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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Loading $0000000009A

Mon, 08 Oct 2018, 12:52
Forza 6 needs an update...it may take a while... 6 GBytes of update, bit different from my old Speccy 48K

Happy coding!
Mon, 08 Oct 2018, 12:52
Except the actual update is 8Gbytes, whats a measly extra couple of GBytes anyways?

Happy coding!
Mon, 08 Oct 2018, 13:08
Absolutely ludicrous.
I can understand a fresh install needing that, but an update?
The thing'd better be adding Forza 7!!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 08 Oct 2018, 14:49
By comparison, just pushed out an update to a touchscreen ebay product scroller for work today, preparing for an event on...thursaday...eep!

Containing all the product data, images, thumbnails, descriptions, etc it came in at 2.78GB! To be fair it is well over 15k products mind.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 08 Oct 2018, 15:00

Hope you had a good upload speed!
Tue, 09 Oct 2018, 00:54
It was more the download speed XD

But yeh, we're on crazy internets at work, shame my work compys hard drive is pretty much 100% dead.

Thankfully we've got online backups and a handy dandy SSD which we're setting up today, laptops are nightmares for data transfer it appears!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 10 Oct 2018, 13:23
2.78GB, not a small slice of data.
Wed, 10 Oct 2018, 17:20
No, quite a lot, the real trick is making that much data load efficiently from the disk and unload in unity without noticable disk access delays. You obviously can't just bung everything in there in a giant blob but stagger loads and unloads based upon user interactions.

It was pretty odd to get working, tends to be the way things are at work currently, I was asked to change a system to allow it to sell .01 of a product as opposed to just integers. I wasn't happy about that!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!