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SoCoder -> Link Home -> PC/Tech News

Created : 18 January 2009

Belkin wants your reviews!!

Mr Belkin wants to pay you to post 100% reviews on sites.
tsk, tsk, Mr Belkin!!



Sunday, 18 January 2009, 08:21
Well Mechanical Turk needn't look my way for an employee. I'm not going to do all that hard work for chicken feed, just to make some Turk into a millionaire !
Sunday, 18 January 2009, 09:53
Evil Roy Ferguso
My Belkin router is absolutely terrible. It's hot enough to cook an egg on, frequently disconnects until I reset it, and is probably slowly giving me cancer -- I can't say for sure, because the "included hazardous materials" slip was written in Chinese. My opinion of Belkin was already pretty low -- this obviously does not improve it.

5/5 stars!
Sunday, 18 January 2009, 21:27
What a stupid, fat headed git. Bad way to encourage good reviews... screw 65c.
Monday, 19 January 2009, 01:33
The Official Response

Loosely translates as "Oh, shit, they caught us on!"
Monday, 19 January 2009, 07:20
I had an immense urge of voting.

Seriously though, I have a Belkin router which works properly. Had I known about this before I bought it though, I would have gotten something else. I wouldn't like to have my money be spent on people like him.