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Socoder -> Health Matters -> How's things?

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Sat, 21 Mar 2020, 10:21

How's things?

How's the unexpected schedule shift going for you all?

For me it's barely made a dent, except that it's getting really hard to do any food shopping online. But I imagine a lot of you are having to deal with huge changes in your life.

How're you coping, so far?

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Sat, 21 Mar 2020, 12:34
No changes for me so far, thankfully (other than the empty shops and loads of cars/vans using up all the nearby parking spaces).
Sat, 21 Mar 2020, 15:32
Ehh, a bit shit, have been missing seeing the kids in a major way, 1 week to go before I can still. I let stress get on top of my during wednesday but calmed down, kept the news off and had many snuggles, all's good again

Think people have finished constructing their loo roll forts and bread soldier armies down here now, Aldi was busy but well stocked today.

Gonna head to work tomorrow to catch up on some stuff then keeping away from public transport for a bit.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 21 Mar 2020, 18:09
After a our nice (but tiring) holiday in Hobart, we are now home and just relaxing. I checked my work's email and it looks like I'll be working from home for the foreseeable future - although I need to pop into work to get laptop. Never really worked from home before like this so this'll be different and a challenge..

Also my MIL has just returned from a cruise from NZ... and they have had a few confirmed cases of COVID-19 She is now home in isolation, hopefully she'll be okay.
Sat, 21 Mar 2020, 18:32
Oh dear.
But if they've let her home, that's probably a good sign, right?
*distant ascii hugs*

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Sun, 22 Mar 2020, 01:53
Yeah, the kids are okay, I have to abide by the 14 day isolation period though which is understandable. Just miss them

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 22 Mar 2020, 03:07
I managed to see my parens yesterday for an hour or so, so Mother's Day was done then). Looks like I might not be able to see them until July if the government puts plans into place with regards to self-iolating. :/

I'm working nights again from tonight, but no chance of that happening at home. Two (that I know of) colleagues are off sick, one had physical issues before the virus appeared and I think it's down to that. The other I don't know much about. Another colleague is having to self-isolate for 12 weeks, due to diabetes. So 3 down and we're only just starting...

So yeah, the already stretched NHS is going to be even more stretched. Thankfully staff are being given opportunites to do their shopping at times where shops may actually have some stock.
Sun, 22 Mar 2020, 03:36
I wil stay at my mothers home to take care of her when a complete lockdown happens. This might happen this week here seeing that beaches and parks were full of people this weekend and the deaths per day are growing. I am at my mothers place most of the time anyway so it will not be that big of a deal.
Sun, 22 Mar 2020, 05:12
Nothing to report here yet. I'm still at work, Helen is working from home.
I have a week off anyway, so time will tell I guess.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 22 Mar 2020, 12:32
Everyone coped with Mother's Day?
Damn, what a weird day it's been.

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Sun, 22 Mar 2020, 22:13
MIL is fine at the moment, no signs.

I went into work to collect my laptop and stuff, but ended up being there for 6 hours... Pretty quiet around town.
Last night pubs, gyms etc have been forced to close here in Oz.

Crazy times. Keep safe everyone.
Wed, 25 Mar 2020, 18:00
My Sister's cancer treatment is getting to the "Operation" stage, and they've decided it's best to keep her in for a few days.
She's, quite rightly, freaking out about the whole thing, and we're miles away in self-isolation feeling completely fucking useless.
Hate this shit..
Really fucking hate this shit..

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Thu, 26 Mar 2020, 02:01
It's a shit time all round, but hopefully she's being looked after well and in the best possible place right now.
Hugs and best wishes to you all.
Thu, 02 Apr 2020, 12:00
Sister's been stuck in a hospital ward, this week. She's been having a series of ops to sort out things, and still has a couple of weeks of outpatient treatments to do.
Poor thing.

Me and Mum have been ok so far. Had an Amazon grocery delivery last week, and our "the one person on the street we dare to ask because everyone else seems to have been ordered to isolate too" neighbour has done some additional shopping for us.

How's yous all?

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Thu, 02 Apr 2020, 12:41
Work has been seriously busy this week - and we still have NO PPE or tests to see if we or our patients have or have had the Covid-19 virus.

I'm even more knackered than normal! Other than that, all is good.
Thu, 02 Apr 2020, 12:52
*distant ascii hugs*
Thu, 02 Apr 2020, 22:31
The processionary caterpillar plague situation is about to start here in the Netherlands. I went to the graveyard with my mother in the forrest and I have had a itch on my hand for a few days. Seems the caterpillars are early.

I kind of am worried about the situation in the United States. Following the news. A few hundred thousand deaths are projected there! Over here they might not have enough ic staff if things get worse.

I wrote 2 songs in 2 days so I am keeping busy. I have also pulled a muscle so have not been doing sports for a couple of days.
Thu, 09 Apr 2020, 08:56
Another week rushes by.
How's everyone?

I've been having manic sneezing fits, but am putting that down to all the lawn mowing that's been going on through the week. I swear, you'd think we lived surrounded by giant acres of fields, given all the lawn mowing going on in our street, this week.
People have seen a day's sunshine, and all gone so crazy for the outside world, that they're happy to stand there for 3 hours, lawn mower buzzing away, just to get out!!

Me and Mum are doing fine.
Sis has finished Chemo, and now has only a week or so of radiotherapy to go. She's happy that she hasn't lost all of her hair!

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Thu, 09 Apr 2020, 15:09
Apart from the usual fatigue that I get, and a bit of hay feaver, I seem to be fine.

Please pass on my big man hugs and best wishes to Maggie, for being such a super brave girl.
Thu, 09 Apr 2020, 15:53
Things are OK here right now. Let's hope they stay that way!

Probably tempting fate now, but my family's hayfever isn't as bad this year. I don't get it too bad, but my wife and son generally do.
Thu, 09 Apr 2020, 16:54
@Steve : Done

@Rockford : Yeah, other than this week's "Lawn Mower Extreme" events, I've been much less sneezy than usual. Which is probably for the best, because every time I sneeze, there's a whole 6 minutes of my day gone, scrubbing up

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Wed, 15 Apr 2020, 17:05
Weekly Check-in
How is everyone?

Sister had her last Radiotherapy session today.
They've said that there's a 97% chance that the cancer has gone, but won't be doing another scan for 3 months to give it ample time to show anything, if there's anything to show. Hopefully not..

Me and Mum are coping well enough, but Mum's starting to do that restless pottering-about, and trying to find little things to do to keep herself occupied.
Molly's taken to sleeping in my sock drawer. *shrugs* Meaning I have to leave my "The big drawer under the bed" open, in case I accidentally lock her in there.

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Wed, 15 Apr 2020, 17:47
I'm OK this end, I've got the Cockatiels to keep me amused.

Good to know you and your mum and PussPuss are coping well, and that Maggie has given cancer a good kicking.
Wed, 15 Apr 2020, 23:24
Glad your sister is doing well, Jay.

I'm just bored.

Life is on pause. "Teaching" online.

Have to wear a mask to the grocery store now.

Working my way through the Dune series in preparation for the movie.

My Twitter
Thu, 16 Apr 2020, 01:04
I've got a couple of weeks off from work now (and boy, do I need it - work has been absolutel fucking manic recently). I was supposed to be travelling to a lovely cottage in North Wales tomorrow, but shit happened and that was obviously cancelled...

Still, it means I can relax at home and maybe catch up on a few things
Thu, 16 Apr 2020, 02:59
Awesome timing for time off. Bet you bloody well need it.

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