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Socoder -> Film + TV -> ST Picard

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Thu, 23 Jan 2020, 17:56
That's a Yes from me!

> Reveal 🔎

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Thu, 06 Feb 2020, 16:47
Episodes appear to be showing up Thursday Night, dead on 11pm. Not sure why that is.

This week's was a little slow, IMO.

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Fri, 07 Feb 2020, 01:05
They're available before 11:00pm - I downloaded episode 3 at about 7:00pm last night. It was earlier than that last week too.

|edit| Checked file properties - "Created 19:40" so yeah, definitely before 11:00pm
Fri, 07 Feb 2020, 02:41
I was shocked to hear the F-Bomb in ST Discovery and stopped watching it not long after. And here we are again, barely into episode 2 of ST Picard and in come the F-Bombs

Seriously, why do they feel it necessary to introduce such vulgarities into ST!

Otherwise, ST Picard seems ok so far.
Fri, 07 Feb 2020, 02:58
Really? That's not cool.
Fri, 07 Feb 2020, 03:32
Cheeky feckers..
Fri, 07 Feb 2020, 03:34
That's the first "minor" f-bomb. Takes an Admiral to really nail it with a full-on F-BOMB.

/me sighs
Fri, 07 Feb 2020, 03:41
The admiral, I can accept. The Irish Feckers from the character that says it, makes absolutely no feckin' sense, whatsoever.
Having an Irish accent was odd enough.
Having the colloquialisms to match is bizarre and odd and totally unTrek-like!!

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Fri, 14 Feb 2020, 09:54
What is it, episode 4 tonight? Can't remember how many I've seen now. Really enjoying it so far, and that's coming from someone who's only Star Trek experience is from the original series!
Mon, 24 Feb 2020, 08:55
Last weeks episode was a whole load of meh for me. Not much going off. Let's hope it picks up again on Friday.
Mon, 24 Feb 2020, 09:06
Haven't really enjoyed it so far. A whole lot of setup for the final 2 minutes of an episode..
I was giving it the benefit of "this is the first episode" but we're halfway through, now, and it still seems to be doing the setup..

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Fri, 28 Feb 2020, 12:55
Thankfully, it was much more enjoyable this week.
Fri, 28 Feb 2020, 13:12
SOOOO GOOOD the last two episodes
Fri, 28 Feb 2020, 14:33
I've stopped watching it completely. If I can't watch ST with my kids then it's not ST. Absolutely no reason to have such obscene language in a program like this. Modern times or not, I don't agree.
Fri, 28 Feb 2020, 15:53
Absolutely agree. Although I'm watching it on my lonesome, it's still very jarring when that happens.
And what on Romulus is going on with those that brother and sister? That is NOT how brothers and sisters act..

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Sat, 29 Feb 2020, 08:05
Last nights episode was great!
Thu, 19 Mar 2020, 03:08
You know what might be a good twist, with the cameos that are happening... If the ancient species that left the warning was > Reveal 🔎

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Thu, 26 Mar 2020, 17:05
What a finale!!!

> Reveal 🔎

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Sat, 28 Mar 2020, 04:21
One thing I don't understand, is that they are more than happy to have AI holograms all over the place, running departments etc. but don't want robots? Is there really a difference? Also, the robot makeup was a bit crap, data didn't look much like himself The robots should have been more silvery.

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Sat, 13 Jun 2020, 16:01
Finally got around to wartching this (well, 2 episodes). I'm liking it so far
Sun, 05 Jul 2020, 14:31
I got through 5 episodes and decided - I really don't care about it.
Sun, 05 Jul 2020, 15:01
Yeah, I kinda felt like that, and it really doesn't get any better, if I'm honest.
It has that constant "We know how to make a good cliffhanger, but aren't quite sure how to pad out the stories inbetween" thing going on.

The episode with Riker/Troi is nice... It's a shame that it is where it is, since it completely screws up the already bad pacing.

There's a promise of better things for season 2, with everything ending in a nice way for a renewed concept.. But then that's kinda how every episode ended, and it never got any better in the next one.
This is that same promise, only season-wide.

I dunno.

I'll watch it.
Like I'm watching Discovery.

.. When's Orville back!?

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Sun, 05 Jul 2020, 15:39
Yeah, I think I'll leave it there. I defintiely won't be watching Season 2 unless the reviews are good and say that it's more like proper ST.
Thu, 02 Sep 2021, 18:04
Season 2 news...
> Reveal 🔎

Given who else is in it.. .. could be interesting.

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Fri, 03 Sep 2021, 01:26
Sometimes a new series starts off very well. But then the writing gets bad.

I only have Stranger Things left, as that stayed interesting.
Fri, 03 Sep 2021, 04:18
I gave up on Picard. It really was arse. How on earth (or space) they commissioned a second series I'll never know.
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