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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Pet Pics

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Fri, 21 Jan 2022, 11:31
SoCoder has fans -
Fri, 21 Jan 2022, 11:31
*gives them both a little nose-stroke*
Fri, 21 Jan 2022, 14:27
Fri, 21 Jan 2022, 16:24
They are right buggers whenever I'm on the lappy. They like to lay above the main CPU as it gets toasty! They press all the keys and trying to watch a video is impossible - the volume goes up and down, the screen gets lighter and darker, the speed of the video (when not pause/unpaused 50,000 times in a second) is sped up and slowed down. They just love it!

Grrrrrrrrr!!! But they are gorgeous!
Fri, 21 Jan 2022, 20:16
Fri, 21 Jan 2022, 22:15
Adorable!!!! Give them both hugs for me. Please?
Fri, 21 Jan 2022, 22:48
They should be our new beta testers. If whatever game is on the screen can capture their attention, then you know you have it right!

For my kindle fire, I had a couple of games for our cats. You had to lay it flat on the floor, but one game was a fish swimming in a pond and when they whacked it another fish would appear moving faster, then if they whacked it, two fish would appear moving slower, then when those were whacked, two moving faster, then three slower, etc. Some did not care about it, but several over the years loved it and when you would open the drawer where the Fire was, they would hear the drawer and come running.
Sat, 22 Jan 2022, 01:07
For Nibbs & Mittens:

Sat, 22 Jan 2022, 02:12
@Brice - Yep, the house is theirs now. They rule over EVERYTHING!!!!
Sat, 22 Jan 2022, 02:22
Have you woken up to find the pusses clinging to the top of the curtains yet?
Sat, 22 Jan 2022, 03:06
Not yet. Ask me same time, next week!
Tue, 25 Jan 2022, 12:26
Aaaawhwhwhw i love themmm
Tue, 25 Jan 2022, 12:42
They are well loved at the radio station, too, by staff, listeners and chatters alike.
Tue, 25 Jan 2022, 13:04

Thu, 03 Feb 2022, 04:16
Time for a well earned rest - for us!

I can finally catch up with something on the lappy without a kitten jumping all over it!
Thu, 03 Feb 2022, 04:19

Wed, 23 Feb 2022, 18:51
I totally forgot to post this pic a few weeks back (just found it now, while looking for something else) -

Womble being cuddled by Mittens as Izzi just ignores her. This is a totall ynatural photo - Mittens huggles up with the dogs regularly.

BTW that back wall is now scratched to bits!
Wed, 23 Feb 2022, 19:09
Aww, so cute!
As for the wall, they say lemony smells keep cats away. But I can't think of anything that wouldn't ruin the paper, anyway!

Maybe get some of Dabz' PVA and give the whole wall a nice sheen!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 23 Feb 2022, 19:55
It's too late to save them tbh. They've scratched the wallpaper right off in places. It needed to be re-done anyway, so we're not that bothered.
Wed, 23 Mar 2022, 03:39
How are the kitties doing?
Wed, 23 Mar 2022, 04:34
They're young cats now - they're definitely not kittens. They've both developed lovely personalities and get on really well with the dogs. Mittens is a cuddly cat. Nibbs likes to be near us but not cuddled unless it's on her terms. Both will seek out human warmth when they're tired (or my lappy, when not). They fight like cat and cat, but only playfighting - getting them ready for adulthood. They ee and hear EVERYTHING. The smallest thing dropped brings them running.

They've been chipped and had all their jabs. They're getting done at the beginning of April. They can see the outside world and really want to be part of it; that's not happening until after they've been done though - can't have kittens having kittens!

Mittens still loves cuddi]ling upto the my laptop when I'm using it. It's impossible to work (or watch vids etc.) with her around - remove her from the lappy warmth and she just comes back!

Nibbs watches the hoover with interest; Mittens runs and hides from it.

They plot together to get through open doors - one diverts you from the other. Eyes in the back of my head would be a blessing!
Wed, 23 Mar 2022, 04:42
Good to hear they're getting along with you. Cuddles are great

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 05 May 2022, 16:21
Here's a completely unstaged pic that I managed to grab. I left the room for a minute and the dog AND kitten (Nibbs) cuddled up on my chair!! Cheeky buggers!

Thu, 05 May 2022, 17:34

They love you... .. and/or the warmth of your chair

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 06 May 2022, 00:00
Loads 'a' fluff!
Fri, 06 May 2022, 00:52
Awwwww, though, typical dog v cat picture...

Dog: I love you dad, soooooo much, I just wanna cuddle, play and go whereever you go!

Cat: Do you know dad, one day... I'm gonna kill and eat you... One day!

It's all in the eyes!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
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