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Socoder -> JSE -> Will have to make something with JSE

Mon, 09 May 2022, 07:05

Will have to make something with JSE

I'm finishing on a Vic 20 game right now but in between I fancy having a go with JSE. I've been trying out several of the examples and often play your games that you post.

Can I ask :-

- On the projects page I see disks A to F. Are these my own project area disks that only I see and I'm not going to cause problems if I start deleting some things from Disk A? I assume I am seeing all the programs I have opened and edited?

- Should https://gotojse.com/ go away in the future is there anyway to preserve and run any of the programs I make independently? Eg: is there a runtime package I can bundle my JSE code with to play anywhere? Or better, is it possible to install an editor version so it would be possible to keep on building JSE stuff?

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Mon, 09 May 2022, 07:21
If you click the disk on a project, it "moves" it to a different disk.
Think of these more like tags. You can put all your experimental stuff into F, complete games into E, unfinished stuff in D, or whatever, so you can easily access them again later.
I could've done a proper filesystem with folders and the like, but my lazy GUI-hating self shouted at me for even considering it.

"Moving" a project won't impact anything at all, it's only what's saved in your browser, and you can use the A-F's however you'd like.

The pink JSE disk and black 3" Games disks will always be there. If you open a project from either of those, it becomes one of your projects on disk A. You can delete them from there, and they'll still be available from the last two disks.
.. But any changes you've made will be lost.. Because you deleted "your" version.

I haven't made a "compiled" edition. It's Javascript, and as easy as it "should" be to use something like Cordova to handle it, it didn't "feel" right once I did. Like there was extra slowdown, and touch-inputs weren't right.. Things like that.
I keep trying different packagers. After all, it'd be nice to have Shoebox and Browsercade in the AppStore, but .. again.. nothing ever seems to handle everything perfectly. There's always one or two bugbears that bugger things up!!

I should, however, work on some kind of external, offline "player" standalone edition. That'd definitely be better, especially if you wanted to upload the end result to your own server.
I'll have a fiddle, and see what I can come up with.

Note : DO .. DO Do Do please use the export button often. A couple of times after a MacOS update, Safari's lost all my projects, and thank fuck I had the exported code to load back in.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 09 May 2022, 09:17
Work on "Player" functionality has been started, and is kinda working, but is also doing things behind my back, such as "How the heck is that saving highscores if it isn't saving the project? And where's it saving them!?! I bet that's causing a problem, somewhere!!"


But it should be workable.

Player - Playing NeonPlat's Festive Trees

Sound Quirk : Sound won't start on most browsers until you've clicked the screen first.
On GotoJSE, there's tons of places to click, so the chances of you starting a game without having clicked first is fairly minimal. But if I'm doing a player, I'll need to account for that.
Maybe a "Click to start" like Browsercade.com has.

Controller Quirk : I need to automate the onscreen controls, somehow, but without them popping up on a game that can actually use mouse/touch properly..

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 09 May 2022, 11:33
That's really neat! And thanks fo the explanation.

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Tue, 10 May 2022, 05:21
OK, I think it's all functional.

Player Test
Player .zip!

Should work if you upload it to your own server. Just change the code in the MyGames/xxx.js script, and bob's your JSE game!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 10 May 2022, 06:34
So how does this work? I code something in gotojse, and then copy the code into the file in the zip,above?
Tue, 10 May 2022, 06:39

The readme..

> Reveal 🔎

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 10 May 2022, 07:24
Superb. I will try it out. As well as multiline it can also be used for string interpolation in the latest standards.

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Wed, 11 May 2022, 04:20
Testing the viability of uploading to the two big indie-game sites.

1. GameJolt : Seems to run just fine! \o/yeay\o/
2. itch.io : Also seems fine.. Ominous big blank space in the middle of the game's description page, though!!

In each case, you need to rename player.html to index.html, but other than that, once you've got it working, just zip it up and pop it onto the sites.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 12 May 2022, 07:48
Gawd, that took some effort..

Right, if you refresh GotoJSE.com, you should now see a new "Save and download" icon, next to the save icon at the top.
Click that, and it should (*should!) build and download a zip file, containing the Player functionality and your code already bundled up.

It doesn't rejig any of the favicons or anything like that. I was hoping to get "first symbol = favicon" working, but.. Bloody 'ell, that was hard enough getting that much to work!!!

I might make it "better" in the future, but for now it does the important stuff!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 12 May 2022, 08:06
Nice one !