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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 08 February 2007
Edited : 04 September 2013

SNOW - and igloos

No school today...

So Shroom_monks already posted but we had great day...

At the end of the day the untouched bits of lawn were covered with over 2 inches of snow!

We started and completely finished an igloo type thing and are going to extend it tomorrow, as school is closed tomorrow.

-- Pics removed, no longer hosted --

Oh well. Today on 10/2/07 its got warmer and the roof of the igloo caved in and most of the snow melted. If it snows again, I'll make another!



Thursday, 08 February 2007, 11:23
Our half term is next week, so it's as if we had a longer half term, and Andrew told me that his form get to miss a Maths test and a french test.

Yay snow!!
Me and Andrew made a small house in my back garden(big enough to fit a human in though) but Andrew's phone ran out of battery, so we took a few pics on a 35mm camera. But that needs to be processed, then the photos scanned.
Thursday, 08 February 2007, 14:46
I still have no snow
Thursday, 08 February 2007, 15:34
power mousey
hey Proff,

is that you in the fourth and seventh pictures?
Where, in the fourth picture, you are bending and crounching over on the side??
Whoever it is....they look cool.

How can you guys thrive in the snow? ugh!!! and brrrrr!!!
I'd be inside and trying to keep warm,warm, and more warm.
I'd rather be in Death Valley or in Joshua Tree during the day.
Just you all snow people wait. I'll take some pics of Santa Teresa,San Jose and of Santa Cruz beach during the summer.

exceptional pictures taken....Mad Proff.

power mousey
Thursday, 08 February 2007, 16:40
Yey I have snow
Friday, 09 February 2007, 03:52
I'm jumping on the bandwagon too - Swansea is expecting 6 inches of snow by this afternoon, which is the highest in my lifetime. The last time we had more than two inches of snow, I was being born.

It's snowing right now, and heavily too. It's just about started to collect properly on the grass, so now it can get going. I didn't go to school because I had a stomach ache, and I was cold, and didn't want to be snowed inside school on a Friday! Plus, walking home for three miles might kill me

They'll probably send everyone home right now anyway, while the busses can still run. My mum has gone to Bath (the city) for the day and might not be able to get home, but she can probably have a relaxing weekend away from my sister then.

Any snow yet for you, Jayenkai?
Friday, 09 February 2007, 04:23
Looks like someone sprinkled a flour sifter over the fence. That's it.

Friday, 09 February 2007, 04:24

Maybe you'll get some overnight?
Friday, 09 February 2007, 08:40
power mousey
well hey,

its raining here in San Jose and all over the Bay Area.
At least it won't be that cold. Its 56 degrees right now. yay!!! And its still morning.
Just a few more degrees...please. Please at least 4 to 5 degrees more, Mother nature.
Sunday, 11 February 2007, 14:58

Has it melted yet, my sisters snowman died today, we found the carrot i hid underneath it


Where do you live, if i'm not being to rude, and do you follow any sports?
Monday, 12 February 2007, 03:29
power mousey
hi Pieman

no, you're not being rude at all.

I live in San Jose. Which is in Northerrn California.
Its a city which is close by both San Francisco and also Gilroy too.

I really don't follow any sports. Although, I'm into lifting weights, some walking, a few martial arts, and especially isometrics and dancing as well. DDR
I also like to hike and climb from time to time.

power mousey
Monday, 12 February 2007, 04:18
Cool, my sister would probably be friends with you, your into DDR so im asuming you also like Manga and all that sort of thing

There is still a tiny pile of of snow in my front garden WOOOOOOOOOOO
Monday, 12 February 2007, 04:38
power mousey
I like to incorporate or add/merge freestyle dance forms
such as :

waltz like ballet styles.
tap dancing...especially Laurel and Hardy tap dance shuffles.
techno dance styles used in DDR and other formats.
tai chi and other martial exercises used in both ballet and even tap dancing too.
also, I use some isometric type and calistenic aerobics in free-style dancing too.

hey, Pieman, there is this one song that the Easgles sing and its my favorite song of theirs. The song is called 'One of These Nights'.
hey, when I listen to it and get going..I like to dance to it. I do a Laurel and Hardy tap dancing and eventually go into a Indian rain dance. And with some Indian Flying Eagle spins too.

power mousey
Monday, 12 February 2007, 06:12
There is a pathetic amount of snow left in my garden. It was at one point a magnificent snow wall with an archway in it, but it died. Luckily i have some photos. Someday, I wil reveal them to the world.
But now it is half term and i need to sleep and ignore my IT GCSE shortcourse work for another week.