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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Need More Memory

Sat, 27 Dec 2014, 21:58
You need more than 64GB? 128GB? What are those memory cards up to nowadays? I mean, yeah my brother has a 15TB music collection, but he doesn't actually listen to it so much as hoard it.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sun, 28 Dec 2014, 02:01
Yeah, nowadays companies are relying on the user having a gigantic memory card or two at their disposal.
Luckily, SD and Mini/Micro SDs have become the defacto standard, and are used all over the place. It's no longer the chaotic mess of the mid 90s, with sixty two different card formats, all desperately trying to gain mass market appeal. Nowadays, it's just Sony trying to do that bollocks.
... And Apple saying "memory card? Fuck off!!"

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Sun, 28 Dec 2014, 05:39
Helen replaced her iPod classic as soon as she heard that they were ending production. Her old ones hdd was failing, so she donated it to me, I replaced the hdd with a adapter set which switched from the hdd to CF to SD, stuck a 64gb SD card into it and its working just fine now. Although its is weirdly light now, but it works nice and fast, no searching time or anything. No doubt when SD card prices drop a bit more in the future, I might upgrade it a little, but I don't think I'd need to

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Sun, 28 Dec 2014, 09:19
Well, maybe now that Apple has abandoned that niche someone else will nose in. The closest thing I could find currently was a $600 SONY Walkman.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sun, 28 Dec 2014, 09:41
Yup, not sure why they removed upgradability to MacMini. A bit daft, if you ask me.
.. But then, iOS devices have never been upgradable, and that's never hurt it.
As long as the el'cheapo MacMini is enough to boot XCode, compile an iOS game, and submit it to the AppStore, then that's good enough for first-time devs. Hell, my 2010 MacMini's still perfectly capable, and that had shit specs to begin with.

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 28 Dec 2014, 09:48
you can still upgrade the ram easily in mac minis at least. boosted mine from 2 to 8 gig and noticed a massive change

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 29 Dec 2014, 11:50
I liked my old iPod Classic but to be honest as soon as I got a cheap smartphone with Spotify on it, it became obsolete.

These days why even bother faffing around ripping or downloading music and copying it onto your iPod when you can just stream it instantly?

Demand for them must have really fallen.

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