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Socoder -> Off Topic -> 3D Sonic game in Dev

Tue, 05 Dec 2006, 07:25
Oooooh.. Pretty!
Well, aside from the strangely reflective eyes!

You can read about the progress of the game here, as well as seeing plenty of older shots.
Great looking game.
I just hope it plays as well as it looks!

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Tue, 05 Dec 2006, 13:04
I hope the animation is as good as the graphics. In the Dreamcast games, Sonic ran kind of awkward with those skinny legs.

My Twitter
Tue, 05 Dec 2006, 13:24
im to lazy to look at the links, but is this indepent? the reason i ask is becasue you seem excited about the fact that its 3D?

Stuff... Yeah...
Tue, 05 Dec 2006, 14:09
You're too lazy to look at the links? That's an all new level of laziness.

Well, I'm too lazy to tell you that it is an independent fan game...which it is by the way.

My Twitter
Tue, 05 Dec 2006, 14:52
oh, ok, cool. looks pretty good for indepent!
Tue, 05 Dec 2006, 17:36
power mousey

ahhhh Blanko,

hey...new Zelda game too.

Zelda and Link: Levels of Lazinesss.
everbody is lazy, more or less, most of the time.


Wed, 06 Dec 2006, 02:22
I got the impression it's independent. It looks kinda nice, and although it would be pretty hard to do a game worse then the official 3d Sonic games (Sonic 3d included, Sonic Jam excluded), I'm not getting my hopes up.

I do love the Sonic levels on Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 though (especially in the 2nd), it was just the non-Sonic levels that ruined them (again, especially in the 2nd).
Wed, 06 Dec 2006, 05:42
I think we can all agree that SA1 is pretty much the high point of 3D Sonic. SA2's forcing of non-Sonic levels made it all kinda crappy, and then Heroes went and killed everything else. Including the player, over and over and over, for no real reason.

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Wed, 06 Dec 2006, 05:50
Jayenkai I think we can all agree that SA1 is pretty much the high point of 3D Sonic. SA2's forcing of non-Sonic levels made it all kinda crappy, and then Heroes went and killed everything else. Including the player, over and over and over, for no real reason.

I'd agree to that.