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Socoder -> Concept/Design -> Five Words - Thoughts

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Fri, 02 Dec 2022, 03:59
I didn't like the American "LABOR" yesterday...
Fri, 02 Dec 2022, 04:03
I don't mind the Americanisms, but having two of today's words be proper nouns.... No, I'm not having that.
Scrabble rules, no nouns..

.. Gawd, you know what that means, don't you.
I'm going to have to dig through 100,000 word lists again.

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Fri, 02 Dec 2022, 04:17
Oh yeah, and 3:13.. Mostly because I was avoiding using those proper nouns..

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Fri, 02 Dec 2022, 07:33
Fixed up the dictionary a bit. Bad words will have to be plucked out as they're found, now, I reckon, 'cos every "scan my list for bad words" thing that I've found has stopped finding new bad words!!!

Except Black.. Lots of those are saying I should remove Black, and Brown, too..
None have mentioned White, though, so.. .. Does that make those tools MORE racist?!!

The Share button is back to saying [Share] again. It still doesn't share, though. It doesn't do anything.
I should work on that.
The main reason I can't yet share is because the share button would only point to the script, not to a particular game in the script.
I need to figure out how to get the URL to point to a particular game. I'll probably swipe this from how SpikeDislike does it, because that's entirely in-script and seems to work well enough.


But wait, there's a new game, too!!!!

Hop into the hamburger menu, and you'll find Wordoku.
The point of this game is to move all the letters around so that each group contains all the letters of the word, but also each row contains all the letters and each column also contains each letter, too!

That is, today's word is "PROVE", and every row, column and group should all contain the letters for the word PROVE.
To PROVE this is possible, here's the spoiler image.
> Reveal 🔎

But do try to solve it yourself, first, and let me know how you got on with it.
It's quite a tricky one, to begin with.

Same URL

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Fri, 02 Dec 2022, 08:15
OK, and there's the Share button working, now, too.

And the quick URLs work, too.

Five Words
and the About page, too, if you like that sort of thing!

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Tue, 06 Dec 2022, 05:58
Two New Games!

1. Lattice.. Because, of course Lattice!
2. Borders.. Making good use of those 5x5 grid layouts I've pregenerated, group the faces into clusters of five, so that each face appears once in each group.

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Wed, 07 Dec 2022, 02:40
One New Game. (Only one?! Awww...)

Star Battle.. Place one star in each group, but also ensure it doesn't clash horizontally, vertically or diagonally, with any other stars.

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Thu, 08 Dec 2022, 10:48
One New Game.

Campsite, the classic logic puzzle of trees and tents.
Place one tent beside each tree, so that the row/column totals tot up.
The angry campers will be upset of the tents are too close, though.
Fussy buggers..

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Sun, 11 Dec 2022, 06:16
Two more puzzles.. Well, technically it's one, because it's the exact same game with a "Harder=1" parameter!!

Scrollbox - Slide the letters up and down to try and find the five 5-letter horizontal words.

Scrollbox 2 - Slide the letters in any direction to try and find the five 5-letter horizontal words.
I've made this slightly easier by colour-co-ordinating each of the words, but holy frickin' shit, is this FAR harder than it has any right to be.

Let me know if you manage to complete Scrollbox 2!

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Mon, 12 Dec 2022, 08:08
Just a small update, today. I've added a permanent Retry button to the top right of the main GUI, next to the Colour Switcher.
Retry doesn't reset the timer, though!!

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Thu, 15 Dec 2022, 07:52
New Game Added

Three crossed words. Several tiles. Fill it in.

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Thu, 15 Dec 2022, 09:17
I managed to complete todays Scrollbox puzzle in 26s.
Can you beat my time?

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Thu, 15 Dec 2022, 10:09
Has anyone managed to beat Scrollbox 2 yet? It "should" be doable in an average of 12 moves.. scarily difficult!

(12 seconds on Scrollbox)

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Fri, 16 Dec 2022, 15:08
Took WAY too long to accomplish today's addition. Not a game, but the hamburger menu now scrolls up and down.

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Fri, 16 Dec 2022, 15:59
Looks good the game but it does not work for me.
i just get sounds from the letters.
Is this still the beta?

Fri, 16 Dec 2022, 16:05
You get sounds?

(Realisation : dna's playing the Shoebox edition that I linked to at the start of this project.)

Try this version. (I'll go update that early post.)

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Sat, 17 Dec 2022, 18:55
Today's (yesterday's but took too long!) puzzle..


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Thu, 22 Dec 2022, 01:02
Five words bug....

For some reason after completeing todays puzzle, every time I clicked on the screen, my time changed, first it was counting down when I clicked, then it was counting up. At one point is said I had completed the puzzel in -7 seconds.

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Thu, 22 Dec 2022, 01:05
How bizarre!!
I'll look into it.
Thu, 22 Dec 2022, 03:11
Refresh for a .. hopeful .. fix.
I've rewritten how the "Complete" locks itself, and it should help.
Though your score for today will still be wonky as all hell!

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Thu, 22 Dec 2022, 15:15
New Game. (About damn time, Jay, I thought you were doing one a day over Advent? What happened there? Lazy Jay.. Tut tut)

Yarrrr... Treasure!!!
Can you uncover all five gems?
Slide the blocks around and try your best.
(Blocks will slide in any direction.)

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Fri, 23 Dec 2022, 01:49
Here's a five words thought.... Six words! Or even Seven words! They could be different difficulty levels 👍

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Fri, 23 Dec 2022, 02:47
The engine currently only contains a five-letter-word wordlist, but alongside all the semi-generated layouts, the big script is almost 200kb.
If I add 6x6 and 7x7, I'd need 6 letter words and 7 letter words, and then all the new layouts, too.
Soon adds up!!

The Five-Words, and Wordoku layouts are pre-generated because I couldn't find a good way to generate them fast enough in-engine. Especially on slower devices. Instead I used a php script to pre-generate a bunch, then bundled all the possible layouts as strings.
They each contain values for word/letter placements, but are then additionally filled in using random word selections on the day, and alongside flip+mirror+rotate, there's oodles of possibilities.
Even still, having 1200+ strings of 5x5.. .. yeah, gets big!


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Fri, 23 Dec 2022, 11:16
Would it help to remove flipped layouts? Could possibly could quarter the size?

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 23 Dec 2022, 12:12
No it does that internally, they're already not there

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Sat, 24 Dec 2022, 10:14
A work colleague of mine managed to do this...

|edit| Not actually a bug, for a second it looked like the brown letters were a word. |edit|

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