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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Toys'r'Us Files for Bankruptcy

Tue, 19 Sep 2017, 02:50
RIP : A Magical Place Linkage

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 19 Sep 2017, 02:50
It's only the US ones - for now. But having been in Toys R Us several times you have to wonder how they stay in business. Always seems very overpriced and there's always a lot of stuff on the shelves that looks damaged.
Wed, 20 Sep 2017, 09:06
Yeah, it won't be long before they all fold - they really are a piss poor place to go nowadays. You can grab everything off the net and have it delivered quicker and cheaper than spending time lost in one of their sheds, looking for stuff they probably haven't even got.
Wed, 20 Sep 2017, 10:08
Every time I go in there's always some scratty gyppo family in there, with their in-bred offspring whizzing up and down the aisles on fecking skateboards.
Fri, 01 Dec 2017, 15:18
It begins....

25 UK stores (out of 106 total) to close https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-42204182
Fri, 01 Dec 2017, 16:18
Heard this on the radio earlier. It was inevitable. They'll all go at some point.
Fri, 01 Dec 2017, 17:22
It's not a closing shop bankruptcy, it's just a restructuring bankruptcy. At least in the US it is. Hasbro and Mattel won't let them go out of business, they make too much money selling exclusive through them.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Fri, 01 Dec 2017, 23:35
I'm surprised they lasted that long, what with one stop online stores like Amazon, and supermarkets... You can see the change in stores around our way... Firstly, Durham City Argos moved it's store into the Sainsburys at a little retail park near me. Pets at home have moved into Tesco over the other side of Durham City... Go Outdoors is apparently going to camp out with B&Q sometime soon as well at Durham City retail park. There's definitely shuffling afoot, and it makes sense to do that IMO!

Regarding the retail park I was on about earlier, this has expanded quite a bit in recent years, and they are still going as well, Next have built a big store on the site, relocating literally 150 yards from their smaller one. M&S have whacked up a big'un too, Nike have come in... I think the only thing that isnt doing well out of all the new things on the site is Frankie and Bennys, but the problem is, there is literally 100% better local restaurants kicking around my way, and I genuinely think people prefer to go to their local ones, as we all know... Big commercial/celeb chef based restaurants are, well, shite!

So in my opinion, companies like T'R'U will struggle, as they havent been reactive enough when changes are required, some companies retreat a little and dig in, some turn a blind eye and think everything will be alright. Doesnt work like that, life doesnt work like that... You lose hours at work, get laid off or a bill comes through the door... What do you do... You dig in till it passes!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 02 Dec 2017, 12:35
I think T'R'U will always lose when they treat their customers like criminals by default. I remember going to one a decade or so ago, and was told I had to hand my bag in before I was allowed to go inside. So I turned around, walked out and brought my Xbox from somewhere else.
Tue, 19 Dec 2017, 09:36

It's the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end.
Tue, 19 Dec 2017, 09:46
"We need to ensure their futures, by making sure they all have a pension.. Fire them all, immediately!!"

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 19 Dec 2017, 10:19
"Plug the gap or we'll kill you" - how is that going to actually help anyone? I'm pretty sure that most people would rather have a job now than have no job and no pension.
Tue, 19 Dec 2017, 12:36
how is that going to actually help anyone? I'm pretty sure that most people would rather have a job now than have no job and no pension.

I am guessing that it's a case of less damage overall. If they went bust having spent all the pensions money, then it is me and you picking up the tab with a taxpayer bailout. Similar happened with BHS - the guy draw 500 million, sold the company and funnily enough, a year or 2 later - there was a massive pension deficit. (I think the government are chasing after him, as that was a blatant piss take)

But yeah, kinda shitty for the workers - but it means the tax payer wont be bailing out an underfunded pension.
Tue, 19 Dec 2017, 13:09
But with a job, people can save for the future (with or without a pension). Without the job they'd have no job AND no pension. And the taxpayer will contribute to their unemployment benefit.

BHS pension pot was not topped up by the government/taxpayer. They didn't bail out the steelworks or other large companies (except the banks...) recently either. TRU won't be bailed out either. The workers can't rely on something for the future that may not exist.

There is no "less damage" scenario. People are going to be pissed and definitely short changed, but they might at least still have a job (for now). The only ones that benefit are the ones that creamed off the pensions and the accountants.
Tue, 19 Dec 2017, 14:22
Without the job they'd have no job AND no pension. And the taxpayer will contribute to their unemployment benefit.

They would get another job in no time, our strong economy driven by our strong and stable government is making sure of that. And if there is a job shortage, that wont be for long as we encourage more companies to bring jobs here (and trickle their wealth down) by throwing out all of those onerous regulations imposed by the EU, like the working time directive, health and safety (pfft) and the human rights act.

Dunno what they are worrying about, it's gonna be great!
Wed, 20 Dec 2017, 01:04
They would get another job in no time, our strong economy driven by our strong and stable government is making sure of that.

Yeah. LOL.