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Socoder -> Hardware and Technology -> Jay Gets a Macbook

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Thu, 17 Dec 2020, 13:15
My brain has been trained by years of "Flower = Photos"

I am CONSTANTLY clicking the wrong one of these two icons.

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Thu, 24 Dec 2020, 04:47
Squiggly Circles + Q to Quit an app is FAR too close to Squiggly Circles + W to close a tab...

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Thu, 24 Dec 2020, 06:01
Wait until you want to run multiple instances of something. Painful is an understatement.
Thu, 24 Dec 2020, 07:13
Been there, tried that! Trying to get two copies of FileZilla to run (one set to copy all, always.. for a complete server backup.. the other just to do a minor background task) was.. um..
.. yeah..!

I opened up the Windows Remote system, that day!

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Sun, 27 Dec 2020, 07:45
Gah! What is with Apple using damn-near identical shortcuts for drastically different things?!

I keep trying to open the Javascript Console in Safari (Broken Pipe + Squiggly Circles + I ) , but am often accidentally leaving out Broken Pipe..
Squiggly Circles + I, instead (inexplicably) creates an email with a link to the current webpage..

What part of the letter I suggests "Send this link as an email"?
Unless they count I as " 'I' would like to send this link as an email, please?"

Fuxake, Apple..

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Mon, 28 Dec 2020, 03:05
A flower. Of course, the ideal icon for a TEXT editor.....

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 28 Dec 2020, 10:24
Moaning about Apple - I'd happily join in, but it took over an hour to sign into my Windows laptop today due to M$ updating W10 and FUCKING EVERYTHING UP!!!

I'm fizzing I tell you! Get home from work, want to check emails etc. etc. etc. and FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!! The desktop is a lovely new screenie. That can mean only one thing. A fucking update! Grrrrrrrrr. Get your filthy paws off my machine M$!
Mon, 28 Dec 2020, 10:58
Mon, 28 Dec 2020, 12:28
Got totally fed up with double clicking an MP3, and having Apple Music spend the next 3 hours figuring out if it had other versions of the tune, whether the tune was part of my library, where to add the tune to my library, and whether or not it should play the tune in the first place.


I just want to double-click an MP3 and have it insta-play! What's wrong with that!?!?

Solution : Foobar2000 - Freshly updated with an M1 edition, which is nice.
Now I can double click on the Crap From the Past - 4 hour 2020 lookback episode, and not have Apple Music crap its pants!

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Tue, 29 Dec 2020, 06:56
Optimising my backups..

I've now removed my "JNK Software" folder from my daily backup.

It's been an active folder on my systems since about 2002, and even houses older stuff, dating back to my '97-'99 College days.
But, I haven't actually coded anything in it for the past couple of years.
Since 2018, everything I've coded has been done in the Browsercade/Shoebox/Foldapuz folders, and they're all inside the Server folder backup, not the JNK Software backup.

Times, they are a-changing..

So, I figured it was probably time to let the folder become an Archived one, and stop the daily backup which scans over 120,000 files, totalling nearly 40Gb!!
Farewell, JNK Software.
It's been a fun adventure.


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Sat, 16 Jan 2021, 17:33
Here's something...
If you open the Recycle Bin, and hit Squiggly Circles+A, then Squiggly Circles+Delete, it does NOT do what Windows does..
Windows would permanently erase all the files from the bin.


Gawd, that's been baffling the fuck out of me for weeks. "Why do my deleted files keep randomly re-appearing!?"

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Mon, 18 Jan 2021, 02:54
I hate it when I am in the windows explorer and accidentally move a folder inside another folder. This while I was just moving across the touchpad with no intent on pressing anything. Usually I have no idea which folder I did that with.
But I discovered the undo feature fixes this.
Mon, 18 Jan 2021, 09:39
I hate it when I am in the windows explorer and accidentally move a folder inside another folder. This while I was just moving across the touchpad with no intent on pressing anything. Usually I have no idea which folder I did that with.

This caused a major panic in my work office once upon a long time ago. A member of staff thought they'd deleted and lost a whole folder full of work. I came in a few days later and found the "deleted" content by doing a simple search for a document that was included in the "deleted" folder. Found the document in the folder, in the folder. Problem solved.
Mon, 18 Jan 2021, 10:33
That kind of thing happens a ton if I leave "touch/tap" enabled on trackpads.
God, I can't stand that..
Thankfully, MacBooks let you disable it. .. because that was a BIG worry, before I got it!

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Mon, 18 Jan 2021, 11:26
As I've said before, I ALWAYS disable my trackpad and use a mouse.
Mon, 18 Jan 2021, 11:51
Trackpads are totally fine as long as you can click physically.
The Macbook's trackpad has a satisfying click to it, and even a "force click" if you push a little further. (It's odd, and takes a little getting used to, but it works really well.) Uses.. If I Force-click a word in this text entry box, it comes up with a dictionary definition. .. That's the only use I've found, so far!!

What was most surprising is how the trackpad manages "a click finger and a drag finger".
On my Windows trackpads, I always ensured there was a physical mouse-button to hold whilst dragging, but on the Mac there are no physical buttons..
However, if you "act" like the physical buttons are still there, you can indeed hold your "left mouse button" down, on the bottom left, then drag with another finger.
Again, Thank munkies that works, because.. Oh boy, that would've been a learning curve!!

The "right mouse button" area is still a little too far to the right, though, and I keep mis-clicking the none-existent left button, by mistake.
.. meh..

Updated my list of SmileBASIC games, today, going through all the games, one by one, updating the number of downloads they'd had.
Lots of number data-entry style typing, and .. .. Man, that made me miss having a numpad... SO MUCH!!

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Mon, 18 Jan 2021, 12:22
The main reason I disable my trackpad is generally not because of poor accuracy (the one I have now is superb and does exactly what I need it to), but jut that most of the time, while typing, I hover above the trackpad with my palms and it reads my movements and turns them into actions - things like change web-page, jump to the top of text etc. etc. All annoying shit like that!

But also, because I type on my lap (yep, really!) and it means I have to move my arms back into an unnatural position to use the pad. A mouse on my armchair is much more ergonomic.
Mon, 18 Jan 2021, 12:33
Really? I tend to sit cross-legged, with the laptop resting between my knees!! Comfort? Sure. Back-bending? Definitely! But.. I've never had an issue with swiping a finger across the touchpad.

... I do, however, occasionally get mis-clicks, when I reach over for my drink, and my big fat-bastard gut arches over the front of the laptop..

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Mon, 18 Jan 2021, 14:02
I really doubt if you're as fat as me though Jay.
Mon, 18 Jan 2021, 14:12
Fat enough to click!!
Tue, 19 Jan 2021, 12:13
Tip of the day : Shift and Winkey (Broken Pipe) and Volume buttons = change the volume at smaller increments.
Without it, I have the option of 0 = mute, 1 = loud enough, 2 = too loud for a migraine. With this, I can easily go to 1.5, and that's much better.

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Wed, 20 Jan 2021, 04:57
Installed Steam, yesterday.
Not a single one of my library is runnable on the Mac, either because .. it's not Windows! .. or because the games haven't been updated to be M1 compatible.
Not one.
Half Life 1/2, Portal 1/2, nada.
Bah, humbug..
Uninstalled Steam.

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Wed, 20 Jan 2021, 05:54
And people wonder why nobody plays games on Macs
Wed, 20 Jan 2021, 06:38
How is the Hardisk space going? My old laptop with 128gb ssd was giving messages that space was running out early on.
Wed, 20 Jan 2021, 06:48
I definitely wouldn't have gone with 128, knowing how clusterf*kd OSes can be.
I opted for 256, and I'm glad that I did.
I'm hovering around 95Gb free, but keep in mind that's with the OS, the software I've installed, and also all my gamedev backups, alongside the entirety of everything that's on the server (Socoder/AGameAWeek/Browsercade/Shoebox/Foldapuz/etc)

I think that's a nice steady amount of space.
From here on, unless I find ginormous games to install, it should pretty much stay around that figure.

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Wed, 20 Jan 2021, 07:57
I do not know how ssd's manage their cycles but I know it should have a good space free at all times to function correctly. It can only use a particular storage cell for a number of times before end of life. I think I would not go with a 256 myself even with the insane price of the 512 gb.
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