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Socoder -> Mystery Boxes -> LootCrate

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Mon, 04 Sep 2017, 07:01


And so our new journey begins.
With NerdBlock jumping off a cliff, I've moved over to LootCrate and all the oddities from their universe.
Unlike NerdBlock's GamerE for Everyone box, I'm going to be getting a lot of "AAA" bollocks that I know little/nothing about, so expect the variety to be leaning more towards the "WTF" area with these crates!

With that in mind, let's begin, shall we!?

Each item will be given the following scores, out of 5.

WTF? : (BAD!) Items score higher if I don't know what the hell game they're supposed to represent, or if I haven't ever played any of the games they're associated with!
Aww! : (GOOD!) Items score higher if I go "Awww!" when pulling them out of the box.
Keep : (AWESOME!) Probability I'll be keeping the item, or placing it into the rejection box, which gets given to anyone who I know is a gamer, and/or can guess WTF it's supposed to be..


LootCrate Gaming Crate - August 2017
> Reveal 🔎

Total Scores
WTF : 17/30
Aww : 19/30
Keep : 25/30


Overall Thoughts

High enough scores, but mostly held up by the inclusion of Zelda stuff!
I really wish LootCrate did a "I'm too old and grumpy to know any AAA games.. Gimme the Retro stuff!" crate!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 04 Sep 2017, 07:16
While most of these aren't my cup of tea (Zelda & Witcher=great. Other stuff is ???), they do look like fairly good quality stuffage.
Sat, 09 Sep 2017, 04:45
Part Two : Boxers
When I signed up, I also subscribed to the Boxers "crate" and the "Socks and Wearables" crate, too.
(Wasn't much of a crate, mind. Just a flimsy plasticky envelope!)

The socks and wearables haven't turned up, yet, but this morning I got my pants!!

Warning : Post contains a picture of my underwear!!!

> Reveal 🔎

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 09 Sep 2017, 05:02
Mon, 18 Sep 2017, 05:15
Part Three : Socks and Wearables

Finally showed up 2 weeks after the actual crate! Go figure.

> Reveal 🔎

Lovely stuff

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 18 Sep 2017, 05:51
Very eclectic selection there. And I don't know much about any of the series they are based on (although I do own three Assassins Creed games, I've never played any of them).

But yeah, nice enough I suppose. Isn't Rick & Morty a cartoon? Is the clothing supposed to be based on gaming or are they all pop-culture stuffage?
Mon, 18 Sep 2017, 06:09
Only the gaming crate is definitely going to be gaming. The boxers, socks and wearables are "standard" LootCrate, so could be anything!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 18 Sep 2017, 06:31
> Reveal 🔎

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 03 Oct 2017, 06:24
Both of September's LootWear goodies turned up, this morning, but no sign of the actual Crate, yet.

Let's have a peek inside!!

> Reveal 🔎

A nice haul, this month. I'm certainly enjoying the contents of the LootWear collection.

Slightly annoyed at one thing, though.
The little pamphlet says that if I were a She-Lady, I'd've got a lovely Star Trek Cardigan.

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 03 Oct 2017, 06:56
Nice shirt
Tue, 03 Oct 2017, 11:38
I dunno. Not much use over in the UK.
It's either too cold to wear just a thin TShirt material, so you'd have something (usually a "proper" hoodie) over the top, thus removing the point of having a hood on this.. or it's too warm to be wearing long sleeves.
There IS no middle ground in Britain!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 03 Oct 2017, 12:50
Molly doesn't play.
Molly doesn't interact.
Molly doesn't do a lot!!!
We've never had an animal as antisocial as Molly is! Even the stick insect my sister used to have was more lively than Molly is.

Perhaps if we had a more interactive cat it might be worth it, but as it is, there'd be a pile of boxes in the corner of the room.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 04 Oct 2017, 10:39
Just got my tracking info for this month's LootWear.
... the ones that got delivered yesterday!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 10 Oct 2017, 05:18
A random LootCrate-Gaming appears!


Each item will be given the following scores, out of 5.

WTF? : (BAD!) Items score higher if I don't know what the hell game they're supposed to represent, or if I haven't ever played any of the games they're associated with!
Aww! : (GOOD!) Items score higher if I go "Awww!" when pulling them out of the box.
Keep : (AWESOME!) Probability I'll be keeping the item, or placing it into the rejection box, which gets given to anyone who I know is a gamer, and/or can guess WTF it's supposed to be..


LootCrate Gaming Crate - September 2017

> Reveal 🔎

Total Scores
WTF : 30/30
Aww : 0/30
Keep : 5/30


Overall Thoughts

Not great. Mostly because I have absolutely no frame of reference for ANY of the contents in this month's box.
AAA Sucks!!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 10 Oct 2017, 05:52
I don't now any of that stuff either Jay. We're too old for this shit!
Tue, 10 Oct 2017, 08:22
Needs more Pac-Man, Galaga and well, mostly anything else?

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 28 Oct 2017, 05:05
Not even a whole month has passed, and yet. Lootwear Ahoy!

Just the "Socks and Wearables" have turned up, so far, so you won't be seeing my underwear, today.

> Reveal 🔎

A fine selection!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 28 Oct 2017, 06:05
> Reveal 🔎
Sat, 28 Oct 2017, 06:20
> Reveal 🔎
Sat, 28 Oct 2017, 10:10
Spooktacular! (Except the D&D socks - WTF???)
Sat, 28 Oct 2017, 17:04
Dave: You can get your "coat"
Sat, 28 Oct 2017, 23:55

Tue, 07 Nov 2017, 07:02
See my pants!

> Reveal 🔎

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 07 Nov 2017, 09:36
Chainsaw, boomstick and "Groovy" = Evil Dead.

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