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Socoder -> Film + TV -> Movie Picks 2021

Fri, 19 Feb 2021, 16:06

Movie Picks 2021

Just watched the movie Greenland on Amazon Prime. Very much Deep Impact-alike, so if you enjoyed that, you'll probably enjoy this one, too.

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Sat, 20 Feb 2021, 03:30
We watched it a few days ago, was ok, could have done with ending a little sooner without showing the aftermath.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 20 Feb 2021, 10:07
I watched it a few weeks ago. It's OK. Nout special.
Sat, 20 Feb 2021, 13:25
So... what is good, then?
I'm not really a movie last night really couldn't find anything on the YouTubes, so instead plonked for a film.. how out of character!!

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Sat, 20 Feb 2021, 15:25
TBH most recent films have been meh to me, although tbf I haven't really watched many this last year - Covid means I'm working longer and harder and as a consequence I've had less time and am too exhausted. I still haven't watched Bill & Ted

The two recent-ish films I would highly recommend though are Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle and its sequel. The whole family really enjoyed them. They really are great reboots of the classic original. Even if you didn't like the original, give these a shot, they are very different.

As for anything else... erm...
Sat, 20 Feb 2021, 15:42
You watched Greenland, but not Bill&Ted???!?????!????????!??

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Sat, 20 Feb 2021, 18:39
My wife wanted to watch it. I offered Bill & Ted...
Sun, 21 Feb 2021, 03:20
B&T's a great film, btw.
Sun, 21 Feb 2021, 04:51
I'm really looking forward to watchin it. Just need time and some matchsticks for my eyes...
Sun, 21 Feb 2021, 06:55
I found a old family friendly movie(2005) on netflix that kind of is a nice watch. It is a Jumanji like movie about a board game that takes 2 brothers and a sister into space. I find it strange that I missed it as I kind of like movies like this.

"Zathura: A Space Adventure"