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Socoder -> Mystery Boxes -> CreationCrate

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Sat, 23 Jun 2018, 07:51

Month 8

Oooh, fancy little 4x4 LED panels!
Each one's a simple little 4x4 panel, so not quite enough to draw a Platdude.

There's also a little microphone, so after a wee bit of coding (with "Learning Arrays"!!) it became this.

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Which is quite nice. I suppose.

Use the little dial to change the colour, and then the mic causes the LEDs to flicker.

A little bit of tweaking later, and it looked a bit more colourful, with the dial now being used to alter the overall brightness.

View on YouTube

Nice, and a fun little kit to fiddle about with.

Shame the panels are only 4x4, though. If they were 8x8, I could've animated little platdudes on them!

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Sat, 23 Jun 2018, 09:40
Tue, 31 Jul 2018, 09:55

Bloody hell, that's a lot of bits!!

"Lock Box" the pamphlet suggests..
I can think of at least a few ways to get around the "epic" security!!!

Never mind.. Let's built it up, anyway.

Crikey, that's a bit chaotic!!

The coding was nice and simple, although they messed up a couple of bits, whereby an Array Out of Bounds could've very easily happened.. *tsk*
But otherwise it went easily enough. No issues to speak of.

Once built..

It works like so..

View on YouTube

And inside the box..

Nowhere left to keep anything securely!!

Not that it's secure at all, in the first place!!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 31 Jul 2018, 11:04
6128 LOL!
Tue, 31 Jul 2018, 11:17
Of course!!
Tue, 31 Jul 2018, 11:39
Even before you typed in the first code, I'd guessed it would be that!
Tue, 31 Jul 2018, 12:24
lol, thats my mobile pin!

Tue, 31 Jul 2018, 12:39

The number of 6128's around this house are staggering. It's like that Time-Loop episode of StarTrek:TNG, when Data starts finding 3's everywhere..

I'd never dare set my bank card to that, though. EVERYONE knows that that'd be the one I'd pick!!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 21 Aug 2018, 07:18

Oh, good lord, it's chaos again!!

This month's crate is a MultiMeter.
The majority of the hardware consists of a few resistors, the contrast dial, and then an absolute fuckton of wires for the screen again!

By the end, I was desperately hovering things around, and trying not to accidentally short circuit anything.

I gave up trying to get a video, as I’d’ve needed about 60 pairs of hands to hold everything together, but essentially you pop the two loose Voltage wires onto a battery, and it says 1.5, or you stick the spare resistor between the resistance wires and it says 330..

I’ll be honest, it wasn’t very exciting..

But I have got another little 20x2 character display out of it!!

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Fri, 28 Dec 2018, 03:45
I swear, this gets worse every month.

.. This month, no booklet.
Instead, you need to log into their site, "BUY" the thing you already have in your hand, add the included coupon code to get it for free, and then you can download the booklet.

That doesn't work..

For starters, it seems their "Classroom" user database is not the "Account" user database, so you need to make a new account to use it, and then the fucking coupon code didn't work either, soooo...

I've got a few bits, and haven't a clue what to do with them.

Fuck that.

Cancelled my subscription.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 28 Dec 2018, 14:24
Sounds well dodgy. Subscribers should not have to go through shit like that. Sounds like -

1) They didn't print the instructions in time
2) Found a problem with the instructions
3) Are cutting the instructions out to save money on paper/ink. If they are doing this, it's dying a death already
4) They really don't give much of a shit about users/subscribers.

Pick any combination of the above.
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