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Socoder -> Nintendo Gaming -> SmileBASIC4/Petit Switch

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Wed, 29 May 2019, 16:07

Poor Rockford
Thu, 30 May 2019, 08:25
Flappadiddle's coming along nicely!

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Sat, 01 Jun 2019, 14:20
Flappadiddle's now available.

I think I need to rework a couple of bits of my PetitFramework, though. Like, it's definitely lacking a Game Over screen!!
Highscore saving would be handy, too, but by default the thing goes "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO SAVE THIS?" any time I use it.. Grrrr!!!

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Sat, 01 Jun 2019, 14:33
I noticed a article stating the Nintendo Switch had a Huge price drop. Clicked and discovered it was only 30E cheaper for a limited time.

Can you play the smilebasic games without the main program itself?
Sat, 01 Jun 2019, 17:04
Nope, 'Fraid not.
Sun, 02 Jun 2019, 06:06
Flappadiddle seems to be popular within the Japanese community.
Getting compliments on my funny looking, cute bird!!

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Sun, 02 Jun 2019, 07:37
Sun, 02 Jun 2019, 13:40

The default pixel-sprite editor for PetitSwitch
Scroll around the left-side (full spritesheet) with the left thumbstick, draw in the right hand "zoomed" view (you can zoom in further) with touchscreen or mouse.
Controls for colours, but the palette doesn't save. .. Booo!
Plenty of twiddly knobs and buttons, barely any of which I have the faintest idea what they're doing.
A to plot, B to pick colour.. .. Except..
The dpad doesn't move the cursor.. In fact, NOTHING moves the cursor.
Instead, you're stick with Mouse Control to do everything.
Not even copy+paste!?!

Drawing outside of the boundary of the zoomed in region (eg, mis-clicking the dodgy palette boxes) will randomly splodge a pixel in any area outside of that region.
You have limited zoom options, but at no point can you zoom directly into a single sprite.. It's always slightly too large, or slightly too small, and 1 single sprite never quite fits into the editor's viewport.
Scrolling also occurs based on the size of that viewport, so trying to edit one sprite, then move to the next, is damn near impossible.
Also, seriously, no thick gridlines at 16 to help guide you to drawing within the sprite limits!?!

Really, all kinds of messy, and ..

Not gonna be happy using that.

So, um.. You can probably guess what I spent most of today doing.

> Reveal 🔎

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Sun, 02 Jun 2019, 14:23
Are sprites limited to 16x16pxels? I can't remember the limitations of PetitComputer, but I remember stitching some together to make a larger image.
Sun, 02 Jun 2019, 16:28
Nah, you can have huge sprites. You can set U,V coords and width,height, too.
You can "probably" set simple spritesheet sizes, but I haven't found a command for that, yet
But, 16s more than enough for me!

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Thu, 06 Jun 2019, 16:43
Space Popcorn is now on PetitSwitch!
Wasn't the trickiest game to make, but I did manage to get the frame rate to chug when trying to collide 100 bullets against 1000 "rocks"
Ended up scaling it back to 25 bullets vs 250 rocks.

Key : 4XYV34J

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Thu, 13 Jun 2019, 16:57

Mmm.. Classic Blockman Gets!!!

How many more classic JNK games can I rehash for Petit Switch?!

... god knows I have a big enough back catalogue!

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Fri, 14 Jun 2019, 06:29
Flapadiddle on everything!
Fri, 14 Jun 2019, 07:55
It's flappin' everywhere!!
Thu, 04 Jul 2019, 16:03

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This week's release is "Not Pong", the classic game that isn't Pong.

Whilst coding the finishing touches to this one, tonight, I realised it wasn't saving to the Not Pong folder, and was instead overwriting my Sprite Editor..

So that pissed me off!!!

I'd saved about 50-odd times, as I have a tendency to do whilst coding, so no number of @Backup.prg were enough to bring back my Sprite editor.
I am SO pissed off, but it's entirely my own fault. I should've been reading the "Are you sure you want to save Folder/Main.prg" screen instead of blindly hitting "Yeah! Go! Do it! Woot!!!"


Backup, people, even on Switch!!

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Thu, 04 Jul 2019, 18:21
Cool (the game, not overwriting stuff!)
Thu, 04 Jul 2019, 20:57
A couple of days ago I tried to convince myself(again) to get to the store here and get a switch. Though now I am eying a 1660ti laptop for 3d development.

Thing is, I buy things and spend to little time with them. I bought my korg kronos in januari and barely used it yet. It was the most exensive toy I ever bought.
Thu, 11 Jul 2019, 15:18

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I'm definitely building up a nice "Favourites" collection, here.
Kinda bummed that I now have to rewrite them all ... again.. for the Browsercade!!!

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Thu, 18 Jul 2019, 15:02

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Another week, another AGameAWeek Classic, although this one's been significantly downgraded due to time limitations.

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Thu, 25 Jul 2019, 13:04

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Clusters of Hex!
I think this actually plays better than the original. It certainly feels more playable, anyway.

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Thu, 25 Jul 2019, 13:45
Have you done one like these before ?


To hot to do any coding or gaming here this week.
Thu, 25 Jul 2019, 15:19
It's a bit slow, that, for me. There's not enough peril.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I love a nice gentle puzzle, but when I'm aiming for a slow-thinker, there usually has to be more to think about than simple moves.

If it's simple colour matching, then add a timer or something that might otherwise make the player lose the game if they don't act fast.

For a slower pace.. I'm not sure..
Perhaps if you had a limited number of Returns, then it might work..
You'd have to build up a combination of tiles on the paddle, then return them all to one spot and earn a combo as they all slot into place..
Have unlimited Grab, but a limit of about 5 Returns, then see if you can remove X number of blocks to move on to the next level..

Yeah, that might work..

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Thu, 01 Aug 2019, 12:49

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Bouncy time with the Three French Hens!

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Thu, 08 Aug 2019, 15:33

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All these games, but nothing original, yet..

I've a nice big archive to get through, though!!

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Sat, 10 Aug 2019, 14:35


Has there been any word about EU release of petit computer yet?


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Thu, 15 Aug 2019, 14:54

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My Little Rescue Helicopter!

No spoilers, but there's a time limit!
Hurry up and rescue as many people as you can.

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