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QOTD - July 2024

25th July 2024

Basic on the Commodore 64.
By typing the Sourcecode from the Manual.
Ok TBF i did play more than typing, programming came later.
At the very beginning, the first typings were ... more by trial and error ...
and we had the plain c64 without any savi*snip*


QOTD - July 2024

18th July 2024

A remake/conversion of an Amiga game called ''Swibble Dibble''.
Got the levels converted and sprites ... started writing the code then stopped.
walking and jumping worked, but there were small bugs ... if i remember right.
Now i'm waiting f*snip*


Happy Birthday, Pio

17th July 2024

Happy Birthday !


QOTD - July 2024

15th July 2024

A Game can be called ''A Project''. Have you ever written a game or a tool which you play or use often ?


QOTD - July 2024

5th July 2024

Well, as the physical media started to Grow, and the place to keep it started to grow-less ... the logical solution was to get the games downloaded ...


QOTD - June 2024

30th June 2024

i would choose Garfiield


Happy Birthday, Dan

28th June 2024

Thanks !


Blitz3D v1.113

6th June 2024

sounds great !


SpikeDislike Highscores

31st May 2024

Congrats !
(hmm looks like i've missed the yesterdays game ...)


QOTD - May 2024

25th May 2024

Probably Superman.


JSE Text Bug

24th May 2024

Today i was trying to write a quick example game for someone when i found another bug:
Graphics 512,512,1
for x=0 to 3
Print a$


QOTD - May 2024

19th May 2024

I would explore the Pyramids.


Infinite Craft

18th May 2024

Here is something to play around: (Linkage)


Audacity AI

14th May 2024

Haven't tried the song generation, but vocal removal worked.


Piper TTS

13th May 2024

Piper is ''A fast, local neural text to speech system''
You can test the voices online, here: (Linkage)
Download it from here: (Linkage)
and my batch script which you can use as a say command from the windows cmd, here : (Linkage)
(the batch fi*snip*


QOTD - May 2024

13th May 2024

Pong as a platformer game. Pongbat and ball running across the level


QOTD - May 2024

11th May 2024

[quote]What is the most nostalgic video game console or handheld device from your childhood and why?[/quote]
I remember as a child getting someone's watch and playing the beepy music (it had few different tunes) until the battery was empty.


QOTD - May 2024

9th May 2024

I haven't encountered many bugs in games.
But i remember playing Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis on my amiga 500 (original diskettes) ...
There was a cut scene where indy walked out to change the outfit and never came back !
And doh, the last*snip*


VidGen 2

3rd May 2024

Sorry i do not use firefox ...
On this page: (Linkage)
they have a runable snippet which displays the available mime types.
Maybe it can help ?


Happy Birthday, BASIC

3rd May 2024

Happy Birthday !


VidGen 2

30th April 2024

Yes it does now.
FFmpeg is able to convert it to avi or mp4 ... its all good !


VidGen 2

30th April 2024

Does the old version capture work..?
Yes, it saves in the .webm format !


VidGen 2

29th April 2024

Somehow the capture button does not work.
I have tried an older, sandboxed Chrome version and on my android phone ...
This is on windows (SrWare iron) and it's console log output:
Requesting file [object File]
vidgen2.html:564 Loaded musi*snip*


VidGen 2

27th April 2024

Can you make an option for the mountains in ''the synth road'' to be filled, with different colors for each row ?
It would make a nice parallax effect.
And btw: They kinda remind me of Captain Blood (the amiga/c64 game)...


JSE Transpiler?

25th April 2024

I have tried to think of a solution to this ... from a non goto programming style ...
No wonder some people call it sphagetti code ... if you're used to program in a gotoless language.
I guess it could be done if you make, out of each section to whi*snip*

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