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Socoder -> Killer Bites -> Degusta Box

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Tue, 09 Jul 2019, 15:01
Depends how bad their migraine is after all the chocolate..

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Wed, 10 Jul 2019, 05:40

Looks Like...

Tastes Like..

Incredibly nutty, much more so than I was expecting, though that might be the sea salt adding to the taste.
Much softer than I was expecting. Nice and gooey syrup holding it all together, rather than the Mr Tom tough peanut bar consistency.

"£2.50" cried Mum, "I'm not paying that for three little bars.." Then she tasted it, and changed her mind!

Rating : 5/5 - Scrumptious!!

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Wed, 10 Jul 2019, 12:39
Sounds great
Thu, 11 Jul 2019, 05:37

Looks Like..

Not as ominous a colour as the DRGN drink

Tastes Like..

Quite nice.
Tastes a LOT like Haribo Strawberrys. Usually my tastebuds say "NO" to strawberry, but this is a much sweeter strawberry flavour, so it's going down really nicely.

Rating : 4/5 - I think it might be the basil, but something's leaving an unpleasant aftertaste.
Mum's Thoughts : "Ooh, that'd make a lovely vase!"

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Thu, 11 Jul 2019, 11:02
Fri, 12 Jul 2019, 23:30
I've skipped the next item on the list, for another day,

> Reveal 🔎

Instead, then, let's move on to...

Looks Like...

Slightly off-colour Irn Bru!

Tastes Like...

The other day, I mentioned the strawberry drink being the sweeter tasting Haribo-Like Strawberry flavour...

This is the opposite. This is the type of Strawberry flavour that my tastebuds are screaming at!
The Watermelon isn't helping. .. it's barely there.. It's recognisable in the initial taste, but then the bad-strawberry hits, and it all goes horribly wrong.

Rating : 1/5 - nope...

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Sat, 13 Jul 2019, 00:09
Lucozade is vile stuff. 103% sugar with added colouring and artificial flavour. Yeuckk!!
Mon, 15 Jul 2019, 07:47
Bad News : This is the last item in this month's box.

Looks Like...

Tastes Like...
Not too much of a Strawberry taste, and not very "cookie", more "biscuit".
Quite similar in toughness to the Ginger Nuts I had last night!!

Quite bland... too bland..!


Looks Like..

A worm!

.. a whole bag of them

Tastes Like...

Quite Banana-flavour tasting, but also really powdery, too.
As much as I'm not a fan of Strawberry, I do now really want a big bag of Strawberry Shoelaces..

Rating : 2/5 - Don't give these to your kids. Your kids would be super disappointed!!!

Good News : The next month's box is due tomorrow!!

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Mon, 15 Jul 2019, 08:25
Yay for good news.

Nay for bland boring "treats."
Tue, 16 Jul 2019, 19:08
Good News : The next box did indeed show up today.
Bad News : Haven't been in the mood for the first product on the list. It's been a somewhat hectic couple of days, here!!
Tomorrow.. maybe..

Additionally, one of the items is going to have to be bumped up, or it would've expired by the time I get to it!!

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Wed, 17 Jul 2019, 04:52
Pretty much all my Japanese food is well past expiry date. I'm not dead yet. Yet!
Wed, 17 Jul 2019, 06:47
This Month's Cheat Sheet
(The item I'll be bumping up, is top right..)

Still not in the mood for Item One, yet, maybe tonight whilst watching a movie or something..

So, I'll start out of order with Item three.

Looks Like...

Simply make a nice coffee, then pour some in.

Super sexy action shot

Tastes Like..

A rather mild Butterscotch flavour, nothing too overpowering. Might try it in Chocolate, later.. mmm..

Rating : 5/5 - I went off Coffee Syrups for a while, as they were too sweet, but this one's not bad.

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Wed, 17 Jul 2019, 06:55
Not a huge fan of butterscotch or flavoured coffees tbh. However flavoured hot chocs are a different matter entirely (although I probably only have about 4 hot chocs a year).
Wed, 17 Jul 2019, 14:11

Mmmm.. healthy...

Looks Like...

Tastes Like...

I imagine the factory floor, they decided Cheese and Onion would be the best flavour, until someone reminded them that Cheese isn't for Vegans, so they took out the Cheese.
It's very much that flavour of onion.
You can't taste any beetroot.

The crisps themselves are exceptionally dry, and are leaving a horrible aftertaste, although that's probably moe the onion than the crisp.

Rating : 2/5 - They're not terrible, but they aren't to my liking.

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Wed, 17 Jul 2019, 16:08
Have you ever tried vegetable crisps - beetroot, carrot and something else I forget?

If not, then don't. They're all fucking foul. All of them. I'm not a veg hater - I love loads of veggies on my plate come dinner time, but fried and put into a bag like crisps. Fuck off.

That's the feeling I get from these too - I love Doritos. But making them out of veggies? Fuck off!
Wed, 17 Jul 2019, 16:44
These aren't ... terrible.. they're just kinda dry. Definitely need something to dip 'em into..

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Thu, 18 Jul 2019, 09:48

Mum's WELL outside of her regular meal style, with this one!!

Looks Like...

Tesco Chicken Tikka strips, tomato, some salad and some of that Chilli Mayo from last month.

Tastes Like...

Mmmm! But, more due to the filling. The flatbread was.. well, flatbread!!!
Mum enjoyed it, but wasn't a fan of a meal in a wrap.
She did like the Chicken Tikka strips, though!!

Rating : 5/5 from me! Probably only 1/5 from Mum.

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Thu, 18 Jul 2019, 11:18
Sounds good to me. I'm about to have Mexican chicken wraps myself
Fri, 19 Jul 2019, 05:43

Looks Like...

What's the best way to test a new spice..?

Tastes Like..

Quite spicy, but that might just be because I put loads of it into the mix!!
It's brought out the taste of the Beef flavour in the Pot Noodle, making it more like the flavour of Roast Beef Crisps, instead of the less powerful faux-beef flavour that you usually get.

Rating : 5/5 - A nice addition to a Pot Noodle. Wonder what else I can do with it..?

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Fri, 19 Jul 2019, 10:45
I have half a bottle of Frank's Red Hot cayenne sauce right here. Love it. It's not spicy enough for my taste (and more of a thick liquid than a sauce), but it definitely helps bring out the best in foods.

BTW Add it to a pepperoni pizza
Sat, 20 Jul 2019, 13:22

I get the feeling they're taking the whole "random mystery box" thing a bit too literally.

Looks Like..

The standard ones are hard enough to figure out what the shapes are meant to be.
The sour ones have tangy sugar all over them, making things even harder.

Tastes Like..

Haribo Tangfastics, because they bloody well are just rip-offs of Haribo, and everyone knows it.
They're slightly fruitier, though.

Rating : 3/5 - meh...

Note : I only ate half a bag of sour. The other half will wait until tomorrow, and then I'll bother with the other bag. Unless something remarkable happens inside the other bag, I won't bother posting about it, as .. we all know what they are, and there's nothing magical to see.

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Sun, 21 Jul 2019, 01:21
Randoms are OK. I'm not generally a sweet eater, but I do have some of my wife's occasionally (who IS a sweet eater).
Sun, 21 Jul 2019, 09:32

Looks Like...

Way too pickley for crisp dipping..
What else can I use it with..?


Tastes Like...

Quite pickley, but with the sweetness of pineapple.
It's basically sweet and sour sauce, in salsa form.

Went down well.

Rating : 4/5 - maybe a bit too pickley..?

Mum : "oooh, Cheese and Pineapple sandwiches!'

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Sun, 21 Jul 2019, 09:41
Mon, 22 Jul 2019, 11:30

Looks Like...


Tastes Like..

Incredibly flavourless. Like it's been watered down so much that it could easily avoid any Sugar Tax, by the method of being utterly bland and tasteless.

I wasn't sure if this was soft drink or cordial, and BOY am I glad I didn't add water, because then, any taste would've been long long gone.

Rating : 1/5 - Bah, humbug.

My current soft-drink selection. And it's a cordial, so you can make it as tasty as you'd like. Even still, I typically end up using an approximate 1 cordial to 10 water ratio, which is quite weak, but is still nice and tasty.

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Tue, 23 Jul 2019, 13:22

Looks Like..

Tastes Like...

Tastes exactly as you'd expect. Tastes of coconut!
It's a drier coconut than that of Bounty Bars, but it's really quite nice.
Not sure I can taste anything other than coconut, though, so those sesame seeds are totally wasted in here!

Rating : 5/5 - Mmmm! Definitely could eat more of these.
Maybe not at that price, though!

Typing "Ape Snacks Coconut" into Amazon is bringing up a nice selection. .. Not sure I'd try cheese flavoured coconut puffs, though!!

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