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Socoder -> RIP Threads -> RIP : Margaret Thatcher

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 06:12
(Linkage) I thought this was a joke at first
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 06:12
Celebrate by drinking milk!!!!
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 06:19
Celebrate by going on the piss with David Cameron and then bung him down the hole with her.
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 06:37
Bit of a taxing subject this is but let's not keep it private.
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 06:47
Something I don't get, she must have been popular at once point, or at least best of a bad bunch, because someone voted her in more than once! Wasn't me I was 10 in 1990 when John Major turned up.

I neither hate or like her
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 06:51
I niether like or hate her either but she did inadvertently start the ball rolling that would eventually fuck-up The UK.
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 07:02
I'm a bit too young to know about that, but 'new' Labour did a good job with their "claim as many benefits as you can!" schemes, now the government is upset that people are draining the social funds. Damn you government, it's easy to fix. It should be impossible for anyone on any unemployment benefit (other benefits don't irritate me much, other than child benefit, I don't think you should get a penny after your second kid, but people who want benefits, when there only reason it just plain not having a job, it should be legally impossible for them to gain more than the equivalent of 30 hours at minimum wage.

Dammit, it's gone political again.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 07:44
Celebrate by burning coal!
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 08:16
Oh yeah, you are right spinal, New Labour fucked-up a lot of stuff too, just like many fucked-up before them, so much for standing on the shoulders of giants.
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 08:31
I'm eating cake right now, what a pleasant coincidence!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 08:33
If I had a flagpole, I would have celebrated by raising my communist flag!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 10:07
Three cheers, and a raised glass, to toast the passing away of Britain's first and only female Prime Minister.

Everybody hated her, but she was still loved by all.
It's one of life's great mysteries!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 11:03
Wonder how the remaining family must be feeling, knowing that fact... it'll be interesting to see if she'll get a state funeral.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 11:25
South Wales is having a great big party.
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 12:20

I niether like or hate her either but she did inadvertently start the ball rolling that would eventually fuck-up The UK.

I'm from a strong mining background, members of my family spent their entire lives in a hole in the ground, I also come from a region (North-East) that was probably hit the hardest when it came to some of her policies at the time.

With that, you'll be surprised to hear that I'm very much pro-thatcher, she literally dragged what was the black dusty region I call home to the modern place I know now...

It was painful, I remember it as a kid, you cannot shut down entire industries and expect it not to be... But, that pain eventually subsided and now in the place of coal heaps are parks, golf courses, rivers you can actually swim in without ending up stinking of oil, international companies who've invested in the region and provide thousands of jobs...

She give the North-East enterprise, took away power from unions that thought it was still the 1920's, and dont be fooled when miners say they were hard done by at the end, they got a good pay off, and a lovely pension to boot... My grandad retired when he was 55, yep, he enjoyed 30 years of retirement before he passed away a few years ago.

If you look around the North-East now, most ex-pit villages are thriving, the village I was born in called Langley Park is all hustle and bustle, it's quadrupled in size since the pit closed, with another 440 houses planned as we speak, the old railway line from the pit is now used as a walkway and cuts right up the valley and if your a nature buff, it's glorious!

Okay, some ex-pit villages never made it (Ones that the likes of the BBC are focusing on... Obviously not ones that have done well because that wouldnt be cricket), but these villages just refused to adapt to the change, Easington Colliery is one of them (This is where Billy Elliot is from in the film), the place is an absolute shit hole, highest unemployment rate in the North-East I think, lots of drug taking and drinking problems, Benefitsville...

They still constantly whinge Maggy killed them off, to this day... Their position in the North East is what can be classed as prime, they have great access to the A19, their next to the sea, lovely surrounding country side... If they cannot make anything of that, well, that's quite literally noones fault but their own.

She had a vision of a modern Britain, she delivered it in my opinion, she actually set the stone for what was called a "Rolls Royce" economy before New Labour decided to unleash their nanny state project, if she was still in charge, I'm under no illusion that I'd still be retiring at 65 instead of working till I drop down dead, and finally, she wouldnt of let bankers wreck the UK's economy, thus, undo'ing all the work and reopening wounds from when she was leader, she wouldnt of wished that on her worst enemies, and lets face it... She has a few!

We could really really do with another one like her at the minute... Someone with balls to put it all on the line and just do what they believe in without taking shit from anyone!


P.S Group hug \o/

Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 12:55
I was with you right up until you used the phrase "wouldn't of"...
Now I hate you!!!

HAVE, damnit! HAVE!!!!!!!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 15:40
Yeah she did a lot of good, I'm not disputing that but the Poll-Tax was rotten to the core. *Remembers the "Fuck The Poll Tax!" slogans on loads of T-Shirts and mugs.*
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 16:06
Come to think of it, if we had a PM that had her attitude and could create jobs, that would be Britain saved.
Mon, 08 Apr 2013, 23:46

HAVE, damnit! HAVE!!!!!!!!

Ooops... I was on a roll... Speaking with my fingers does that to me!

Yeah she did a lot of good, I'm not disputing that but the Poll-Tax was rotten to the core.

Yeah, that was ultimately, her downfall, and a step too far, the poll tax wasnt a new thing, this "head" tax has been around for hundreds of years in some form around the world, but for the UK, she tried to re-introduce it at the wrong time, though, like any government, they just buried and respawned it with a different face, which became council tax, a tax on your property instead... And I'm not fan of council tax at the minute!

Come to think of it, if we had a PM that had her attitude and could create jobs, that would be Britain saved.

She would, she stood up for Britain, hence the soviets nicknaming her the Iron Lady, she didnt trust Europe believing at the time France and Germany were looking to implement a 2 tier EU with them at the helm of the top tier (Mmmmmm), and she bloody told them that too!

I also loved it when she was shown the new British Airways tail fin artwork, where they changed them from the Union Jack to global artwork, they did look bloody awful, and she showed her disgust by throwing a snot rag over a scale model of one! Brill!!!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Tue, 09 Apr 2013, 06:14
*only a Frenchman would come up with that*

I chortled when I heard she said that
Tue, 09 Apr 2013, 17:28
She was a great woman that brought Britain's economy back from the brink.

Tue, 09 Apr 2013, 19:40
Front page of Swansea's local paper today:

blog | work | code | more code
Tue, 09 Apr 2013, 22:12
She must have done something wrong.
Wed, 10 Apr 2013, 00:16

She must have done something wrong.

In their eyes, yes... All day yesterday the Durham Miners Association leader was on the news, banging on how she destroyed swathes of communities, left miners with nothing... Which is mostly, bollocks... I wish I had the prospect of a miners pension when I retire.. Tell ya!

And it just shows these old union ways are still there, a couple of ex-union members were on the radio stating they are glad she is dead... I mean, come on... If you were a rational person, you wouldnt really wish death on anyone.

But these union people (In the past, and nowadays) live on a different planet, I really dislike how councils are run, because it's sheer waste, and tied to unions, so, the government are really stuck in terms of sorting it out.. I dislike how sodding baggage handlers and air stewardess have the power to cripple my holiday by striking because someone in another industry doesnt appreciate the 1% pay rise on their already 30 grand a year for just mostly sitting on their arse pushing a lever forwards and backward.

Unions arent needed, most of the stuff they were set up for are now implemented in law, such as the minimum wage, H&S and employee rights.

If it was me, I'd outlaw all unions, bar the emergency services (Granted, the police dont have a union, but they still have the Federation), because these need looking after, they work very long hours already, most in these services dont actually get paid enough too... Everyone else, if they dont like it, then they should do something else!

DABZ FOR PM!!!! \o/


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Wed, 10 Apr 2013, 01:04
I dislike how sodding baggage handlers and air stewardess have the power to cripple my holiday by striking because someone in another industry doesnt appreciate the 1% pay rise on their already 30 grand a year for just mostly sitting on their arse pushing a lever forwards and backward.

Then I say, in words Maggie could have chosen herself, "good riddance to you Mr. Dabz!"
The right to strike, even for others than yourself, is much more important than any one persons holiday.
And that shows by these persons willingness to strike for others than themselves - it isn't like going on a strike is like taking a holiday!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
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