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Socoder -> In-Development -> AGameAWeek : 2017

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Sun, 30 Jul 2017, 17:24
Sometimes, a completely random level generator can make things that are eerily familiar..

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Mon, 31 Jul 2017, 03:08
Rainbow Road?
Mon, 31 Jul 2017, 04:21
I am able to the Plat character in the middle of the top half.
Mon, 31 Jul 2017, 07:13
The number of times I've run SyncToy, today!!
Done an awful lot of tweaking to get the most-basic of GameCenter integration into Letter Lattice, then shifting it over to the Mac, giving it a test, having to tweak the code on the Laptop, then re-sync it all and shift it over to the Mac for another test!!
Complicated stuff..


I do appear to be on the GameCenter leaderboards, now, so that's good.
I've added extra credits, and stuff, and all seems to be more or less ready to go, so I'll be popping it onto my iPhone later, testing it tonight, then maybe uploading it either late tonight, or in the morning.
Gud Gud Gud!!

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Mon, 31 Jul 2017, 15:26
A few final test compiles, and a couple more tweaks.
I've now uploaded the current version to Apple and am awaiting review.
Oddly, the GameCenter stuff doesn't "look" like it's working on my iPad (iOS10), but when I use the iPhone (iOS11) it not only shows the scoreboards, but also the current highscore from my iPad..
I dunno.. Must just be GameCenter being a dumbass as usual.
I guess I'll find out once it does or doesn't pass review.

Hopefully I haven't buggered up the GameCenter stuff..
Hmmm.. :\

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Wed, 02 Aug 2017, 07:11
Seems to be going ok.
I totally fucked up the actual game, though.
Killed the randomness in the layout, so any word other than the first word of a group, is blindingly obvious.. bugger...

Have already fixed and re-uploaded for Apple Review.
Bah, humbug.
Meanwhile, I'm about to start testing of Clusters of Hex, although I feel that might not work right, control wise.

In regular AGameAWeek dev, I got most of the game working, but it's awfully repetitive.
Not sure what else I can add into the mix, though. Hmmm...

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Wed, 02 Aug 2017, 07:37
Just played Cluster of Hex for some 15 min now. It has a fast paced action match 3 game feel. Background score is very addictive.
For controls I feel the players can touch the character and drag left or right to pick up the hexagon tile and use the same touch and drag to position correctly and then drag up to do the matching. This might be faster than the keyboard controls.
Wed, 02 Aug 2017, 08:07
I currently have it set to slide, then swipe to jump.
Haven't yet tested on the phone, and am guesstimating the controls.
... doesn't work very well on a trackpad, but I feel it should be ok on-device.
I think...

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Wed, 02 Aug 2017, 11:29
Not happy with the controls!
They're not "terrible", but they don't suit the game's speed and precision.

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Tue, 08 Aug 2017, 05:17

Created : 08 August 2017
Edited : 08 August 2017
System : Cross Platform
Language : Monkey-X


Destroy all the bugs using a Chain Reaction

Windows Download
Other Versions
A simple little blast-em-all "Chain Reaction" type thing.
Destroy the large bugs in the arena, using the little bugs to help keep the explosions going.

- Move
- Hold to Blast

Tue, 08 Aug 2017, 16:59
Bugsplodings is now available on iOS, and is free for the next few days.

I don't consider this to be an awesome example of AGameAWeek on iOS, but it is definitely an example of AGameAWeek on iOS. The GameCenter integration is now part of the Framework. All just a case of copying the folder over to the Mac and hitting the compile button.

Essentially, I now know for certain that if I make a kickass game for AGameAWeek, I can VERY easily get it up and running on the iPhings.

And best of all, they seem to be doing reviews in just a single 24 hour period, rather than the week-and-a-half that I used to have to wait. Which makes things even MORE AGameAWeek compatible!


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Mon, 14 Aug 2017, 01:51

Created : 14 August 2017
Edited : 14 August 2017
System : Cross Platform
Language : Monkey-X

Rainbows Shooting From My Balls

Bat the colourful Balls

Windows Download
Other Versions
A game with a rather silly title!
Simply bat the balls to your opponent, and try not to lose too many.

It's crazy multiball pong, with rainbow colours.

- Move

Mon, 21 Aug 2017, 07:33
Spent the past hour making 18 scoreboards in GameCenter.
Fuck, is that still a royal pain in the arse!!!!!

Thwackity Puttz iOS will probably be going to Apple, later tonight.
Last minute checks, and all that..

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Mon, 21 Aug 2017, 14:32
Uploaded, submitted and waiting for review!!
Thwackity Puttz is on its way!

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Tue, 22 Aug 2017, 15:23

Thwackity Puttz is now available on iOS.
Drag, "fake thumbstick" style to move.
The golf-ball, top right, shows how many Thwacks you have remaining.
Tap one to begin the power-bar's progress.
Tap again to Thwack!

Be sure to roam around to get your bearings for each hole.

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Thu, 24 Aug 2017, 05:53
I just bought it. Only 1.09 euro.
Thu, 24 Aug 2017, 06:05
Yeah, bargain price Mobile Gaming.. it's hard enough getting Mobile gamers to pay for ”lowest possible price"

If I dare charge any more, my sales would be a great big zero!!

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Thu, 24 Aug 2017, 06:12
Well, if you get lucky and sell a million. How many millions of people have ios nowadays?
Thu, 24 Aug 2017, 06:26
I imagine it's many!

... even my Mum has one!!

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Sat, 26 Aug 2017, 04:54
Thwackity Puttz update is now live, so the first hole in the game now has a vague "tutorial-like" vibe going on.
Hopefully that helps people get beyond the very first hole!!!
The online GameCenter leaderboards are currently a great big pile of 0's!!

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Mon, 28 Aug 2017, 05:37

Created : 28 August 2017
Edited : 28 August 2017
System : Cross Platform
Language : Monkey-X

The Sheriff of Cardington

Protect the town from the monsters.

Windows Download
Other Editions
This week's game is a simple "Find the Pairs" card game.
I added monsters to make things more interesting!!

Guide the Sheriff around the cards, trying to find matching pairs to save the town from invasion.
If you miss a pair, your Combo is reset, and the monsters escape!!

Sun, 17 Sep 2017, 14:30
With the site mostly working, it's time to head back to regular AGameAWeek game-making!

Current game looks like this...


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Mon, 18 Sep 2017, 00:47
Just played the Rainbows Shooting From My Balls game (Canny title)!

Nice little colourful take on Pong!

It also made me remember a little game Cyberseth made yearssssssssssss ago... Blow Football, it was a nifty little game, just you versus the computer, straw each and a football... And lots and lots of wind!

Not sure why I thought of that, lol, because it had nowt to do with rainbows!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sun, 24 Sep 2017, 13:35
The things I have to tweak for..
Top of the screen, right in the center, exactly where my default score display normally goes..
FFS, Apple..

No idea if the menu/pause button is going to be clickable, now, either.

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Wed, 27 Sep 2017, 07:25
Game done.
Seems to run ok on iOS, but I'll have to wait for the review.
A couple of new niggles whilst doing the iOS compiling, though. Seems like I might, in future, need to dig into the target's code and tweak some stuff, but for now I'm happy that it's note completely borked!!

For now, the Win/HTML/AndroidTV versions are here, and with any luck I'll be able to post an iOS link, soon!

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Sun, 08 Oct 2017, 16:51

View on YouTube

Sheep Goes Right is now uploaded for Apple Review!
.. that only took 4 years!

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