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Socoder -> Question of the Day -> QOTD - September 2023

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Mon, 18 Sep 2023, 01:31

Question of the Day : September 18th

What are the biggest challenges of developing games for older hardware?
Mon, 18 Sep 2023, 01:36
Remembering how to get your old devkit set up.
Mon, 18 Sep 2023, 03:23
forgetting how to do simple code that I've done a million times (not limited to older hardware), typos like putting C code into a BASIC program or BASIC into a C program, again not limited to older hardware.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 18 Sep 2023, 06:16
Assembly Language and Memory Mapping
Tue, 19 Sep 2023, 01:23

Question of the Day : September 19th

Which of your family members annoys you the most and why?
Tue, 19 Sep 2023, 02:14
Does 'me' count?
Tue, 19 Sep 2023, 11:25
definition of "annoying" not found.
Wed, 20 Sep 2023, 04:09

Question of the Day : September 20th

What's the worst bug you ever wrote?
Wed, 20 Sep 2023, 06:18
I can't say specifically, but I quite often spend days (literally) chasing 'bugs' that end up being typos.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 20 Sep 2023, 06:51
Most of my "BAD" bugs are when I get things stuck in endless loops.
I do that a LOT...
Watching the MacAir's CPU temperature skyrocket is a daily adventure!

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Thu, 21 Sep 2023, 02:06

Question of the Day : September 21st

If you had to go back in time with Marty McFly in Back to the Future, what year would you visit and what would you do there?
Thu, 21 Sep 2023, 02:30
I'd go back to 1993 and release my version of SpikeDislike on the Amiga, then come back to an epic bank account of at least £5.

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Thu, 21 Sep 2023, 03:35
It's more the prepwork I'd do beforehand in order to win a few lotteries, etc, etc.

But I'd deffo go back to when Amazon first entered the market and invest heavily in them for sure!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 21 Sep 2023, 03:42
"A few lotteries"?!!
How much do you need!?!

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Thu, 21 Sep 2023, 03:58
Maybe go back about 10 years and buy £10 worth of bitcoin...

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Thu, 21 Sep 2023, 04:28
I mean, if you could, then why not? Enough to enable me to be able to live a better and easier life as well as my kids, other family members and close friends would be amazing to be able to do! Making it so they could live out their dreams , start up their own businesses would be really cool

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 21 Sep 2023, 04:49
I admire that.
Kids are the most important thing.
They say "You need to learn the value of money.." and how you shouldn't just throw money at your kids.
But fuck it.. If I had that when I was a kid, I'd probably be a billionaire by now.

Stuck in a single-parent household taught me to be extremely frugal, and to manage my money wisely. It didn't teach me "Hey, why not just have a fuckton of money!?!"

I'd like that other lesson now, please!!

If I did win BIiiIiiIiIG, then..
1. Server, set something up that would last a bazillion years, and pay for decades worth of domains whilst I'm at it, so I just plain don't have to do that any more.

2. Fix up the bungalow completely, all new windows/doors/roof, maybe a nice conservatory out the back, that kind of thing.*

3. Huge amount to my sister. Good grief, she's had it rough these past few years. The cancer shit, the house-ownership shit.. Kinda feels like she's constantly being kicked into the dirt. She deserves properly treated.

4. Uncle Dave. Uncle Dave looks after Aunt Marty, who's disabled, so anything sent to him will be shared well between them. Maybe get them a nice bungalow, too.
.. But... one each.. As much as they do care for each other, I'm not sure either one could put up with living with the other!!

5. Uncle Jimmy. Uncle Jimmy deserves a break. He went self-employed a couple of years ago, and he really hasn't had any kind of time-off since.. He works hard, and he does a fantastic job, but.. Damn, he needs a break.

Anything more than that will likely be sprinkled throughout the family, and then also some kind of goodies thrown to everyone else here,
too, because ... really, I haven't done much of that at all. And I probably should.

* If we finally have the bungalow by then.. good lord, it's taking so long..

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Thu, 21 Sep 2023, 05:04
Yeah, can relate, I also would like to own my own house / flat / shed at some point.

Just gotta keep on waiting on the stocks.... probably until £0 by the looks of things recently, oh well, teaches me for having aspirations I guess, although I have found what may turn into a regular gig writing lovely product articles, depends on whether or not this company likes my style or not.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 22 Sep 2023, 01:40

Question of the Day : September 22nd

What are some techniques you use to generate new and unique ideas?
Fri, 22 Sep 2023, 01:51
I boil all the random thoughts inside a bag of brain-goo until they're ready to be served.

> Reveal 🔎

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Sat, 23 Sep 2023, 01:36

Question of the Day : September 23rd

Do you know any funny pick-up lines?
Sun, 24 Sep 2023, 01:16

Question of the Day : September 24th

What is the most unusual or memorable dream you have ever had?
Sun, 24 Sep 2023, 10:12
There was that time I fell asleep with my eyes open. You brain does crazy things when that happens. I was 100% certain that the clothes hanging on my exercise bike was a goblin, it just stood there, staring at me. Freaked me the hell out, didn't wake me up though, Helen did that because I was breathing funny and whimpering (in my dream though I was screaming the house down).

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Sun, 24 Sep 2023, 11:16
Mine's one of those "yeah, right..." things.

Munchie had recently passed away, and in my dream, he sat staring at me, in the weirdest fucking way.
No matter which way I turned, he was there, staring right at me.
Woke up, with the words "look after mum" in my head.
Freaked me the hell out, so went and checked. Mum and sister were coming up the stairs.
"Are you ok, Mum?"
.. "yes..!"
And I forgot all about it, until later that day.

Sept 11th 2001

> Reveal 🔎

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Sun, 24 Sep 2023, 13:10
Dreamt of an event that happened in the future.
Sun, 24 Sep 2023, 13:23
Deja vu!
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