" gaming.
Still, I said 3 months, so if by the March block I'm still unhappy, I'll probably scrap the M and stick with the E. In the meantime, I'm going to be sticking with 2 boxes a month.
The E's already cheered me right up

Now to organise my chest of drawers to fit even more bloody TShirts in!!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 06 Feb 2017, 08:19
The pin badge is definitely based on Legend of Zelda on the NES (even includes the broken edges, although the badge has white highlighting that the NES game doesn't).

I loved Tomb Raider BITD and I didn't get the T-shirt reference until you said what it was (Lara visits the lost world towards the end of the very first game). Needs more Lara, but nice enough.

Parappa Plushie? AWESOME!!!

The Revenge of Shinobi is a fantastic MD game. A bit of card with the game's box-art on? Not so much.

But yeah, these boxes definitely seem better than the old ones. Some nice stuffage. The games looked alright too - I've heard good things about "Lovers..."
Sat, 11 Mar 2017, 05:31
Only one block's turned up, today.
Hmm. Maybe Mr Postie nicked my other one!?
Or maybe it's just delayed for stupid reasons..
I'll give it until Friday before I whinge..

February 2017

Box One : Gamer Block M for Mature
> Reveal 🔎

Total Scores
WTF : 12/30
Aww : 15/30
Keep : 19/30

Not the best collection for M, this month. Hopefully E will be better, once it shows up..

... Gonna have to go and install Steam, now.. :\

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 16 Mar 2017, 12:16
Gamer E update.
The block finally got through customs, yesterday. Ffs, that's almost a full week after the M Block managed to get through customs...
They were originally dispatched within 3 hours of each other, according to the tracking info...!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 16 Mar 2017, 13:45
Thu, 16 Mar 2017, 14:22
And it does indeed say it's on it's way, although the last update was Tuesday..

En Route
Tue, March 14, 2017 at 15:50

Should be here by Saturday, I imagine.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 16 Mar 2017, 15:13
At least you know it's coming. Maybe it'll even arrive before next month's box
Thu, 23 Mar 2017, 06:44
Block E - Dispatched Feb 28th
Block M - Dispatched March 1st (a day later)

Block M - Arrived March 11th
Block E - Arrived March 23rd.. The hell happened!?!?

Extremely Late Feb 2017 Gamer Block E

Box Two : Gamer Block E for Everyone
> Reveal 🔎

Total Scores
WTF : 5/25
Aww : 18/25
Keep : 20/25


Overall Thoughts

A lovely collection, this month.
Kinda bummed that the "Game of the Month" is taking up space that could be used for "Another fun little shelf filler", but otherwise no gripes.
.. oh, no.. There is ONE gripe..
Why the hell'd it take so bloody long!?!?!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 23 Mar 2017, 06:50
Some good stuffage there on the whole and some not so much.

I've not heard of the game either.
Fri, 24 Mar 2017, 12:39
LOL... The very day after last month's finally arrived, they've just sent a notification that this month's is being dispatched!!

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 24 Mar 2017, 16:51
Don't laugh - it might get stuck in customs again.
Mon, 27 Mar 2017, 09:06

NerdBlock have a new "every other month" block..

My GamerBlock "M for Mature" has instantly been cancelled, and I've subscribed to the WhoBlock.

I *think* I should still be getting this month's GamerM, but I guess we'll find out, later, when it does or doesn't turn up! (Although, given what happened, last month, it may still show up 3 months later!!)

Gamer E will continue as per usual.


''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 04 Apr 2017, 05:57
Oh dear..

Oh dear oh dear..

Each item will be given the following scores, out of 5.

WTF? : (BAD!) Items score higher if I don't know what the hell game they're supposed to represent!
Aww! : (GOOD!) Items score higher if I go "Awww!" when pulling them out of the box.
Keep : (AWESOME!) Probability I'll be keeping the item, or placing it into the rejection box, which gets given to anyone who I know is a gamer, and/or can guess WTF it's supposed to be..


Box One : Gamer Block M for Mature
> Reveal 🔎

Total Scores
WTF : 9/25
Aww : 6/25
Keep : 12/25


Box Two : Gamer Block E for Everyone
> Reveal 🔎

Total Scores
WTF : 8/30
Aww : 10/30
Keep : 17/30


Overall Thoughts

A bit of a shit month, this month, to be honest.
Thankfully I've already cancelled GamerM, and replaced it with the new WhoBlock.
If next month's GamerE comes with a Dalek, I'm going to be well cheesed off!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 05 Apr 2017, 10:19
Lying gits!

I love that Boo & Pac ghost T-shirt. Everything else? Not so much.

A very poor selection this month. Shame. Never heard of the games though. Can't be arsed to look them up either.
Thu, 13 Apr 2017, 11:42
Each month, they send a server about the blocks.
This was in this month's...

That was a bloody hard question to answer!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 13 Apr 2017, 13:31

Wed, 17 May 2017, 08:36
The Unexpected Block!

Doctor Who Block #1

No scoring for the Doctor Who Block. Instead, I'll just be blindingly honest about whether things are shit or not.

> Reveal 🔎

Overall, Keep 3/6, Maybe keep 2/6, Definitely destroy 1/6

It's ok, I guess.
It's pretty much the same sort of contents as the regular GamerBlocks.
There's nothing major here that makes me go "OOoooooh!!"
And, honestly, it feels like it's more aimed at kids than even the "childlike" Gamer E Block.
I'm not sure if I'll be keeping this block.

I'll give it a chance. The next block will be the decider. If next month's is the same kind of "Nothing Special" that this one is, then I'll unsubscribe.
Nothing specifically against the contents, more the actual price.

See, this Doctor Who block is more or less twice the price of the regular blocks.
I can "kind of" justify the other blocks as "£20 for a TShirt, plus some occasionally shoddy bonus items", but "£40 for a TShirt, plus some occasionally shoddy bonus items" is a bit of a stretch.

So, another month. Do or Die.

We'll see..

(*although it's every 2 months, so it'll be a bit longer!)

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 17 May 2017, 09:24
I kind of like those Titan figures - look better than the Funko Pops. Shame he's got scuff marks on his face!

I've got a range of metal Star Wars things just like that K9 - be aware, that metal is SHARP!!! And the tabs and holes are indeed very tiny. You need to make these in nice bright light too, otherwise they do your eyes and head in - headache FTW due to eyestrain and concentration. They are very nice once complete though.

Shame the TARDIS on that mug wasn't a bit darker in colour - it looks a bit washed out. A colour changing mug where the TARDIS appears and disapppears would be cool too. Maybe next time, eh?

And I agree - shame about the "Dreamer" text.

No pin badge? That's a first for these box things!
Sat, 03 Jun 2017, 05:42
Got the "We've shipped your block" email, for the May/June Gamer block, this morning.

... But the April/May block hasn't turned up, yet.

.. Hmmm.. :\
Might just be being really slow, like a couple of months ago, but..


''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 15 Jun 2017, 05:56
The April/May Block finally showed up..!!

Each item will be given the following scores, out of 5.

WTF? : (BAD!) Items score higher if I don't know what the hell game they're supposed to represent!
Aww! : (GOOD!) Items score higher if I go "Awww!" when pulling them out of the box.
Keep : (AWESOME!) Probability I'll be keeping the item, or placing it into the rejection box, which gets given to anyone who I know is a gamer, and/or can guess WTF it's supposed to be..


Gamer Block E for Everyone - April/May 2017
> Reveal 🔎

Total Scores
WTF : 5/30
Aww : 20/30
Keep : 20/30


Overall Thoughts

Not a bad haul, this (last!) month, but I don't get to keep half the contents! So Unfair!!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 15 Jun 2017, 08:33
Does the Portal cube unlock Cenobites when you twist it?

Even as a Zelda fan it's a merely an ok/meh collection of stuffage. But at least there's no Funko POP! dead-eyed character (from something that you've never watched/played/cared about before)
Mon, 19 Jun 2017, 05:13
Another Block Cometh!!

This is this months

Each item will be given the following scores, out of 5.

WTF? : (BAD!) Items score higher if I don't know what the hell game they're supposed to represent!
Aww! : (GOOD!) Items score higher if I go "Awww!" when pulling them out of the box.
Keep : (AWESOME!) Probability I'll be keeping the item, or placing it into the rejection box, which gets given to anyone who I know is a gamer, and/or can guess WTF it's supposed to be..


Gamer Block E for Everyone - May/June 2017
> Reveal 🔎

Total Scores
WTF : 0/30
Aww : 30/30
Keep : 25/30


Overall Thoughts

Sweet Lord, that's a highscore!
Well done, GamerBlock!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 19 Jun 2017, 10:01
That's a really good selection this time Jay. (Sonic rather than Robotnic would have earned a "great" rather than "good")

Toki Tori is a cracking game.

Sat, 15 Jul 2017, 04:37
Still no "shipped" for the next blocks, yet.
Bah, humbug.

This Blog Post roughly described what's happened.
Basically I think it's to do with the little "What's in the box" thing. If they didn't have that, specifically listing what products are inside the box, they could be much more freeform with the contents when certain items aren't available.
Because the list specifically states what's in the box, they're stuck having to wait for those specific items, and since they're not showing up on time, it's buggered up the entire supply chain.

... Better be worth the wait!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 05 Aug 2017, 05:18
Each item will be given the following scores, out of 5.

WTF? : (BAD!) Items score higher if I don't know what the hell game they're supposed to represent!
Aww! : (GOOD!) Items score higher if I go "Awww!" when pulling them out of the box.
Keep : (AWESOME!) Probability I'll be keeping the item, or placing it into the rejection box, which gets given to anyone who I know is a gamer, and/or can guess WTF it's supposed to be..


Gamer Block E for Everyone - June/July 2017
This box took ages to turn up.
Apparently they designed the little booklet which says what's in the box, then the items they expected didn't show up in time, and it totally fucked up the box's shipping time.
I think they're switching to an online "What's in the box" in future, so they can tweak it if necessary.

> Reveal 🔎

Total Scores
WTF : 0/30
Aww : 19/30
Keep : 8/30


Overall Thoughts

A very "Shit, Shit, Shit! Quick.. Find some stuff.. Put it in a box" feel to this selection.
Definitely a low point for GamerBlock (or ArcadeBlock, as some of the items claim to be.)
Bad show, guys.
Definitely not worth the whole extra month's wait.

I'd be interested to know what was SUPPOSED to be in this block, but I imagine that'd ruin future blocks.

Additional Thought : Their website's down and they haven't tweeted in about a week.. That's a bit troubling..

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